
CBN pushing Russell Brand just like William Randolph Hearst was told to push Billy Graham. CBN founded by 33° Mason Pat Robertson. Billy Graham also had his named removed from the roster of 33° Masons to deceive his luke warm Christian followers, and his son Franklin Graham is another apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree as he supports the Pagan Donald Trump. All of them are liars and deceivers.

PPS - as an exercise, do this. Take a picture/screenshot of the video, and then post it on a facebook page/group (or wherever), and ask people to comment on how they can make that happen. Watch and see how the entire group starts to act differently, and creating solutions to make that outcome manifest itself.

In a future video - (have a lot I’ve wanted to do, but been quite busy) - I’ll go into more detail about the "magic" that they do. In some ways - it really is "magic" - you assign emotions (energy in motion) to certain words/phrases, and then can get masses of people to act a certain way.rnrnIt’s kind of like the expression ’where your attention goes, the energy flows’. If you are "worried" about something happening - because you are fixated on that - that tends to be what you get. If you instead are confident about a certain outcome, you tend to get that. One of the purposes of their "mantra" (like project mockingbird) is just to get people to repeat that - without using their brains. So basically - you redirect the energy (i.e., with a new phrase, just as I did) - and then you get a different outcome, because people become focused on that, and then it manifests itself. Simply because then your actions start to fall in line with your thoughts.rnrnEven repetition of the "goyim" bit, assigning words/incantations/etc is all a part of it. It is "okay" to "recognize" what they are TRYING to do - but then EXTREMELY important that you then counteract that with your own thoughts/focus/direction, because then that is what you begin to manifest.rnrnIt certainly has been very strange times, but also very educational. And individuals are incredibly powerful - and they are extremely afraid of people recognizing that. So use your power. And use it intelligently, and wisely.

World Events do not occur by accident, they are made to happen, Whether it is to do national issues or commerce, and most of them are STAGED and MANAGED by those that hold the purse strings. Denis Healey, Former Member of Parliament, and Finance Director in the UK. The New World Pandemic Treaty will take care of all your concerns and fears, none of pestilence’s shown in this video, will ever bother you again, just turn over all your freedoms and rights to these psychopaths who only want a limited number of humans walking around in perpetual balance with nature.

Exactly what Ted Kazinski told everyone about. The evil people that claim to be the chosen ones are behind this technology utilizing their lap dog, the us militants. I have been a victim of this since the days of frequenting The Mind Control Forum circa 1999. They play on your fears. That’s all they have. You either die from it or you solidify your faith, recognize it, and respond appropriately. What do you think the recent US Space Force creation is all about. Israel has the monopoly on security that enables this.

Shut the fuck up. You POS can’t donate to keep this site going. We don’t give a shit about anything you have to say. Go away.

Truth with a little humor helps sometimes.

I like your idea! Not sure it works like that. I do believe they like to show case their plan for our future. Is it because they have too so they feel they have us a fair warning? Or are they do confident confident that the goeem are to dumb. To see their warnings? lol Hang on to your relationship with Yahuah and go for this wild ride.. It’s getting crazy..

Thanks - appreciate that. Yes, like I said - I was surprised just how many so-called ’awake’ people just seemed to ’parrot’ the pyschopaths messsage - without offering any counter ’spell’ or solution of their own. Being like chicken little (omfg! the sky is falling! the sky is falling!) doesn’t accomplish anything except to make people afraid, unless you also instruct them what they can do about it.

She is not black! ! And Nikki Halley is a hindu!! She is not white!!

News flash we the is not under the constitution! We are under a constitution they made up to enslave us

Fuk jew york

So be it!

Nypd hat ,,is run by Jewish mafia

Chemtrails lungs