
I foresaw the jab coming and managed to get a formal "can’t receive any vaccines" document about a month before employers began to require it so I was able to keep my job.

It’s all Freemason theatre.

It’s all Freemason/Jesuit theatre.

All video upload sites with content that disagrees with the official lies will eventually be eliminated in one way or another. Let’s try to keep 153 around as long as possible to give as many persons as possible a chance to awaken. Keeping this site alive is good karma.

It went over like a led zeppelin

I’ve often thought that this role wound be right for Jim Carrey to play I tried to introduce that possibility to my wife but she didn’t buy it Or it could be any ol Comedian from the Catskills playing an old fool for laughs every time he gets on stage It would be a great gig for some old comedy guy Shame he’ll never get the credit for the performance or he’ll end up like that Dustin Hoffman character in Wag The Dog

i think chaos is on the horizon The UN TROOPS needed to handle the coming TOTAL TURMOIL have most likely ALREADY arrived with the open borders not to mention all the other possibilities crazies and DESPERATE people who have been let in

Looks like God is putting the USA on the world stage so everyone can get a good laugh before he pulls the plug Of course He is using the Jews to do He uses the Devil and he uses this Zionist Army of GOG from the land of Magog to do it these Khazars and all the rest of the various jewish tribe from Persia Ethiopia Libya etc of Ezekiel 38 the psychopaths driving the world to hell on earth

The USA is on Gods chopping block

As far as the mechanical technology is portrayed in this video goes. I have in my possession, a twelve-volume machinery and mechanical encyclopedia printed in 1915. The content ranges from all the aspects and procedures of Machining to oxy-acetylene welding, with the fine details of manufacturing practice of the time, tool and die making, heat treating, almost everything. I am more than qualified after a long career in this very field of endeavor, to say that the ability of the folks involved at this time in history, has been severely downplayed, and it has to be on purpose. When I read these books and stood in awe of the photographs, my only response could possibly be, to bow in reverence to an intelligence that I was fortunate to have experienced firsthand, (the remnants of those very people), at the end of this era and then for only a few short years before it was gone forever. With this hindsight, it is very clear that having that many people, being that smart, cannot be allowed by certain people. Let’s not fall for the foolish assumption that there must have been some other reason for the technology portrayed in this video. Technology being there for some mysterious and unknown reason. It’s not mysterious, and it’s not unknown. Keep in mind, that any set of technical manuals produced in 1915 would require expertise accumulated, going far back into the 19 century and beyond.

I think they want Trump into "office" again to entice and make an excuse to create George Soros financed left-wing riots again. With the right wing then demanding that Trump would impose totalitarian restrictions and para-military police operations to "solve" the issue. It would also facilitate more support for Israel’s takeover of the Gaza marine gas fields, and general expansion of Israel into Greater Israel (Oded Yinon plan). And it will pacify the right wingers into complacency and contentment for 4 years, during witch they have time to further the police state agenda. It will also make the left wing seem more lunatic and dated, thus creating more right wing support, to balance the dividing sides of the future conflict. If you want long term conflict, you need to balance the two sides out. Otherwise you would have a winner to quickly. We see they scenario in Ukraine, were the war can continue, because Russia is making blunders and Ukraine gets artificially boosted and enhanced by NATO countries. Just to keep the theater of war going for as long as possible.

You may be right but I’ve heard the possibility the Biden gets selected in November, which will cause civil unrest like we’ve never seen before which could ultimately lead to the fall of government which has to happen for the great reset to fully get rolling.

Lucky you. I left early myself A perfect time in history to be cage free (to a greater extent than average) That explains all the time I have to try to make a difference. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go fishing instead, but I have grandkids whose future is allot cloudier than ours. Peace, and thanks.

Yes. It was the blue-eyed Biden last night.

There’s no doubt that TPTB created this debacle, deliberately. Since they run both sides, what is their intent - at this point in time, regarding the American Selection? For example, Macron has just called an election (cough, cough, coincidentally), knowing that it will cause chaos/mass unrest - so that he can invoke Article 13 of the constitution, giving him sole, autocratic power. And at the same time, we’ve got Richie Sunak doing the same thing in the UK - except we don’t have a constitution - and it’s just a handing over of the baton, whilst we are immobilised by nine months of darkness and rain.

Exactly, that’s why I said, right left paradigm Elephant and Donkey show.

Let’s not forget that this is not Joe Biden. It’s an actor wearing a Joe-Biden mask. This "debate" implosion is no doubt part of the plan to replace him on the ticket.

As always, this is likely a psyop. We know it’s rigged anyway. If they re-install Biden, the the right wing will lose their minds. If they re-install Trump, the left will lose their minds. It’s all about creating division and destabilizing the country.

Speaking as a former slave...I did ’get it’ earlier than most. I was afforded an opportunity to escape my cage 7 years earlier than the average. With no details, my ’leave now package’ and some planning bridged the gap so that I am back on track. Never look back. Peace.

This clown show hurts my brain.