
Very interesting....a liquid chip makes sense and that’s why many of "the jabbed" are popping up on Bluetooth signals.

I’ve posted this before.................if you do the math on how long it would take to cremate just 1 mill. bodies it would take like 230 years.

Time will tell. If we see a continually growing population of people suffering from what is increasingly seen as side effects of the jab by people who never had the jab, we’ll have the answer to your suspicion. I was very suspicious as to the credibility of Covid19 in April 2020. It took some time to be sure that I was in fact, correct. Also. I don’t think the issue is "transmittable cancer" it’s more likely that any cancer is more likely to thrive with a diminished immune system. So, the question remains. Does associating with jabbed people, those with a compromised immune system via the jab, have an effect on the un-jabbed?

There is absolutely no doubt, 153 is the most cutting edge, video platform, that exists. The ground breaking work done by JBoss is unparalleled, and the supporting videos, are amazing too.

Try the MattyD !

Well, these stomach turning Zionist "pastors" usually become multi-millionaires. They are complicit, with the Synagogue of Satan, in hijacking Protestant Christianity. The one and only "Peggy Hall", who’s husband is a real pastor, visited the church of rising star "Pastor Jack Hibbs". She lives close enough to drive there. Not one Cross or picture of Jesus in his synagogue, oops, I mean "Church". But they do have a GIANT Menorah you walk by to enter the place. And on each side, massive wall murals of the landscape of Israel.

great work bro, I have a few other videos of this guy above I’ll try to upload. He sees exactly what Pablo Campra saw in the vax, especially those weird heavy metal chunks...

Glad to hear You again !

What a bunch of trash ! What a sell out !

I suggest clowns such as this read what the Prophets of old had to say regarding God`s chosen people and HIS nation Israel. Beginning with Jeremiah . Also what their FAKE impostor "messiah" will do to them ,when he shows up. In fact see what`s already on the "Enabling Act" passed recently by Israhells present dictatorship.

The Holocaust is a subject that people seem to be unwilling to even consider they’ve been lied to about. It doesn’t matter how much information they receive showing it was a total lie the information goes in one ear and out the other. In reality the Holocaust was the beginning of the New World Order. Everything that’s going on today is directly tied to this event.

Looks more and more like Walter the puppet every day.

Wow. Is it better to be a Jew or to follow the Christ who came to save them?

America , the cash cow. Sucking America dry since 1900s after other Nations .

Very welcome indeed.

Al these Zio "Pastors" get rich pumping out this absolute garbage. Of course all funded by Bauerberger AKA: Rothschild and Zionist friends.

This makes homeschooling much more important. Parents who love their kids need to abandon these indoctrination camps, now and forever. Great video. These fools need to be in the spotlight on a regular basis, Thanks.

That is exactly what I am thinking as well. Several months after the injections the humans new operating system starts to self assemble. Like ants they just keep building until the signals in the people are extremely strong. We are all gonna die of cancer because the vaxxed are emitting high levels of RF. So a simple bus ride would have you with massive levels of RF from all the vaxxed. The vaxxed have zero hope for not dying of cancer. Way to much RF. If they don’t keel over from the self assembling nanotech then when it fires up they are gonna be feeling pretty illin. Only a matter of time.

Flippin stupid idiots, Israel hates these Goyim Gentile Christians just as they hated The Messiah and they will stab you and America in the back when you are no longer useful to them, it’s time for a penny war. The Preacher reminds me of a young Marjoe Gortner former child evangelist and actor, who sucked the congregation dry of their money for blessings.

When the NHS staff were given an ultimatum by the government to take the vaccine by a deadline, they organised a massive protest and the government backed down. So not all NHS staff took the jab.