
I hope she understands there is a reason black people get a free college education. To create Marxists that WILL be taken out once they are totally put into power. And critical racist theory that is pitting blacks against whites staging a race war in the next year. I hope and pray to God/Allah that we come together and go after the real culprit. The Jew controlled government players.

There is no spike protein. The vaccine has graphene oxide in it which turns people into walking antennae. So I’m not sure if pine needle tea will protect people against radiation. Iodine will.

He says that there are patsies in some of the mass shooting . That is 100% pure disinformation and would lead anyone who is new to this to believe Uvalde was one of them and that we here at 153 support that theory by allowing it to be here . Disgusting . Listen to the last minute or so of the video . Total bullshit .rn

This kind of gaslighting is embarrassing. You just argued if someone watches Charlie’s 6 gorillion videos they can hear stuff that’s not there. Like, if I watch all Charlie’s videos I’ll be able to hear crabs walking on the ocean floor.

These psychopaths never rest. The lies never end.

He didn’t say it was real

That explains why America is getting better with all of the diversity out there. Biden must believe all the BS that he’s dishing out.

Side Thorn, Lookoutfa Charlie knows this is a hoax. He doesn’t say otherwise. The problem of hoaxes has a whole other dimension to it. The bot is sound actuated like vox. It reacts in microseconds like a gfi.

Yea this shit is really starting to piss me off because for five years in a courtroom I was told by a federal judge in open court in front of the media , dozens of lawyers and a courtroom full of observers that I was crazy and that I should be ashamed for claiming little children didn’t die at Sandy Hook and Uvalde . Never thought I would have to deal with it here to . "Beliefs" ?

"Maybe Uvalde was a hoax" ? You gotta be fucking kidding me ?

For “beliefs” read requiring actual proof a crime was committed.

This video is a disgrace to all the content providers who have worked so hard to expose these fake mass shootings . This garbage leads any new viewer that comes here to think that we support the patsy theory that there was some brainwashed idiot who was mind controlled into killing little children which is the very furthest thing from the truth . Pure piece of shit misleading disinformation trash . Period . And I hope at least those new viewers can see through these comments that not all of us are cointelpro sellouts .

I understand that Jason wants to keep it free, but we’re facing completely shutting down, are we not? It’s not about charging for information, it’s about keeping the system alive. It’s that or no 153news at all.

No, you need to watch more of lookoutfa charlie’s work, you do not understand what you’re talking about. He covers all of that in great depth over the last 7 years. This stuff is not for the intellectually lazy. Unbelievable.

I don’t understand all the outrage over this video. You guys obviously do not understand Charlie’s work or what point he’s trying to prove here. You get hung up on your "beliefs" on what is or isn’t a hoax and miss the entire point. You would really need to watch more than a couple of videos of his and you will see that. It’s probably some of the most important research going on, on this entire website and the entire internet for that matter, other than the work Jboss is doing on the MAC addresses, right now. rn

I could hear it just fine. then again i’ve listened to ALL of lookoutfa charlie’s work, which equates to hundreds of hours, so my ears are somewhat trained to the frequencies now that these ELF weapons operate in. I don’t see in this video where charlie is saying that this was or was not a hoax, his work is only for audio analyzation. Maybe uvalde was a hoax, but this video exists, and there is audio in it. rnTo truly understand the entirety of what lookoutfa charlie is doing, you need to actually delve into his research. It’s not something for the casual viewer.

Another necessary evil to move us towards the only chance we have , a Civil War / Martial Law / WWW 3 on U.S. soil or an outright Zombie Apocalypse . Either of these scenarios will be our last chance to end the nightmare once and for all .

I know this is a bit off topic, but I went into my router and I disabled the 5g all together and only use the 2.4 now for wireless. Ever since then, I have been able to sleep a lot better and before that I was having horrible sleep patterns. Just a FYI for anyone else who wants to do that.

Thanks so much for the heads up and the tips bossman, yes I need to turn off everything except the Bluetooth scans as I was clicking on Wifi by accident lol

Sent you a couple of CSV’s.