
Jew owned puppet with Jew funded propaganda ...

Thank you so much for all you do Gary , you are a true warrior !

Come on peeps! If we all do a little, we can do ALOT.

Well said. Thank you

My idiot brother will probably pleasure himself to this Trump video.

Bravo CooperJames4570! A shill like Lincoln, JFK and all the other huckster presidents/prime-ministers since the beginning of time!

I’ve seen a few go that way. They dismiss that subject out of hand, and we never hear their reasons or rebuttal. I wouldn’t have expected it of her. She seems to remain on good terms with Gemma O’Doherty, who was one of the first to get a FOIA request reply saying the SarsCov2 was not isolated.

I have no clue. I haven’t been on twitter in over 2 years.

I believe you are 100 percent correct. Shill. Nice Work Jamey!!

I believe I have seen the web’s on a couple different times and places!

Another soldier (without a uniform) dying for his country. We didn’t want this for you my friend. Thankyou.

Bill and Melinda Gates said the next one (ONES) will surely get our attention, and all those people already sickly from the magic potion will again flock to get the next life saving.injections from the criminals at the UN, The Who, and The WEF.

"She likes to have conversations." And yet she’s trying to prevent that very thing from happening.

Every promotionial video on YouTube and elsewhere is pushing this same narrative. If any of this was sincere it would have already happened, Trump had his chance and is not going to make America great again, he is a part of the division and deception taking place in America, the only way anything remotely like this is going to take place is if the population is drugged, and that may have already occurred. If Trump is a shepherd at all he’s the idle shepherd, Trump hugging the American Admiralty flag with that dufus grin on his face was about as much as I could take, he was chosen to be an Apprentice actor.

Yeah, I stopped scanning for jabbies when got five pops off a family of five with small children. that was back in jan of 21. a memory etched. They all gonna go here soon, and them kids, babies, they did nothing wrong but having gullible parents. Makes my heart ache.

Contrasting these disgusting, lying politicians and their political rhetoric, false promises and overwhelming love for Israel, to the harsh and unfortunate reality of the everyday lives of so many people, causes me to recall watching my Great Uncle Walter, born in the 19th century, as he took his miles long gravel road Sunday walk, to the church from our hillside farmhouse, every Sunday without fail. I can’t help but think that Walter’s final “destination” will be far more peaceful than the politicians in this video.rnI’ve heard that very same warning about people turning their backs on god, all my life.rnSome may argue that old Walter was mistaken, being in the “wrong” religion, but as with the widow:rnrnAnd He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all, for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty, put in all the livelihood that she had.”rn

The people look really sick. I knew 10 years ago the US was on its way out. Sad. Most of you brothers and sisters are from my homeland and are having to deal with this mess. It’s only gonna circle the drain and finally flush. When a country turns their backs on YHWH (God), well it appears He has abandoned her as requested.

Great video, very clear. What incredible criminals are running the USA !!

Whatever is killing the mice is not from the Pangolin but some stuff added to make the mice die. This idiot is bringing back all that nonsense about viruses. Probably he has nothing else better to do.

I’ve always liked the Judy Collins version. You may like the song in my "destination" video.