

So boring. They need to blow something up again to keep the script rolling.

I think you’re right about The tranny Taylor, and POS sellout Kelcie.

Ha ha it!

Paul Harvey wouldn’t have lasted long in this world. His voice would have most certainly been silenced if not he would have been sacrificed. Look what happened to Kary Mullis. He was exterminated right before the Covid bullshit because they knew he would blow the whole pandemic to pieces.

With so many people in one small area, how is it possible to only injure ten people? If two gunman actually had intentions of killing people there would be a hell of a lot more than ten injured. I’m guessing this is fake as all the rest. They probably didn’t have enough actors to play the deceased and injured.

A bios is an operating system. It is the entire set of codes which function as part of the cmos. To ever get a computer to boot your first OS, the bios initializes everything for you and gets your other OS to run.

I really liked the speech to speech software you used, the topic was so easy to understand, hope I’m talking about the same thing you are, if so I hope you’ll continue to use it, cheers.

You may be right or partially right. Just because your body hosts a modem and a Bootstrap program does not necessarily imply you have the BIOS or the ’Image’ installed and a complete hardware platform for it to run on. From what I see, this is still to come. Whatever is coming, must be sophisticated enough to over-ride your mental capacity in a very complex manner. For example, your body requires your autonomic systems to function while it downloads itself and runs. This may be what this stage does...control of your heart, breathing, swallowing, digestive ..., functions. Just a thought.

Have you had a look at what psinergy on odysee is doing vids on? (Her tech videos I’m on about, not some of the weird ones, hahaha)

I have so much to say about this topic that this comment section would become a book if I tried to say it all. So I will stick to one single topic. The single word for this communication technology is MANET. Self connecting, self replicating, self healing, peer to peer, LANs. They can grow to any size and configuration. Any node on MANET can connect to any other node, or LANs, or LANs of LANs...etc. through any other node close enough to connect to it. It truly is the Borg. I did say one topic.

Yeah, but so what. In better news, looks like Tom Brady will be the next Bruce Jenner. Any bets on it’s new name? Tyeesha Brady is my best guess. Although Tamika Brady was a good runner up.

Never trust someone that talks with their hands

haha, funny, whoever put it together had some good creativity :)

he doesn’t get into who did 911 or who the global controllers are. He is the best I ever heard on deconstructing their mind control of statism and breaking their spell that is forced onto all of us as soon as we enter kindergarten. Reification is the fallacy when people actually believe an abstract concept is physically real like ’states’ and ’borders’ and ’countries.’ I see Marc as striking at the root of control while most everyone else is focused on cutting off branches like its the jesuits, its the jews, its the globalists, its the 13 illuminati families, its the families behind the illluminati, Once you break their spell does it really matter who is casting it?

Interesting how AOC’s video shows Alex at the bottom of the stairs but now the police cars are missing.

i’d delete your comment but its best left so people can see what an arse you are

i am free, my mind tells me that, have you just looked into a crystal ball and found that OMG isnt free. You dont know my background why i am unable to donate, i lack funds, luckily i am surviving where i am not that i need to say anything to pathetic comments like yours, i do my part in many ways likely far beyond what you have done in the last 4 years, but i’m not wanting a blue peter badge, we dont need bullshit comments like yours, if you have donated good on you, i will sit hear and give you a few claps, there ya go, happy now, now run along, pathetic fool.

jbossman008 ) - fuck me Jason you on a deep scientific level hear, mind bending, its good that someone like yourself is able to connect the dots, all your strong theories that could well be correct. its a wonder many of us have not cracked up with our understanding of what they have done, this is all scientific si-fi become reality shit.

thanks Jason. that would be interesting of you could link up with them and forward your findings, many have mentioned why don’t talk about the nano tech and these now discovered Mac addresses, its even mind blowing to me.