
all this would do is kill the self assembling nano tech. your body would still have all that extra stuff even after killing the construction team.

We know that 1 bodybuilder had his blood cleansed after being vaxxed multiple times, and that didn’t work, so hey, why not try it, they are not human after they have altered their DNA, right? so why not give it a shot 1 more won’t hurt.

If Peggy Hall were breaking this down she might also reduce it to numbers like this, a call came in at 1:50 am that could be reduced to 6 or 2-3’s thus 33 or 12,000 600 hundred block which could broken down to 12,000 = 6&6 and then 600 = 666 what say you???

Yes the Burns-ville also came to my mind as well and I wanted to see if anyone else thought that might be significant as well, these people that present these Psyop do not think like us they are deranged and demonic or demons in the flesh.

I’m sure there are morons that donate to these staged events, but I bet the bulk of the money paid to the participants come from the Jew money making machine and the go fund me is just a cover story.

First thing I’m thinking is, that’s a chick. That Town Manager is a woman on T. That’s my first impression. Second thing that strikes me is that s/he mentions someone named "Drew". Well, the first song I ever heard that Taylor Swift creature sing was a song about some dude named Drew in high school. And, this is all Taylor-Swift-psyop-related. Dropping like pins after the faggot-bowl. Lake-of-Fire church, Kansas City fun-and-games, now Minnesota. (Minnesota must be a real shit-hole. ) Oh, and I’m calling a corollary between the Lake-of-Fire church in Texas and the "Burns"-ville. Like, some of us humans and humanoids are going to "Burnsville" if we don’t change our evil ways. (I heard a dude say that the other day. I guy said, "Wait! Where are you going?" Response: "To hell, if I don’t change my ways." "Words can’t express how hard today has been (big smile)" I will say, for crisis actors, the she-he city manager isn’t bad. No tears, still (I don’t think these things have tear ducts) but I could almost buy that maybe the city manager WOULDN’T actually shed tears. Like, a parent grieving its child being ripped to pieces by a machine gun should shed tears. A city manager transgender is supposed to hate cops. Or did they only hate cops when they were pretending that the cops were heterosexual human beings? Anyway, the blowjob champion from the "criminal apprehension unit" is going to speak. Let’s listen-in. (Oh, but first, if this guy’s job is to apprehend criminals he could just place himself and everyone in the room...EVERYONE...under arrest and order an immediate death by firing squad. Like, that Liar, Liar movie. If this faggot suddenly had to do the job for which it was playing the part, he’d HAVE to arrest himself and everyone there and kill themselves. Oh, that’d be so sweet if they were suddenly all dead. All the masons, synagogue of satan, catholics, homosexuals, voodoos, trannies, abortion-whores, masons...if they all dropped dead. (Oh, I said masons twice). OK, back to the video... Of course, first thing it does is applaud the other faggots. Like the grammys and the oscars and the pulitzer and noble prize just faggots always celebrating themselves. So, 1:50 am. 1 and 5 are 6. 15 I guess is the number for the KC Queer QB and everyone in Kansas City was issued a 15 Jersey for their participation in the "event". Like when Candlestick Park in San Francisco would have Willie McCovey day or the Clark dude. You’d get a shirt or some weird cheap plastic jacket with the Giants written on it. I guess all participants at the KC-thing were promised a 15 Jersey and a free lunch and pay dependent on their level of participation. Okay. I paused and I don’t like to keep faggot sell-out spineless sellouts waiting. (kindling wood for Burnsville/Lake-of-Fire gotta keep the fires in hell burning and these fags are all kindling wood) Let’s listen: Oh, the guy on the right and to a lesser degree the one in back don’t dare look up at the camera lest they break out laughing at the death and destruction. 12600 block of 33rd AVe So. We can break that address up many ways and none of them are good. 9 3 6 3 times 6? And the avenue, do we even need to mention it. I bet there are people who’ve never even seen a "Truther" video that still pick up on the 33 coding at this point. .....7 children ages 2 to 15. (15 again) 8 am. deceased. ......Police Chief Schwartz! good ’ol Schwartzy!.....age 27 2017 2019 age 27 2020 age 40 2019 .....Guns and ammo. Oh, it’ll be interesting to see the body cams... Just some numbers. Oh, and for God’s sake don’t go near the investigation. We’ll have to kill anyone that witnesses what’s really going on and then we’ll have to come up with ANOTHER story to cover for that murder and that really complicates the plot line of an already very tenuous script. So, please, don’t come try and observe what we are doing at the 12600 block of 33 ave south. They didn’t give an exact address, I wonder if it’s 1 2 6 6 6. Chihuahuah! Wouldn’t that be a coincidence. Or, what if there’s a Taylor Swift connection.

