
Bingo !

Right . Here is where you can find the numbers . DEAGEL :

First its you need good quality speakers, "preferably studio monitors." Now, its go watch a totally irrelevant video that has zero bearing on whether what is claimed is said is actually stated, whether there was truly a patsy, and thus a crime. The claim of a patsy is a claim a crime was committed. To claim a crime was committed requires actual proof such a crime was committed and you, and Charlie, have offered none.


Degalcom predicted the US population by 2025 next year to be 98 million. If that is their goal this might be the year the shit hits the fan..

In the Walking Dead TV Series. I seemed to remember grid down and a all the free ways we jammed packed with dead people in cars trying to flee the cities. Is it possible they will begin the Zombie Appoc with a cyber attack or EMP??

The number of BT devices is two BILLION, etc not two million etc.

So the Zombie Appoc can begin any time now? This cannot be good!

I get what Tony is doing and appreciate his work, BUT if this was the mark, then there’s no getting rid of it =(

You make a scary point! These people are waiting for commands. Exactly the Concern of mine. Are they going to make all these people go crazy? My daughter got jabbed. She finished nursing school. at the top of her class. Now she forgets to close the fridge when she gets food out. Also gone to mental health clinic that she paid $1000’s of dollars out of her pocket for help. Cost $1000 per day. It’s horrible. Hang on for the ride. It’s going to be a bumpy one.

I heard one man say. We should look up the translation. Of hand he said it could be translated arm. Either Way. Sabboth Covenant Channel. Rob Schell you tube. Has an excellent teaching on the Mark of the beast. It’s called Jesus the Mark of the Beast. He also has a 500 page book on the Mark. Scripture tell us. Let us reason the false image of the true Messiaha. It is the name of a man Greek Kai Si Sigma. Or Jesus H Christ. The X is the Mark of the beast. It is 3 parts. You must have the anti messiaha name. 2 Worship the false image of the true Messiah JC. and recurve his mark. They were Decieved into taking the Mark. He allowed them to be Decieved because they loved not the truth. How can one repent when they have a computer in their brain doing their thinking for them..?

Thank you so much brother.

I have studied much of what Charlie talks about and he and I have had many discussions via email. I have seen wireless technologies doing wild things and there is definitely an invisible war for the mind going on. I know Charlie is no shill, he is a very nice guy. I would consider him a friend as I consider you all friends. We are all looking for nothing but the truth and our journeys often times open our eyes at different times. The one thing about is that it has some eyes wide open vets that will challenge everything presented....and that is why this place exists. To find the truth and not let it be stolen from us again and again. Much love to ya all.

Jason This is very. Interesting. The news will never tell the truth. As to what percent that’s jabbed. If the true numbers are low. That might mean they did not do as well as they had hoped with this assult. That is good News to me even though the majority of my family got the lethal inject. Their stated goal of 93 percent pop reduction is still way off. So now will they make their need next move? A Siber grid down senaro Lock down Marshall Law?? WW3 what is. Next ? No Food starve and freeze? Fasten set belts this could be a bumpy ride..cheers!!

I’m so broke I can’t even pay attention. Social security just cut my meager pension in half. I’m looking at the court records now and I am familiar with the account albeit not thoroughly. I just want to say that Lookoutfa Charlie is not a shill. This is heaping insult to injury on a guy who works his ass off now for chump change for many years. The least we can do is respectfully disagree. After all, he is in the same side of the gun grab agenda as you are. In fact we can’t say that there is no such thing as a Patsy. I have to agree that if uvalde had a patsy it was part of the fakery. Charlie’s main focus isn’t about that anyway. All this infighting is counterproductive. Ahouse divided against itself will fall.

It’s been said the govt had been prepping police and military for a zombie appock. Is this the plan for all the jabbed?? Me Slightly Worried about this.. I think there was way too many predictive programs to not at least be concerned! What will they do with all the people who turned their brains over to sociopaths?

Good point...! Everyone should donate. I can’t because I’m an economic refugee. All my money was stolen. I live in a foreign country and it’s not possible. However I do tell everyone who will listen about 153.

PS: If we have to listen to this mind controlled patsy / real victim disinformation and put up with comments from those supporting it , the least thing you people can do is donate to the site that doesn’t censor your insulting theories . Put up or shut up .

Call it solitary confinement or a courtroom, here is a list of things that ended up in a courtroom.

Have you ever donated to ?