
Your work is outstanding and you’ve opened my mind to so much - I love your work/videos and look forward to more

Bitchute bans me from commenting. I first started my "wake up" journey back in 1996. Got scammed by the likes of Alex Jones, along the way. As far as "shadow Banning" goes, I first experienced it back around 2006-2007. My brother and I, were in the process of hammering to the point they revised their VAUNTED "Forum" multiple times, causing themselves the loss of revenue, to try to stop us. We had access to almost unlimited IP addresses, thanks to my brother. They took down their FEATURED Forum on the Home page. Anyway, their professional trolls stopped attacking me, and it took me a few days before I logged out and saw that my posts were only visible to me. That was years before I heard the term "Shadow Banning". Again, back in circa 2006 or so. The once vaunted forum, no longer exists.

Nice work Like. Did you know NH and TX is Supposed to be voting on a ban for Aerosol spraying in their legislature! It may be a Trojan horse thou. They might pass to ban has power polluting Cars! ?? Noon the less. Can use to show people it’s real!! Smiles

I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you produce a few videos to show me how it’s done. Please, show me the proper way to make videos.

new video posted brother.

new video shows how.

Well you would be able to connect to. Since all these things are showing up allows them to be connected to if you knew how or could spoof the actual control Mac address that the people are probably programmed for.

If you have an apple phone wouldn’t it be simple enough to do a few tests and see exactly when and how often the Mac address changes? Enable, Disable, Scan a network, ect. Then you would know for sure what and how often things change and what that looks like. I am way to broke for an iphone and wouldn’t get one if I wasn’t. Today’s tests verified what I knew and saw. It’s a matter of impossibility at this point that the people aren’t cyborgs. It’s just way to many. And a lot of the scans show the apple BLE and the manufacturer is apples. So someone with an iphone should run a few tests.

My teenage grandson and I get a good laugh when I explain to him that they’ve been playing the same stupid songs on the radio for the last 50 years. We analyze the ridiculous lyrics at times when we are driving, and among many things, we’ve concluded that a young man really isn’t satisfied with holding a girl’s hand and gazing into her eyes.

Keep telling the Big Lie often enough and it will be believed as the truth. The deadly pathogen that will cause Disease X is already in the bodies of the vaccinated.

Thank you so much for this information - I’m willing to do this.

Yes, I’m actually a full-time salaried engineer that’s in charge of a not-so-small financial institution’s network infrastructure. Believe it or not, I won’t loose sleep over it. It’s not about me, it’s about the facts. A lot has changed in the last 10 years. I first noticed random mac’s a few years ago when I was reviewing wireless logs on our guest network, seeing tons of mac address with no vendor OUI. At first, I though it was all malicious, then after 2 minutes googling it, I realized they were all phones. Dynamically changing random "spoofed" MAC’s are a privacy feature to prevent device tracking. I would not be the least bit surprised if Apple and Google also has a copy of the vendor database and has chosen certain uncategorized ranges for their pool of random addresses. How often they change, why they change, and how many they use simultaneously is the big mystery only their devs would know for sure. If the BT vax theory is true, that sure would be a great way to disguise it. I brought up BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) because it would make more sense to use that for the IoB (Internet of Bodies) instead of full BT due to needing to use the host or radio waves or something else as it’s power source.

Thank you brother. You are one in 100 million. Yes any Wardrive instructions for us non techies would be amazing. I want to see who around me is Frankenvaxxed

I learned a long time ago that Tavistock created the Beatles as a way of social engineering the masses, and that was ten years after someone told me the same thing, and I refused to believe them at that time.

Who originally released this video? Judging by the presentation and the way it is put together, this appears to be the same researcher who did some of the James Holmes videos back in the day. Including the James Holmes "vanishing prisoner" videos. I have never been able to find the original uploader of those videos. And this work is very, very similar.

Guess the cyborg upgrade didn’t go well. RIP cyborg

I wish the maker of these videos would realize that the same four synthesizer chords playing over and over again adds nothing and actually just gets on your nerves really fast. I have had to stop watching his videos in the past because I couldn’t stand it anymore, I wish he’d stop doing it.

Naked gun -part?

Paul McCartney died a long long time ago! ! Was cloned since or body double

Warriors come out and playyyyyaayy! Oh wait you cant u dead.. Sad