
The best way to review the data is to export the database to a .csv and open it in Google sheets or excel or whatever opens it. I found the GUI part of WiGLE to be quite inferior. I have often times found it reports 1000 Bluetooth and there are many thousands in the csv. Also go into settings, the wrench at the top and scroll down to the bottom. Turn off everything at the bottom but the 2 Bluetooth scans. Turn off cell and wifi. Those aren’t needed. Then scan again and it won’t have a ton of things like this scan.

Thanks. Yes. I did get the fuck out.

These are not real judges, they are bought and paid for. As I read some of the rulings, you only have to be suspected of having a disease, or having come in contact with someone they also suspect of having a disease or being contagious without any proof. Rule 2.13 = 33

At least you have the option of "taking" a few of the bastards with you ,as they drag you off to the CONCENTATION CAMPS. This 666 FOURTH REICH ,certainly is mirroring the THIRD.

I will make another video (part 2) with bigger resolution.

I totally understand CG.

Well put, brother. It’s about saving lives.

Thank you so much brother. I have a ton of respect for you.

The claims of "You can’t stop" in the audio sound like background noise to me. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what someone allegedly said or didn’t say in the audio. Its irrelevant. To argue there was a crime requires ACTUAL PROOF a crime was committed. This site demolished the Uvalde hoax. There are a ton of videos of pointing out the crisis actors and one of the idiots, some Mexican woman crisis actor hero who supposedly escaped gun fire with her kids, is busted standing on her mark in the parking lot waiting for the go signal before she starts fake running with her kids like she’s fleeing from gunfire. Total joke. He could have clear audio of someone yelling "I’m a patsy" and I still wouldn’t believe it. Until you see the dead bodies and examine the crime scene, it has to be assumed as a hoax, particularly once you spot a crisis actor.

Use good quality speakers or earbuds. Admittedly hard to hear but after some study it’s unmistakable.

You have to listen with good quality speakers, preferably studio monitors, but at least ear buds. The speakers on smartphones and tablets are a pathetic joke.

Uvalde was a 100% HOAX and I didn’t hear a single word of what this video claims in any of that garbled crap . It is very suspect to push this false narrative on such a obvious staged event with no real shooter or any actual victims . Patsy my ass ...

My sis...I would never want to be a part of a system that charged for truth. I have thought how something like this would look for years and decided I couldn’t be evil in that I trapped humanity for cash. We live and die as team around here and always will. We have some extremely dry months and some barely making it times but I can’t sell the’s gotta remain available to those with cash and those without it. Much love C.G.!

P.S. I just offered an additional $10.00 to my regular monthly donation, this is putting a squeeze on me, but, I will juggle my finances somehow, because I know how important it is the keep this site alive, won’t you all out there follow suit as well? I’m just waiting for Jason to get back with me.

This is about saving lives, and showing the world what these monster’s have done to humanity, and will continue to do, and 153 is instrumental in bringing this truth to you and the world, please don’t be apathetic, and make a commitment to make a monthly donation, the elites are counting on you to be apathetic, join in and don’t be a part of this group think that is controlling the world.

This monthly thing is getting ridiculous. OK Bossman why don’t you charge one dollar a month minimum and see what happens. I think anyone can spend $12 a year on the truth don’t you?

To have a patsy requires evidence of an actual shooting, like a crime scene with real dead bodies. You offered no such evidence. What you claim the audio says, which doesn’t appear to be the case, is a red herring. The Uvalde hoax had so many obvious crisis actors and evidence of being a drill it’s undeniable.

Subliminal messaging is a very well understood psychological phenomena. Marketing has been using subliminal messages successfully in product advertisements for decades. If nearly inaudible pulsed messages are being broadcast during that event, they must have a purpose, otherwise why create and use the technology? I, personally, do find it difficult to parse the words from the sounds. However, let’s say that energy is not words...then what is it? I would be more inclined to believe that this is in-ear communications of persons on site being picked up by the mics. Some people know what it is like to have their electronics play police or fire radio audio or walkie-talkie audio when they are nearby. In any event, I would like to hear recorded audio from those devices with the school empty and see if it is still present or not. It could be some Ham Radio operator or some other benign source that is unrelated. Who knows?

I believe some of the first mass shootings had real victims like Port Arthur where the patsy was lured to the scene, not to do the shooting, but to be blamed for it. Sirhan Sirhan was a set up patsy not to assassinate Kennedy, but to be a distraction and take the blame while the security guard fired the actual fatal shots, but I agree with Side Thorn this video is total nonsense.

"Patsy" ? Prove one patsy in any one single mass shooting . So the Uvalde school shooting was real ? You gotta be fucking kidding me . That pathetic shitshow was almost as ridiculous as Sandy Hook . This video is pure disinformation trash .