
This is already an extremely small data set in a very small area of an extremely remote part of an extremely small country. I don’t know one vaxxed person on a personal basis to say come here friend, let me scan you out in the middle of a jungle. If you are some type of engineer where is your own geek factor? Don’t sit on the sidelines, fire up Wigle and let’s compile the data. Do your own experiments. Do you have a vaxxed parent? Maybe you could scan them and see what you get back. We have zero family for over 4000 miles +. I would like everyone with an Android that can help with this project to turn on your scanners and let’s look. I am just starting this investigation and I am gonna play around with a lot more things as I am able. But again...geeks aren’t geeks unless you geek out. So bring out your inner geek please.

Excellent video . Thanks for all you do !

Is everybody who got an injection a potential cyborg? My concern is with my wife, she took the first two Maderna jabs in 2021. She’s had no reactions as of yet. My question is, did all the shots include the MRNA? Wasn’t a large percentage of the first set shots actually a placebo?

The true "zombie apocalypse" .

it’s not just BLE that gets randomized. multiple random MAC’s per device for multiple purposes. BT and WiFi included. assumptions are the ...

it’s not just BLE that gets randomized by phones. full BT and WiFi MAC’s too. they use multiple different MAC’s for different purposes. i’m not saying vax BT theory isn’t possible. it just hasn’t been proven yet beyond reasonable doubt. it should be easy to prove using a small sample of people in a controlled experiment.



We should all be doing this. Great work!

Great job exposing the evil that runs our country just below the surface. Pray for the children and women that are being trafficked

Thanks brother. It’s right out of a science fiction horror movie, but it’s reality.....We can only wonder what type of instructions these people will be given eventually.

I’ve been teaching my youngest son (and eldest two) about this subject for years, and my youngest son then aged 7 was able to clearly identify a genuine contrail and a chemtrail, and even used the correct term Geoengineering - even now aged 13.5, he’s sharp as a samurai and my Nikon P900 has some great shots/footage - but sadly, the socially engineered sleeping souls won’t have any of it (some are saveable and open to seeing it) but many are sadly too hypnotised and heavily veiled……..great stuff, and good to see this subject is kept alive (also saved links to Geoengineering watch page too)….God bless you

I wish there was someway to do this with an iPhone, I’m a union insulator, and I work at the VA in Mid Missouri all the time. I would love to do this experiment. Thank you Jason you’re a man.

Go to the Google play store and search for Wigle war driving. That is the exact same app I use. Install and fire it up and drive around.

The BLE devices show up in the scan as BLE. There are 2 different types of Bluetooth networks registering. I already sorted out the data dump and have the BLEs sorted as well. We ended up with 1500 unique Mac addresses with no more than 300 people and most of the people down here use Android. Lots of the people cruising by have been or are our customers throughout the years. These are without a shadow of a doubt NOT the BLE of randomized devices. We don’t need a faraday cage being out in the middle of the jungle. As we start a scan nothing shows up until we start hitting indigent people where several mac’s begin to pop in. Guaranteed these jungle people aren’t walking around with watches and Bluetooth emitting things. Most of them don’t even have power. I wish I had a faraday cage to test but in this isolated environment it works the same way.

I already did this yesterday. We started a brand new scan from out in the jungle and it was super quiet. Nothing out there. As we moved into the people it started counting up. In a 2 mile run we ended up with 80 mac’s in a non inhabited part of the world.

Thank you Jason for the effort invested in this experiment. rnWith the risk of getting negative feedback, I would say the testing approach could be improved. rnTo avoid pollution from all the randomized mac address Android, iOS, Windows etc. you should:rn1) Get to a very remote location, with no networks. This is the hard part, since they put cell towers everywhere and the wifi devices are growing exponentially since 2011 ( Save the list of devices showing up.rn3) Bring a vaccinated person at the same location and check if any new device appears on the list. rnA friend of mine did this experiment and there were no new devices showing up, so the vaccinated person did not emit any signal. rnObviously that was a one time experiment, so it could mean nothing.

network engineer here. you still haven’t ruled out BLE MAC randomization. do some research on that. you will see multiple MAC addresses from a single phone. they use a new address every time they wake up. add some apple watches in the mix too. if you really want to prove it. put someone in a faraday cage without any devices except for your scanning machine. test it with cage empty then test it with a person in there. easy.

Best comment by far. lol

ime a new "virus" breaks out, they won’t be lying... but it’s just not the type of virus most people think. It will literally be a software virus that they’ve created.rnYa’ll remember ransomware going around a lot a few years back? It would encrypt all of your files until you paid the ransom. Imagine this thing forcing you to pay money or else you start to degenerate according to some kind sick algorithm. The possibilities are endless. How they managed to do this with seemingly no pushback is still beyond me, are there literally NO people in places of power that still have good in their hearts? This is a massive OP they’ve gotten away with here.