Starting right out of the gate to look like a Robbie Parker introduction from Sandy Hook, what do you think, are there any tells or duping delights that are apparent to you?

These dummies were too expensive to use in the Nice fake truck attack. There they used the cheap plastic mannequins dumped through a hole in the floor of the truck.

Look at the faggots face when she intercedes after he says "smoke bombs" and the thing on the left corrects him, "flare guns". Look at the face. Like, beeeetch. I was on a role. Why you interrupt me. Smoke bombs, flare guns, what the fuck eez the difference. She’s like, "I’ll take it from here, Pepe." Lord, now I know why people must be taking fentanyl. Too keep ones sanity during this hell-on-Earth. The slippery slope I guess makes it seems not as bad as it is. But, who thought that they’d be living in a time where men have lost their reason. That’s what Marc Antony says when he is eulogizing Caesar. " have lost their reason." It’s interesting because I watched an anime movie on Odysee the other day. I didn’t know what to expect. One guy is telling the other that the demons get people to lose their ability to reason and only then can they enter and take possession. That’s why the common core preceded these times. Rather than teach two plus two equals four. They run you through a story about sammy squirrel climbed a tree and dropped a walnut which Paul Porcupine picked up and carried it to Barbara Blue Jay and eventually because of all these events it therefore follows that two plus two is four.

Tranny in the studio and voodoo on the scene. The trannies and voodoos are sure getting a lot of airtime these days. I don’t know the last time I saw a biological female on television. And the white males that make an occasional appearance...Lord knows what the hell they are. Freemason fag sell-outs. Like the team that was interviewing Gooch for the Kansas City shit-fest. Gootch! At some point, after Gooch fucked up his lines so much that they just gave up. I think at that point they were just mocking him. So, the three in the studio all surely were in sororities and fraternities, right. Anyone joining a sorority or fraternity is already void of any self-respect and is going to be a "joiner". So from there to being a maggot on television spewing shit out of your mouth, it’s really not a stretch.

In one of the videos it shows one of the supposed gunmen getting tackled. One of the tacklers’ wife picks up the gun and places it beside the cement barrier. Then a cop stands over it to block the view of it. Did anyone pick up on the indication that it was extremely light by the way she actually picked it up? It appeared to represent something akin to a tec-9 which is not a polymer light frame weighing in at about 5 pounds empty. Toy gun maybe.

We knew with Taylor and Kelce pretending to be trannies-in-love and them being pushed in the media so that every time they took a shit we heard about it, we knew Kansas City was assured a spot in the shit-bowl and that s/he (Taylor-monster) would be there too. We could’ve guessed, if we’d given it much thought, that Taylor would win a grammy. I would not have guessed that Taylor would adjust his penis on the way to the stage but often we get an unexpected bonus at these tranny-voodoo shit events. Oh, and each time tranny beyonce doesn’t win a golden idol some baboon has to get up and make a production about it. Yes, voodoos who’d still not have figured out the wheel if they hadn’t infiltrated human society is indignant because a cross-dresser, demon-possessed tranny-whore isn’t given an award every time it shit’s its underwear (having had its anus trained so many times it makes the goddard tunnel in switzerland look like a pin prick.) Can we please separate the species. I understand that voodoos are told to hold up signs that say they matter so that those of us that wonder what the fuck they’re good for will think, we I don’t know what they’re good for but they have a sign that says they matter and it’s important enough when they go around burning cities and raping and looting and selling fentanyl that their protected by the police so, they must matter to someone. Still, it would be nice to have a homeland for humans to congregate unmolested by faggots and tranny whores and voodoos and synagogue of satan and masons and catholics and TV-watchers...I figured the north countries would be safe but when we accept their money as trade and they print the money then they can take over anything and everywhere they want. My printer is broken and I can’t print money out. But, the voodoos sure are doing well for themselves for being a species that has been shuckin’ and jivin’ for centuries while humans have been working and warring and getting fucked at every turn while history has the voodoo and the synagogue of satan as the victims and we humans and Jesus Christ as the villain. How the HELL did they do that!!!!! The voodoo, like the snake in the garden, said that they’d destroy human men by means of controlling the human female and maybe they corrupted the human female to kill-off a couple generations of their children while the voodoos have been humping like rabbits. Or maybe they come up from hell in Kenya or Nigeria somewhere. Ironically, the deeper you go into Africa it might be that you’ll find the african that is most moral and conscience. Maybe, I still don’t understand where that species comes from, if they were created to do evil and can’t help it because it’s their engineering or was it THEY that corrupted the synagogue of satan and the masons and the faggots and whores. Mystery.

She looks remarkably similar to my first wife with whom the government got to in order to try and control me in the early days of my nuclear career.

