
They probably want to confirm that the nano technology that they’ve received from the injections, are sending the correct body health data to the network. Through this research they can confirm this. All warfare demands intelligence on the enemy, and the enemy in this case, is the general public. They want to see the effects directly from chemtrails, chemicals, foods, drugs, radiation and other slow kill weapons systems. In conventional warfare, they are always interested in monitoring the area of for example a bomb drop, to gauge the effect the deployment had upon the target.

ty jason, i watched a docu Blue Truth the other was good. i have an android, don’t use it much, don’t carry it to town on rare trips...but i would like to do this experiment...can you give me a simple how to? turn on developer that it? university town NW arkansas...not a big city pop i think is is the more liberal area around here, rural where i am more conservative but still all my neighbors save one took the clot shots

My apologies D7. Just noticed your comments . As I mentioned ,I checked out fairly smartish after getting hit with the noise . Steeled myself to watch it all the way through this time in context. Yeah, it did nothing to convince me that this guy is kosher. Worth watching the mice content alone mate.

he was or is/not sure/ a worthless pos that supported a psychopathic dictator in chile, bragged about fathering children he never supported, trashed women, was a shill for the nwo...he may actually be dead since they do eat their young but with this prophetic message looks more like a set up...then again he was small potatoes so who knows...if he is dead good riddance

They probably won’t be affected until the bad guys pull the switch. Of course, many have horrible side effects and millions have died.

This whole thing is suspicious as hell. It just leads more proof to the pile that the moon landing and NASA as a whole is just a complete fraud.


What was red pilled coach’s mission ? Was he not married to Ukranian women, he literally trashed Fu** the EU lady Victoria Nuland how was he an asset to CIA or whoever.

Trump the messish gave Golan Heights to Israel on a silver platter came to drain the swamp from the swamp he had obligations to the swamp, Make Swamp Great Again .

Moderna on their website admitted that the vaccine was an operating system (program) called the Software of Life, all the others are probably similar or the same.

Now they are all "useful goy".

I wonder how all these people feel. They can’t possibly feel healthy. This is so sad.

I think Jason will find that these Blue Tooth addresses belong to the manufacturer of the brand of FrankenVaxx they were injected with. The US Supreme court opinion stated that a GMO Chimera, belongs to whoever genetically modified it. Looks like Pfizer is going to own a lot of Frankenvaxxed fools.

I think the likely reason that some people have more than 1 Blue tooth signal, is they took more than 1 FrankenVaxx shot.

Zombie Apocolypse Clause in Amazon Terms of Service!

This reminds me that Amazon Lumberyard terms of service that stated in section 42.10 "However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization." This info got out to too many people so Amazon has now changed the statement to say "42.1. We may change, discontinue, or deprecate support for any third-party trust provider at any time without prior notice." But they let the cat out of the bag.

Thank You Jason.

Yeah, Screw You Tube well and truly shot itself in the nether region during the scamdemic . Once the best truther platform out there. NOW a shitty censored lying Covenment mouth piece. Even the music vids are now interrupted by their unbelievably awful tenth rate adverts. Almost totally unwatchable. In fact anyone still up and running on this crap platform IS doing something wrong.

Stupid mindless braindead face diapered piles of excrement. The bastards had better not be even considering trying on this mass collective INSANITY again

Getting to the point where even the lying Covenment vermin cannot deny what`s happening right in front of their twisted lying eyes.