
I was a member of GOA for years, and I stopped supporting them because they all believe that these fake shootings are real, ALL OF THEM, they might as well be sleeping with the enemy, they have been hoaxed just like those who believe in the fake virus. PROVES all mass media and major institutions are Zionically controlled in overwhelming number and amount. Zionic mass media will never waste one-second airing / sharing anything that does not suit or conform to their agenda, desired outcome -- and one major part of that is the disarmament of American population, so it can be more readily genocided, more easily controlled, more profitably slow-killed.

MASS SHOAHTING false flag trainer-gone-live fake-out to further the Zionic Gun Grab agenda. Pretty clear...WTOP Zionic news in Wash DC reporting 47 mass shoahtings so far this year.

Another training op gone ’live’ (meaning under the spotlight) -- MASS SHOAHTINGS: 47 so far this year...More than 1 per day, according to WTOP Zionic news in Washington DC, where 90% of the population works for federal government and 95% of those workers took the jab, many including one or more boosters. The sheepality is Beyond Belief. Fortunately they will have soon enough wiped themselves away, shotened, er, shortened their lives by accepting the poison brew from Jesuit-trained Fauci, hyped by Jesuit-trained Trump and then Biden.

... bitch can dissicoate well. The middle finger was a nice touch,. Hoody man there though. I must have bad resolution cause I aint sure if he didnt just get the most magical of angles that never show his face, or if it AI. Thats how and why I was looking at fingers.

WTOP (Zionic) news in Washington DC tonight gave an unprecedented 10 minutes to the story, which of course was mostly the complicit mayor / official in KC telling how he and his wife ran and that he feels we live in a gun culture that must be ended. Latest claims was 1 dead, 22 shot, 9 of them kids. 3 suspects in custody.

Except for the scripted yapper actor talking into all the sheeple’s camera-phones, these is ZERO evidence of any blood, not to mention any shootings. I PROPOSE THE NAME "MASS SHOAHTINGS" for these continual media-hyped lies, hoaxes, and false flags.

Biden, Trump Fauci, Newsome (gov Calif) ALLLLL deeply Jesuit trained, Vatican funded. Jesuits are historically known poisoners. Look at the amazing re-examination of American history that includes the extremely extensive Jesuit/Vatican subterfuge that has been removed from books and teachings by those (Jesuits) in-charge of Higher Edu for far too long -- see

Kansas Wholesale Internet is a scam operation full of liars and cheats. Even the supposed infrastructure there is rotten to the very core.

Only ten injured, there would be plenty of ambulances around where you wouldn’t have to do this. This shooting was disgustingly bullshit!

The one consolation to these shills will come when they are wiped out

BS !!!!


FAKE NUKES on bitchute has shown HUNDREDS of ten-second clips of fake rubber babies and rubber-fake-bodies in the hilarity-hoax spewing from GAZA

Rubber dummy

I know, it’s maddening. Everyone still falls for this cheap street theater - over and over. rn

Yes, I noticed that - a sprinkle of fake blood to dazzle the goy. They are going to make a big deal about this one. Osteen’s hoax was a total dud. I knew they would do something splashy for Parkland’s anniversary.

It’s like the Vegas aftermath. No real blood or chaos, pros stand around while the average fan attends to fake victims? All these shot and not one screaming out in real pain.What a fucking joke.

Throw that sack of potatoes over your shoulder, might just as well have drug him out of there by his feet in a real situation if all else failed.

Duping delights montage.