Love me an ugly, sell-out voodoo movin’ up the ranks as a boule-nigga. Good boy. You give us that thirty-three. Sho’ u rite. What’s the name of that fuckin’ shit-face, Babs!!! What male is named Babs! Is that more mockery. Boy, those humans back a hundred years ago that warned of mixing that species with humans and warned against listening to that voodoo music with the tribal beats that destroys the frontal lobe and allows all kinds of evil to enter the mind, THEY WERE RIGHT. I have recently come across at least four books from around the thirties, that mention the syncopation and the raucous jazz music in a negative light. One on television writing (actually published in the 50s) that seemed to think that television would enlighten people and they’d discard the crap music and rediscover Wagner and he mentioned another composer. The voodoos are being strategically placed in human towns and cities. Pre-covid hoax there were NONE here. Having come from bigger cities I found that alone made it like paradise. I never locked the car. When one went out in the street one only had to worry about being harassed by police (the other side of the same voodoo threat because masonry answers to the voodoo which is the intermediary between earth and satan’s realm. Observe the how satan is portrayed in the Li’l NAS video that was circling a couple years ago. )

That’s why TRUMP! A big, bad-ass truck whizzed by me yesterday with the TRUMP sticker on the window. Better not fuck with him. He’s with TRUMP. Because Judas Goats always come through on their promises. Yes! Humans will go to war FOR their "country" (read: satanic cult) but when faced with right or wrong... We’ll get picked-off one-by-one. They’re evil and liars but they know that if they put something on tv they’ll have every single creature watching BELIEVING in what they’re seeing. So they villify the one creature that may stand in the way of satan’s plan. How easily the other creatures sell-out. It won’t be long. They are very emboldened. The Pope said to thousands in attendance that Lucifer is returning and he’s the son of Jesus Christ and he should be worshipped. He added that people SHOULD NOT have a relationship with Jesus Christ. This means TRUTH. One should not have a relationship with TRUTH. And the thousands in attendance and all the homosexual jesuits and priests and the millions watching remotely sang in unison: A-MEN. One good that comes out of all this is that we were right all along about the synagogue of satan, the voodoos, the catholic church, the masons, the homosexuals, the abortion-whores. Feminists are a real treasure and actually, this applies to all those that are supporting this but I notice in the feminists they are the most harmful thing to ever happen to women. EVER. Of course, the women pushing abortion and feminism and the like, through the decades, have ALL been transgender men.

Maybe retarded guys from ecuador speak their own language but what did this queer-bait say. "He had seven kids and never said a word to them?" So "it" happened three (3) times. And to indicate gun fire he (as we all do) makes the "A-OK" sign with his hand and pumps it. Kind of like you see Trump do and the guys in the show the Office and, actually, every sell-out piece of shit on earth seems to do it. And what time was it? Oh yeah, just estimating but he thinks it was 5:39. Y’know, when you round-off the time because you’re not sure exactly so you estimate to the nearest 39. 39 and if the nine flips over by accident it’s 3 6. That leaves a 5 left over and we have 7 kids that he didn’t talk to. 5 and 7? Isn’t that the age of the little boy killed in Joel O’Stein’s Lake-of-Fire church? The little boy was 5 and 7. Not many of us are privileged to be two ages at once. Lucky boy. 5 and 7. And here the guy had 7 kids that he never spoke to (?) and it was about 5: 39. I love America. You can come to America and within days you got a white ho at your side and your starring in a block buster Hollywood movie.

Wow, Just two days ago I’m crossing the border into texas (probably flown straight from ecuador to minnesota and picked up at the airport in a limo. Given a pair of Ray Bans and sworn into the u.s. voodoo army of america. The ho has a fancy pair of glasses on too. When she says that they sent drones into the house I think she’s abruptly hesitates and asks herself ’do drones go into houses’ and she says s.w.a.t. I get the voodoos taking part in these things because they seem to naturally lean to evil, self-serving acts that require an absence of a soul and a conscience and no morals whatsoever. The latinos, I think they get worked on by Televisa and Univision, which, if TV in America is for retards and a hypno trance machine the television for latinos is equivalent to having a frontal lobotomy , the brain then removed and replaced with a mixture of cow shit, syphillis and aphasia. Actually, that’s why the Simpsons would make fun of Mexican tv shows and the Bumble Bee guy.

Taunt, not taught.

There are more than enough people that have been awakened. The issues are such that the KM have extreme control therefore they taught their adversaries in such a manner as to extract new opposition from hiding. That is just one aspect. Another is the prevalent mentality that the emasculated wannabe pretend to be patriots don’t have the balls to take real action vice this safe space rhetoric we see on the internet. The self serving about me virtue that has become the cancer of man always spew garbage such as someone else needs to do something about it or it doesn’t affect me and more lame excuses to justify their own weaknesses. Give me the tools i need and i’ll prove that genuine men still exist.

"hear" not "here".