
What a load of Hyracotherium shit .

The government is so wicked, I thank God that he will give them the due penalty of what they have done on judgement day. They truly do deserve hell.

Welcome back. Listened to you plenty.

I was skeptical about this at first but Pablo Campra seems like a very respectable scientist, he has posted PDF’s reports online as well, I am going to try and do a video covering it when I get 5 minutes later. Also the Bluetooth team also produced PDF reports, I had to dig those up from the Wayback machine. In all I am thinking the vials may be a witches brew of mRNA and nanosensors. I will be following your videos eagerly thanks

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

They always need to place the 33, the sheep will never notice it anyway.

Corporate Transparency Act which includes LLC’s, LP’s and some business Trusts but it’s basically only all small business. Big Companies are totally exempt from this law. If you have more than 20 full-time employees or have an operating office at a physical location in the U.S or have more than $5,000,000 in gross receipts as reported on the prior year’s federal income tax return, this law does NOT apply to you. They want to know as much information as possible about people who run small business, so they can steal their money. Never own anything in the us under your name and take as much business loans as possible. Always hide your money from the number one terrorist organization which is the us government.

I just want to thank all of my brothers and sisters who have donated to keep this "last man standing" video platform alive! You are the salt of the earth. Bless you all.

I am already working with Albert from WelcometheEagle88 and he may be onto something. What would be interesting is testing that first area you did and make sure you are only watching the Bluetooth and as you get near folks it should be clear which person is which Mac. Take a note on who you pass a few times and then the dupes in your list are more than likely those people. Good work as well!

How do you know they were changing every minute? Back in 2021 this Covid 19 notification software was running and it is possible that it was doing that if it was enabled. I don’t see people changing but I do hit them again when they come into range so they will register a few times in the scan but their still the same mac’s. I have tested a few devices that are supposed to randomize a Mac and it doesn’t swap mac’s.

Yeah, I wonder how many of these lying sacks of sh-t can face themselves in the mirror .KNOWING that there was NO "pandemic".

Good work Jason, I am glad you were able to find something in those scans. I wonder if we can get someone like the guy from the bad batch website, to use all of our data and make graphs. I will try to get ahold of him.

Imagine a video game, such as an mmorpg where you have various tasks to complete. With each task you complete your stats go up, be that experience points or what-have-you. I think the entire gaming industry has been a play up to this event. The point where they turn us all into npc’s... but literally. They will harvest our energy in a whole new way now. Before the energy came in the form of fiat currency, but they weren’t able to fully track it. Now they will quite literally be able to track everything including movement. It is outright and straight up slavery in its neweest newest form.rnrnGod help us.

I forget why, but I believe the goal was by June 5, 2025. That gives everybody 18 months. So, I want to ask everyone a question. If you are on the Titanic and you know its going to sink and there are only lifeboat seats for 1/3 of everyone, then...? How do you spend this last 18 months? Pretend that it is not happening? Try to get everyone pretending it’s not happening to wake up? Party like it’s 1999? Finagle your way onto a lifeboat? Pray? Meditate? Commit suicide? Kill anyone destined to die a horrible icy watery death? Fashion your own anti-freezing-water life-preserving suit or flotation device? Preach the gospel? Or just wait for it - knowing none of those previous things are going to change one iota of the outcome? Does any of this sound strangely familiar?

Read Israel Toaff Blood Sacrifice I believe it is called. I don’t know if it’s true but the rituals are.

Yes well Macomb Illinois four hours from Chicago has sent a message to Chicago using me as their example of how racism will NOT be tolerated in my town. I hope Macomb, Illinois has fun with the fallout. I suspect me and my white supremacist proclivity will be blamed. I am JESUS.

I don’t really want to believe that their IQ is an average of 70. I really don’t. Has anyone researched this? I have not researched this yet but I know the research exists. I was hoping it was skewed for some reason. The debate is really bad plagiarized spoked word from critical racist theory and others. That is not a debate. What IS that??? I just found out that the Attorneys are agreeing to support anti-racism aka agreeing not to defend specifically white people such as myself for defamation. I have been Dresdened. My new term.

Before 2018, people who were considered clinically insane believed that they thought rationally. So post 2018, when it comes to discussing a possible agent that has been inserted into people’s psyches, you have to consider whether or not these seemingly normal people are not thinking clearly already without any noticeable symptoms. Just because someone seems relatively the same with respect to outward appearances, does not mean they are not compromised in their subconscious mind. I already witness the ’hive mind’ of most people all the time. They are mesmerized by the TV, discuss supporting issues that are just patently false, and lauding people who are obviously disingenuous. This includes both the ’woke’ AND the ’awake’ cults, because to me, many of these people are psychologically compromised zombies already. IMHO: We already have a zombie apocalypse - the only thing left to finalize this agenda is to have them fight one another. And this is coming. It is coming.

I noticed this when I turned blue tooth on my Samsung J3 to run Square at work in 2021. When I had a store full of people, a ton of mac addresses would pull up. Once, 8 Mac codes pulled up on 3 black girls. I told them they were pulling mac addresses on my phone and they shouldn’t get anymore vaccines. You would have thought this would have triggered a question or something but it didn’t. My point is, I was finding that the mac addresses were changing every minute. Are you finding this?

You just invalidated your own claim that "She likes to have conversations." If you’re not on a platform where you see her engage all kinds of differing opinions, how can you make that claim? Making a research video is not having a conversation.