
Some good laughs here, diversity is perversity. Shared some quotes on another site that I think may apply here, hope it’s not out of context. Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy, and the most aggravated form of Tyranny and Slavery out of the most extreme Liberty..... Plato. Republics decline into Democracies, and Democracies degenerate into Despotism...... Aristotle. Isn’t this where we have found ourselves?

On a positive note, not all of your criticisms are unwarranted.

When all that’s left is ScrewTube, the algorithm will shut down their psychobabble in the blink of an all seeing EYE.

Did you post a link to your work in the how to upload section? I just skimmed it and didn’t see. It’s a process to get the upload bit on. cheers

Dude, I’m not criticising your video-making skills but you have videos that are like and hour long or more with the same four synthesizer chords playing ALL THE WAY THROUGH. It’s annoying as fuck.. get a clue.

There was a video on youtube with Eric Dollard...I don’t know if it’s still there, in which he talks about the radiation from "sillyphones" (cellphones) and how they emit energy levels similar to radar on ships and how they were warned to keep 30 metres away from the radar tower as it was known to be harmful to health.

There are two other types of people that matter. People that send a few bucks to 153news on a regular basis, and people who believe a few bucks is too much to pay, for preserving truth and freedom of speech.

Yes a lot of dumb niggers here no doubt.. I to is dumb at times very dumb..

Look at the generation here cant tell time or use a old land line phone and think there are 60 genders ! ! That’s worse then not knowing how to use tools so yes welcome to diversity ..ONLY two type of people in this world godly and ungodly it what really matters in God’s eyes!100% truth.

Hey Jason - following up again - can you allow me to upload. You gave me an account but I do not have the ability to upload. Thanks!

!53news appears to be unique in its commitment to freedom of expression, as far as I can see. I’ve recently suffered some suppression myself with PayPal and other sites. Some very apparent and some not so apparent. It isn’t going to break the bank for most people to send in a couple bucks. Let’s get on board, Thanks.

You only need developer mode if you want to scan locally using your phones Bluetooth software. When we are using Wigle to scan it has all of that on by default.

Bring it .

As bhell gates said the next one will get your attention!! New Hampshire trying to been cloud seedin emf waves chemtrails 500’000 fine a felony 2 or 5 years in prison minimal...mandatory sentence.

Jason, didn’t you mention before that you needed to have the phone in developer mode?

I love that part of the movie in Coney Island.

I am so sick of people like him praising the nurses for doing their job early in the pandemic. They weren’t caring for patients, they were doing as they were told without questioning anything. Then you have the choreographed dance routines. I lost two nursing jobs because I wasn’t going to mask up and I’m so happy to be out of the medical field.

The US needs to get on board and start with preventative measures. Disease X is 20 times more deadly than Covid. We need to start with some lockdowns, diaper wearing everywhere, and of coarse social distancing. This would be a good start to stop the curve before it ever starts.

I see their downfall as trusting in the descendants of the ones who killed Christ. That lineage stills walks the Earth deceiving MAN.

Yup! Even dead people from graveyards are emitting a Mac address even after their Dead and Buried..