
Growing up as a baby boomer - born 1957, I only saw one person with cancer, and that was my heavy smoking grandfather. Now it’s like a plague and what has changed? I’ll tell you, -->Are you aware most Vaccines have NEVER been safety tested for Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis or Impairment of Fertility. Some also state not tested for teratogenic potential.rnrn#13. of vaccine inserts state, in the manufacturers’ own words, "(Vaccine name) has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic potential, or its potential to impair fertility."rnrnIt is telling you outright that you could get cancer, DNA mutation or unable to become pregnant. Teratogens may cause a birth defect in your child if the vaccine is exposed to the fetus.rnrnThe manufacturer and the doctor are immune from lawsuits in the case of harm or death caused by any vaccine administered to you or your family / child.

Jason, how do you recognise if a device is in ’receive mode’ ?

What are we looking for here Jason, wiggle WiFi to install? For us non techies can you write the instructions step by step? I have installed wiggle wardrive/ WiFi is that it where and what do I do from here?

Get a "diagnosis" from a "doctor" and watch your life fall apart.

Beyond brave heros who conducted their dance routines amidst a war zone and then lined up like angel’s of death to administer these experimental concoctions to men women and children who might have had a chance at the gift of life were it not for their stupidity as they followed the direction’s of Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, and the Father of the vaccine Donald Trump.

He isn’t gon-na break these chains around him...He ain’t gonna learn to fly again, won’t be long, won’t be long.....When Michael gets back on his feet again.....when he can finally walk down the street again.....

Flatulence causes blood clots they say..

Life as a cyborg has it’s drawbacks...

As much as the Covid vax probably causes massive cancers in of itself, the humans that now have a built in RF system that is running at all times is the cause of cancer. It’s like having 2 cell phones INSIDE of you broadcasting at all times. The vax will all die of massive cancers because they are now RF cess pools.

Sad....he actually went for it. It’s so many people who many of us thought were at least a bit intelligent are turning out to be outright idiots......!!!!!!!!!!!

Good job

What could it possibly be? It’s a mystery that will never be solved.

Their is a video of a gripe in France that already did the controlled experiment. Vax vs UN Vaxed the Vaxed had MAC addresses.

Don’t forget the third stand DNA.Their DNA has been changed. They are no longer considered Human!144000 62 thousand H Genes from the Mother and 62000 from their Father equals 144000. Genes. The bible says that they were Decieved. They loved not the Truth so Yahuah allowed them to believe the Lie. If you got the Vax and have been Altered. Repent cry out to Yahuah ask to be forgiven. What do you have to lose. 3and a half years after the Abomination that makes desolate until the return of the Mesiaha Yahusha. Not Jesus this is not a Hebrew name more the name of the Messiaha. 4th com and do not say his name is vain or that his name does not matter. Study the Bible for yourself. Get out of the 501c3 Churches. Follows his Solar luner calender . Keep new moon day and his Sabboths and a pointed feasts..

Anything but the FrankenVaxx.......

Yeah, um, and you are a retard.

This is not good news. I have family who got the shot. I guess they win the war without fireing a shot! The people simply lined up for their lethal injection. This is sad very very sad. So what’s next? Siber attack this year after the eclipse at Waco TX where the father of the Vax Drump announced his run for reelection..prodictive programing will we louse internet at the Stag Moon? Cry out to Yahuah he is the only one. Who Can Save Us.

The right hand and forehead could stand in for deeds and thoughts respectively.

Of course by the end of 2024 these numbers will increase dramatically due to the poison injections, off the charts is my prediction, and they still won’t have an answer, because the are paid to overlook the truth. He says colon cancer deaths have dropped, but all other cancers have risen because of the covid vaccine AKA operating system.

I heard somebody tried to use loud speaker and play specific low frequency in the restaurant. All of ppl inside left within 10 mins.