
At 6:10 I think that is actual footage of migrants training at a US police academy.

Well I see that prophecy as being complete. We have patent 060606 and the entire patent is about scanning in and out, getting jobs and completing them using body fluid or brain waves. Nothing stops people from setting up a scanning station and scanning your arm or forehead. When the powers that be wanna see if you are vaxxed, if you aren emitting a signal then you arent vaxxed. They don’t need to scan really other places. Scan the head as you are now acting like a transmitter or the arm. Could simply be a future protocol for how they identify the vaxxed or unvaxxed. I am sure they are gonna enslave humanity even worse by this but I stopped looking for a physical mark because those injected are not even human. The mark has come IMHO.

The difference is simply frequency and power. The Bluetooth Borg’s don’t have nearly the amount of power that a cell phone and cell tower does. But all they gotta do is powerup a Bluetooth radio higher and it would ultimately be the exact same.

Just about any commercial movie you watch does the same thing. Jaws I believe, plays the same two notes. Sometimes I make it purposely obnoxious for effect, sometimes I realize too late that it’s overdone. It’s a tricky endeavor making videos and there’s more to it than people think, and it takes some time to get it right. But what is "right"? Some like a particular feature, and others don’t. You’re not the first to complain about what they feel is excessive and distracting background sound, but some people love it. I suppose it’s a matter of preference. I try to minimize the effect to a point that just serves the purpose. but, as it goes with most tasks, I do fail at times.rnThat’s why I suggested you give it a try, then you’ll see what’s behind it all.

Which one is it?, or did he really blow his mind out in a car?

I’d seen stuff like this in the past but just ignored it UNTIL you covered it. This looks like obvious building of the infrastructure of the Great Reset in human beings with the expectation of the GR being accomplished with the iOT, cbdc, vaccine passports, health info, and so on somehow connected to the individual. It appears they can also manipulate the health of the individual with this technology.

It fits, that one of the most prolific statements used in present day propaganda, is that we need to "Protect OUR Democracy." So much so, that even people who should know better, have allowed the brainwashing to poison their thinking. Thanks for your wise and well thought comment CJ4570, "you da man!"

Wish you would’ve had the video enlarged, it’s not much bigger than a thumbnail, no offense.

What’s the difference between a smartphones signal and the signal that these Borg’s are admitting, how are they categorized to differentiate them?

I don’t want to go off topic but you mentioned the Mark of the Beast, and how initially you had to be scanned and couldn’t buy or sell in Panama during the onset if I heard you correctly? I have said from the beginning that I didn’t think the injections in and of themselves were the Mark spoken of in Revelation, but a prelude to it, certainly it’s an evil plan to depopulate the masses here on earth. Can you speculate here as to what the mark may be as the Bible is very specific when it says on the right hand or forehead, and so far I don’t think we can say that this is actually it. Depopulation definitely, being injected in the shoulder is not the hand or forehead, appreciate your input.

Theres a Guy on Odysee called Derr ReiksDokter who built a machine to try and exorcise the nanotech using electric shock therapy

Tony pantalleresco has done some great research beginnjng years ago with nano fibers, quantom dots, and others from chemtrails as well as various emp’s. The bucket is very easy to build and the triangle. You can still find his old work on YT herbsplusbeadswork. ( with instructions how to build both the bucket and triangle). He does caution about using them and has some intetesting information how not only is it self assembling but self repairing. Before using please research as I remember there were many dangers associated with using the EMP. I will look for his latest work and post it. I know he still has a podcast. Solutions for mankind (Yannis), the email address I receive the pod invites is sorry im pretty low tech but his research is invaluable exspecially what we are discovering now.

great work

Yes, all wireless technology is damaging your health, including wireless keyboard, mouse, headphones etc. There are many different types of small 5G boxes installed on utility poles, if you have a RF meter you can see the radiation levels. The next pandemic will be done through the RF radiation and most people will think it’s a virus. Stay away from all wireless technology!

Some good laughs here, diversity is perversity. Shared some quotes on another site that I think may apply here, hope it’s not out of context. Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy, and the most aggravated form of Tyranny and Slavery out of the most extreme Liberty..... Plato. Republics decline into Democracies, and Democracies degenerate into Despotism...... Aristotle. Isn’t this where we have found ourselves?

On a positive note, not all of your criticisms are unwarranted.

When all that’s left is ScrewTube, the algorithm will shut down their psychobabble in the blink of an all seeing EYE.

Did you post a link to your work in the how to upload section? I just skimmed it and didn’t see. It’s a process to get the upload bit on. cheers

Dude, I’m not criticising your video-making skills but you have videos that are like and hour long or more with the same four synthesizer chords playing ALL THE WAY THROUGH. It’s annoying as fuck.. get a clue.

There was a video on youtube with Eric Dollard...I don’t know if it’s still there, in which he talks about the radiation from "sillyphones" (cellphones) and how they emit energy levels similar to radar on ships and how they were warned to keep 30 metres away from the radar tower as it was known to be harmful to health.