
You are not a doll, far from it. Butt ass ugly.

Most of us that are awake are not on edge, we know exactly what’s going on and it’s all orchestrated to eventually starve and cull humanity. Problem Reaction Solution.

Let me guess. Reindeer flatulence? The bird flu? Climate Change that’s it, orchestrated by the elites to starve humanity into submission. See Peggy Hall’s interview with Dane Wiggington from Geoengineering Watch....

Jim died in a tractor accident

Could’ve borrow a dime to keep the place afloat, all because he made Paulie the mob boss his partner, so he was hoping to collect insurance on the fire.


Thanks for the repost. The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping, it essentially would be a system of slavery, where through CONSUMPTION & ENTERTAINMENT the slaves would love their servitude. Aidous Huxley.

All those who speak out against the crimes of Israel have a short life span. RIP James Traficant.

Democracy is an illusion?Another way of putting it is as Plato said." Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty. The Constitutional Republic we were given no longer exists and is now an illusion. I despise all the all the bought and paid for talking heads in the media, but especially without equivocation those on FOX NEWS who masquerade themselves as the bastion of conservatism and truth.

James Traficant: a brave, patriotic man, far ahead of his time. Sometimes a voice among the great wilderness of unthinking people should be heeded, lest we all pay a heavy price later on. One of the best, timely and important compilations available anywhere. So much so, I had to pass it on. Thank you very much.

Long live 153News

The Federal Government The Supreme Court and Joe Biden are DISINFORMATION.

Yes, Mary Travers of Peter Paul and Mary. Some may wet their panties over the use of Iwo Jima but there’s a reason I did that. Sometimes it’s not for those who know the whole story. Allowances have to be made at times.

What a voice, if there were only ears to hear. Sounds from another time like no other and all our voices are being threatened to speak aloud and sing what needs to be sung. Please don’t forget 153News and what it stands for. Please don’t let our ability to speak freely be the last thing on your mind.

Where can I find the original source of this video?

You guys did the more right than...guy 2 weeks in a row.

Nasty, but necessary. To be nasty, or not to be nasty? The question remains, who is responsible for the nasty?

Thanks NOLA Butterfly….always fighting for clean skies and truth!

Get out of the Churches. Church comes from route word Churchie the Goddess of Witchcraft.You have been put under the God Spell. Come out from her my people. Cry out to our Creator Yahuah go thru his Son Yahusha The Whole World Followed After the Breast. The Man of Sin the Lawless one..

Scripture tells us They say they are Jews but are Not but are of the sinagog of Satan!