
I’ve seen that one. Nasty movie but compelling to watch. Gerald Celente would most likely take offence, that the Jews are deflecting their spotlight onto Italians.

Ya that guy rocks , I watch/ listen to him alot.

They probably got the idea from watching American films like Goodfellas.

Just the words, used just for the words. As you may have guessed I do get quite facetious at times. Now that you mention it, I could have used Jimmy Swaggert or Jim and Tammy Baker! A lost opportunity.

Thanks Gary, very good presentation. Good idea to offer the methods, you out thunk me on that one. Damn, just when I thought I had it all figgered out. It happens to me all the time.

Sorry 153, that sleazy character can hardly be doing your appeal any favours . Reminds me of those awful TV slimeball evangelists .

Excellent response for the need to fund 153News.

we’re all in this together.

I meant to say some other members as well, already sent your video over to 153 Telegram for those that may not come directly to 153..... You’re da man.



You da man, thanks for the reminder.

You may have seen my wag at the doggie. Covering the whole story was way too much for me.rn

You can try to make these doubles not look senile all you want. The double that put his forehead on the Pope’s forehead embarrassed all of us forever. And of course, they NEVER clip the Don videos in half sentences to be taken out of

What a coincidence. I almost mentioned DTR but I figured no one here would understand. I was wrong, once again. Thanks for your comment.

Thanks, if some of the members could put up more shorts encouraging donations that might help garner more support as well. ..... THANKS

I think the nose ring adds a certain level of additional insanity that is not apparent with only the lavender hair and the lip spikes. If you want to make a statement....go all out. If I were it I’d go with the nose ring and get black face tattoos and maybe some fangs. First impressions are always the most important in a job interview.

IF we ALL do a little, we can do ALOT.

ok, will do.

Vote for me and I’ll end the “Great Replacement “. Then it’s “What Great Replacement?” No different than, “What Wall?”