
Yeah he only mentions a virus briefly at the start but what he says after that is quite interesting thats why I posted it

I thought Texas banned chemtrails???? It was passed into law??? I read..I witnessed haarp in action last night in Chicago clouds turned to ripples of sand in the sky in 10seconds it happens a lot here cause people are deadheads

To prove the existence of the virus requires isolation of the virus and then proof it is the cause of a unique condition. None of that ever happened. Until that is scientifically proven, to talk about origins of the virus and viral mutation in labs is a waste of time.

There is no Covid Virus, ignorance is the virus, coupled with the conspiracy theory mantra that shamed the sheep to stop listening to their fellow humans that were concerned about their well-being.

I see that shit almost everyday above me. Motherfuckers!

That Shit is real and bad news for everyone !

Thanks for the video ,it was informative for those who haven’t done a deep dive into the occult and its various manifestations over the centuries. rn1. Christian music came out of secular music and they’re one and the same. I’ll highly recommend going to Charlotte Iserbyt website ‘American Deception’ and take stroll thru her archives. You’ll be surprised to see you have controlled the music industry worldwide for many years. rn2. Get yourself a copy of Antony C. Sutton book ‘ How the Order Controls Education’ Yale ,Skull and Bones and the Theosophical Society. rnAnd it you have then you in good hands. Wisdom and faith will be the only things that save us in the end times.

i live rural, no dumb meter even then the meter is couple hundred feet awayrnwhen they came to hook up fiber got to the point of setting up wifirni said nope, don’t want the emfrnthe guys looked at me like i was nutsrni’m not nuts, they arernlol

settings...decide wifi jammed...turn off?rnUse network location provider?rnrnrn

Good comment

Nothing to see there, just a few of those newer clouds that appear everywhere, everyday.

what about filter enabled? says exclude macs//ous from displayrnexclude macs/ous from loggingrn

this is good, nothing scanning here, in the woods, when i go to town i’ll scan and figure out how to send to you...ty so much

Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. Go back to FREE cheap POS

And neither of them have one original idea between them. I have known many bright women in business. Some of them are really charming in their own psychotic ways. But, like the Hillary, neither of these two have one ounce of honestly and are also totally dis likable. I can’t be alone in this. THESE are the BEST women we have to run the entire country? I am stumped.

CBN pushing Russell Brand just like William Randolph Hearst was told to push Billy Graham. CBN founded by 33° Mason Pat Robertson. Billy Graham also had his named removed from the roster of 33° Masons to deceive his luke warm Christian followers, and his son Franklin Graham is another apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree as he supports the Pagan Donald Trump. All of them are liars and deceivers.