
Where can I find the original source of this video?

You guys did the more right than...guy 2 weeks in a row.

Nasty, but necessary. To be nasty, or not to be nasty? The question remains, who is responsible for the nasty?

Thanks NOLA Butterfly….always fighting for clean skies and truth!

Get out of the Churches. Church comes from route word Churchie the Goddess of Witchcraft.You have been put under the God Spell. Come out from her my people. Cry out to our Creator Yahuah go thru his Son Yahusha The Whole World Followed After the Breast. The Man of Sin the Lawless one..

Scripture tells us They say they are Jews but are Not but are of the sinagog of Satan!

Thanks for carrying the torch of freedom

It’s the info war. That I think we are losing? I don’t think you win like that! An uprising is what Debra Travaho. Stop the Crime says they want! She says that they have weapons they just can’t wait to use.


Thanks for all your vids for IT!

His shows are few and far between, but really good stuff. Here is something else you may find interesting. this site is now defunct and increasingly rare.rn would suggest downloading this hour long talk and saving. Somebody doesn’t want this info out. I’d bet on it.


Didn’t they burn the place down after the looting? In any event, the looting in New York can only be temporary, unless Biden covers the stores losses. Just throw it in with student debt relief.

You take deliveries from the front door and move it out the back door, take a 200 dollar case a booze and sell it for 100, it’s all profit.

I couldn’t agree more.

Everything leads to the mark of the beast. The mark will stop kidnapping they’ll say. The mark will stop retail theft they’ll say. The mark will return everything back to normal they’ll say.

I don’t know. But I do see lefty’s big dream of everyone having identical possibilities, as the pipedream fallacy that it is. I doubt very much that the recent refugees turning to crime in the big cities is only because they can’t get jobs. What happened to all those jobs Americans won’t do? We’ll eventually figure it out.

Does this thing own a mirror? if so, you left off the horns and don’t forget to split your tongue.

Please explain this to me. They reduce the population to 500M. This is 500M people with little to no education and no skills besides labor. Are the middle class all replaced by AI? Who would do their bidding after they kill most of everyone’s family and friends? How is the new feudalism enforced? Is everyone moved to one continent? I just don’t get the ’day after’ scenario.