
It says its pronoun is ’it’. Would you hire ’it’ after seeing this video? I pray whatever ’it’ did to itself is reversible. It is one thing to make yourself look genderless, its another to put it out on the media with an accompanying sour disturbed message about being a ’doll’ and being ’built different’. I don’t think this person is ever going to be able to earn a living wage. So sad.

Oh, yeah. The "New" Bitchute is slamming people with 2 commercials every time you want to watch a video. We need to spread the word to content creators at Bitchute to come to and post here. We’ll get more financial support if we do.

Bye-bye ShitChute ! See, you can’t even say that anywhere else in the world. Appreciate 153 while you got it.

I think the mindset of many is why should I donate, when I can go to Bitchute or YouTube and watch content for free, but they already censor comments and content, and now the writing is on the wall and it’s just a matter of time before all content they disagree with is banned outright. To think that Biden or Trump or a governor can control what you say now, and what you eventually think is mind boggling, what ever happened to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution? they don’t exist anymore!, Only on 153News can you post say and think what is contrary to what World Government wants you to believe, please help keep this content alive, or be a complying Sheeple Robot groveling at the feet of your masters.

This also brings to mind the deliberate sinking of the Titanic...Had the Titanic not sank, the bankers of notoriety on that greap ship may very well have stopped the creation of the Federal Reserve...

These explosive drones rely on relatively close proximity and could be easily neutralized with a low-cost shotgun. The preponderance of these videos doesn’t add up. I’m suspicious.

I have two videos that appear to be in upload "limbo" on BitChute. They just won’t load. I also can’t log in to the "New" Bit Chute. It’s rather telling that Fetzer’s, and many others content, are uploading as usual. It’s ok to question 9/11 and the Kennedy shooting, it’s even ok to talk about the Jews recently, but don’t point out current, ongoing hypocrisy on hot button issues or make an effort to get people to think for themselves about the emperor’s new clothes. There lies, the NEW TABOO.rn I predict the link to the "old" Bit Chute, which allows sign in to the site, will fade away leaving all those controversial uploaders on the outside of their "NEW" Circus of acceptable viewing. By the way, I recall that voice at the beginning of this video, I used to hear him quite often, who is he? I can’t recall, Thanks.

deceiver trump, he needs hanging

shared thankyou

dont know why this appears but it does, just ignore - \r\n\r\n\r\nI can\’t

did it for the trump tards


bitchute yesterday fucked up the site -

bitchute yesterday fucked up the site - I can’t even log in on the new version so having to use the old version still. Bitchute went downhill immediately after the UK introduced the online harms Bill. It gives out SEVERE penalties to website owners who do not block content that has ’misinformation’ ’disinformation’ and hate speech etc. Since none of it has actually been legally defined, website owners just remove EVERYTHING that MAY be a breach. Many countries have now introduced online harm laws and now sites such as bitchute are virtually dead. I now struggle to find any videos that are worth watching. It’s depressing what our disgusting governments have done to OUR Internet just so they can stop information about their crimes and murders from spreading

While disgusting, I doubt that many (if any) will actually be drafted. The powers that shouldn’t be today have much better means of faking wars. Having too many real people who are not Satanists involved means more liability to them.

I have seen very few people actively seeking out a covid death jab booster over the last year. Thank to sites like 153 and word-of-mouth, the Satanists plans for a yearly jab have been largely foiled. Don’t think they have surrendered though. They will give the people time to forget (and they will), and then they will be right back at it with their next vaccine deception. Hopefully, people like us and sites like this will still be around to remind them about what happened last time.

In addition to being super toxic, they look more and more like shit the older you get. My friend’s cobra tattoo (age 20) now looks like a penis tattoo (age 45).

Exactly. If they can reveal the method to the people and the people still believe their lies, then their witchcraft has been a complete success.

Their throwing around of 33’s is comparable to a bunch of young boys giggling over smelling one another’s farts.

I can’t even get myself to watch it any longer even for research purposes.