
Brilliant minds think alike!!!

What a coincidence. I just yesterday, watched and considered the Bride of Frankenstein for part of a video. It’s a small world.

I know. I just didn’t want to put it out there like that. Just in case.

Have to admit ,their fakery is getting pretty good these days

Do they not realise how ridiculous they look with those damned sh-tty face diapers

I just tried this on an old drone remote we had sitting around. Fried it. All it does is is flash lights. So this works like a champ.

Paypal is the way I’ve been donating for years. I’m still a free man. You might ask Jason if there is another way for you to donate. Might be able to send a check, but, I’m not sure

No honest cop in a real situation, would ever leave a gun accessible to others. There are many questionable features of this sad story, that I couldn’t cover. Altercations between gun toting fools happen daily across America in every major city, In fact, they represent the majority of the propagandized "mass shootings". This country has an epidemic of stupidity, not an epidemic of guns. To have only two idiots in one argument stir the pot in a crowd of nearly a million people, is very close to being, pleasantly miraculous. The GunGrab media will never admit to that.

I use the "BLE Scanner" on my Android device. It has range towards the signals, and a list function. I’ve received hundreds of mac addresses when I walk into a supermarket here in Denmark. We have a 91% vaccination coverage in the whole country, so Denmark is one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, in relation to this nanotechnology.

Exactly, I was going to do a video on Christine Legard of the International Monetary Fund who speaks openly to her audiences about Numerology and the compression of numbers, all of these psychopaths believe and practice it.

The police chief (or whoever he is) at the beginning has an upside down smile (like Kill Gates). In his position, he is likely to be a higher ranking ’brother’. Inversion is the name of the game. He, also, looks a bit porcine. The next one looks a bit vulpine. What is the lapel badge he’s wearing? As for the photos of the officers - none of them look real. The first one - maybe could be, but why is he in front of a neutral background (passport style) with a smile? The second one - why is he all faded out, like an old photo, but only above the shirt-neck? The third one - he is an obvious cut and paste of a head and neck onto a photo of a uniform and a background. Look at the sharp outline. The badges on the last two look superimposed, also. If ’they’ have weapons that can burn everything (that’s not blue) to cinders - how come they can’t find anyone to use photoshop, with any degree of skill? Maybe they don’t care because people will believe anything they tell them.

What id really like to know is what are you using to read these mac addresses? That’s something i would like to run around walmart with here.

What about the inverse relationship between the voltage and the current. That high of voltage has very little amperage? Do you think milli/micro/nano amperages will burn the circuitry out disabling the nano particles that make up the circuits? If so, how much do you think is needed? Do you intend to stay at 60Hz with this device?

I say that she’s not wrong. There is a numerical significance to everything ’they’ do. We don’t have to believe, or even know about it. In fact, it’s better for them if we don’t. However, ’they’ do believe and they are creating an egregore or a ’spell’. As Peggy would say, quite rightly, ’Outwit the nitwits’!...and how do you like them apples? :)

Question - ’What time was this at?’ Answer - ’I dunno - about 5.39 or so’...kind of precise, don’t you think? Is there gematria on 539?

Shows the devious nature of Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is not the first. Back in the days of the mind control forum, i learned there was this guy named Jose Delgado who was the pioneer of wireless brain implants.

I really want to help - but I am in Scotland and the only option that I can see, for me, is Paypal - which I will not sign up for. I don’t know if there is another way for those of us who are not on your side of the Atlantic?