
jbossman008 ) - ALL SHOULD BE HUNG, in the uk they jail people even if you stabbed no one but was in that gang, that’s the same with the jabs, complicit with the group, i.e the government members they are all complicit it mass murder.

A donation from you, will set you free. Otherwise, we don’t need your comments around here

YE I USE GO GO DUCK but tried this search on google i try both, its a simple search each moth or so and they provide a list of died suddenly and very young people at that, its not normal at all, im seeing it locally but only a few around me as well as me see it, everyone else is cracking on with life none the wiser

the doctors should all be hung

SOME ARE USING THIS APP - Download the Bluetooth App:rn

And more on the fascination train....since you can see the mac addresses of the dead, then the nanoteams also built not only hardware and software but they also built some type of battery system using the humans. The unknowns are how long does the initial nanoteam injection building sequence last. Is it gonna just build these people into more machines. When do they interface the humans brains to this build and what happens then? As these things build inside the humans, they are probably what is killing them. It’s like a nano tech city building inside a human and the nano tech will build right over vital nerves and people probably just drop dead. It’s game over

Paul Harvey would be a terror for the powers that be, if he was on the airwaves today. Most young people today wouldn’t know, but many millions of workers would gather around the radio at lunchtime and listen to his radio show every day. Paul was a voice for decency and doing the right thing. Totally intolerable in these times. His words actually accrue thumbs down votes today, people can’t handle the truth put in such harsh and reasonable terms. It must have something to do with guilt. That’s understandable because, decency and doing the right thing is such a strange concept, these days. Thanks for your comment, Good day!.

I HEAR YOU JASON, yes there is nothing that can be done for the jabbed, but i believe we must still keep talking about topics, by doing that each topic advances also in findings, if you know what i mean. i would not be surprised at all in what your saying, i am glad im the age i am, now 51, to think i was 20 and having to live longer in this hell whole would be a thought had it happened and been awake at that age. More vids on the topic is welcomed, if not fare enough, all appreciated anyway, sis you do a vid showing the site and how to start up the wiggle app thing.

Great video brother. This injection sauce is so complex that most can’t see the obvious. At this point I need to find these guys and explain my research and see if maybe it makes sense to them. They keep saying names like mRNA and spike protein but nobody is saying nano tech. We are dealing with extremely advanced technology where an entire computer and wireless infrastructure can be built, as a collective nano team, then it’s powered up using the humans as the power source and then somehow it has enough juice and battery capacity to emit mac addresses from the ground. So the computer seems to be separate from the human. What’s fascinating is the initial injection was the construction team for all of this. Somehow this nano tech works as a Borg collective and talks amongst itself. Another amazing fascinating thing is that each lab vendor is its own Borg collective. Pfizer doesn’t interact with moderna, and they all allow each vendor to build it’s completely own infrastructure. That’s why we see people with 5 Mac addresses. They all took a shot from a different vendor and now they have a lot of computers and networks in them. And again...the RF alone will kill people with cancer eventually. Bad times for humanity.

Brother, this is a dead topic to me. I went to another show yesterday with right at 200 people going through and I ended up with over 1200 mac addresses. I would bet my life on my conclusion that the humans are now cyborgs. The world is way to end userish to figure this out. All my vids were mirrored all across the net. Many people took off with it but it can’t change anything. We are the last of the human species. Humanity doesn’t have more than 20 years left....tops. Folks please help fund We are the breaking edge of real news and the last bastion for hope.

Here in the states that guy would have been dragged out tased trespassed beaten and arrested by the Israeli trained police.

jbossman008 ) - keep venturing with this MAC address stuff Jason its intriguing even to me, we need voice speaking about it.

Whatever happens in humans as the nano tech self assimilates, well it seems to have a life of its own. To truly kill this in a Vaccinated humans, you will have to EMP yourself to stop it. Not a good sign for humanity. The question is, how long can the dead power up. Is there any contact info for this guy? We need to see if it is regular Bluetooth or Bluetooth Light. BLE could probably run for years after they are dead.

Paul Harvey was a great voice of reason, which no longer resides on the airwaves.

a compensation SCHEME.......sigh

Wow if look up stars who died a lot! hundreds in the last 1year all from jab its obvious once you hear how they died or when they got sick n died! Wow thats all the proof the sheeple need to know cause they love tv ! I used duck duck go all that pops up is stars death storys so many I just found out wow..the powers that be hate us all even ther own blood suckers

That Google search is in eu? Not usa? You dont use google I just check with this here usa

Yea and hang ther clones toooo! Any one who smells like them guilty!! Hangm high!! Dont the old testament so go kill them, their children,ther cattle,etc while iam sure they all have clones probably many! We must get them all llll!!!!! , all!

If the powers are following Pikes Plan . WW3 was to start in the Middle East. Judisum Vs Islam. Destroying Both Christianity and Islam at the same time. The dissolutioned masses would turn to the light of Lucifer..This Whole Middle East Mess. May be just following the plan? Set up for number 3. To have a war and have the people support it. There must be much hate and anger.