
"hear" not "here".

I was at the other side of the room and someone mentioned, "there’s been another incident" They were on you tube and the first thing I here is police sent to a disturbance on 33rd avenue. Without watching and with only hearing two seconds of audio the investigation was closed and sealed as another demon hoax.

It’s more elaborate than just the voodoos but they are the evil that the whole plan depended on and why they were brought in to human lands so many centuries ago "as slaves". because humans need voodoos. Would there be any castles in europe if the voodoos didn’t build them. Lord, the scariest part is to watch the rewriting of history.

I think that was the agreement prior to them leaving homes. Are you willing to join the military and kill humans/U.S. Citizens and takes their possessions. Interesting to they "cleaned-up" el Salvador by taking-out all MS-13 gangs and putting them in a custom-made prison. I thought that maybe they’ll be the ones coming in but they’re tattoed head to toe. I didn’t like that "clean-up" it reeks too much of Michael Corleone. The voodoos are behind this mass genocide of european and asians. I don’t think voodoos took the vaxx. Yeah, the voodoos are in the top spots of the u.s. military and so that’s like putting satan in charge of the day care. (which IS what’s going on)

I don’t take anything as TRUTH unless I hear it from Netanyahu. Now there’s a (?) of impeccable character and integrity.

Yes, I saw both videos. I had forgotten. Thankyou

very welcome. Very much appreciate your work!

They’re smarter than federal employees, though.....ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha...good one!

Ha ha ha’re right

33 ! You know its fake! Look for 33 in all mass hoxes! Hoaxes! Lol

When my comments on YouTube videos & channels are deleted and reported, then given final warnings, proves the truth is always silenced. Appreciate your work brother - I still get to figure out how to do my own videos (I’ve thousands of saved work/images/photos etc and copious A4 pads full of years of work……I just don’t know how to get it out other than speaking directly to people I meet (regardless of reaction, I’ve been told I deliver it in a good manner for the recipient(s)

Thanks for the sermon!

I know, police officers as well, can you imagine illegal invaders who broke the law to get here toting guns to tell Americans what and what is not legal to do at the barrel of a gun.

In a number of videos that I saw on the same incident, it was quite clear to me that it was preplanned and were emphasizing the number 33.

Senator Dick Durbin wants them granted citizenship if they join the military. ROTHSCHILD’S PUPPET France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine”rnrnREGARDING France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,00 ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES WERE Signed: Élisabeth BORNErnREAL SURNAME BORNSTEIN < JEWISH Élisabeth Borne - Wikipedia Borne was born in Paris.[4] Her French-born mother, Marguerite Lecèsne (1920–2015), was a pharmacist. Her father, Joseph Bornstein (1924–1972), son of Zelig Bornstein from Łuków (formerly Congress Poland),[5] was born in Antwerp, Belgium.[6] He fled to France at the outset of the Second World War and was active in the French Resistance.[7] Bornstein was one of four brothers. In 1943, he was arrested by the Gestapo in Grenoble, where he was part of the French resistance and deported to Auschwitz German concentration camp. His father and younger brother were sent to the German gas chambers THAT NEVER EXISTED . Joseph and his older brother were kept alive to work in a synthetic fuel factory.rnrnREGARDING France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,00 THE OTHER ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES WAS Signed: Gérald DARMANIN ,JEWISH , The grandson of a Maltese Jew has become France’s interior minister. France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,00 THE LAST ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES WAS Signed: Sabrina AGRESTI-ROUBACHE ALGERIAN JEWESS The letter R - Sephardic surnames,, Sephardic names, Sephardic ... Roubache(46) ANOTHER INFAMOUS ALGERIAN FRENCH JEW WITH THIS SURNAME WAS [show less]

Great catch Coop! ROTHSCHILD’S PUPPET France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine”rnrnREGARDING France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,00 ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES WERE Signed: Élisabeth BORNErnREAL SURNAME BORNSTEIN < JEWISH Élisabeth Borne - Wikipedia Borne was born in Paris.[4] Her French-born mother, Marguerite Lecèsne (1920–2015), was a pharmacist. Her father, Joseph Bornstein (1924–1972), son of Zelig Bornstein from Łuków (formerly Congress Poland),[5] was born in Antwerp, Belgium.[6] He fled to France at the outset of the Second World War and was active in the French Resistance.[7] Bornstein was one of four brothers. In 1943, he was arrested by the Gestapo in Grenoble, where he was part of the French resistance and deported to Auschwitz German concentration camp. His father and younger brother were sent to the German gas chambers THAT NEVER EXISTED . Joseph and his older brother were kept alive to work in a synthetic fuel factory.rnrnREGARDING France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,00 THE OTHER ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES WAS Signed: Gérald DARMANIN ,JEWISH , The grandson of a Maltese Jew has become France’s interior minister. France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,00 THE LAST ONE OF THE SIGNATORIES WAS Signed: Sabrina AGRESTI-ROUBACHE ALGERIAN JEWESS The letter R - Sephardic surnames,, Sephardic names, Sephardic ... Roubache(46) ANOTHER INFAMOUS ALGERIAN FRENCH JEW WITH THIS SURNAME WAS

Those of you here that are inclined to think that it’s not always a hoax when they drop the Magic Masonic 33 better think again, it is happening with far too much regularity to be a mere coincidence, and these people have no conscience, a lie for them is the same as the truth, and in their minds it’s FOR THE GREATER GOOD, They have become far too emboldened for this to stop, Wake Up!