
It’s just now that they’re pushing the Oppenheimer movie or show and regurgitating nuclear bullshit. It’s interesting because it was released against another movie that is bullshit that no one wanted to see, hoping, I suppose, that if anyone went to the movies it would be to see the Oppenheimer propaganda. When Hollywood makes a based-on-a-TRUE-story movie you can literally bet your life without any fear of losing it that all the facts have been altered, or MORE likely, the entire story when it ran in the news at the time was fake and now they’re just reiterating the lie. That’s why I used to like seeing some of DaveJ’s videos that all wars are fake and no one dies but they’re too hard to follow. They aren’t substantiated. I can SEE in books I own from the civil war to the two world wars that many, many photographs are faked or altered. It’s also interesting that I’ve met Vietnam vets that haven’t wanted to discuss the war and family of world war two vets who always say that their family member that went to WW2 would never talk about it. I get the not wanting to re-live the trauma but I wonder if there’s a secret they’re keeping. One 90 year-old women, now dead, would talk about her sister that was a WAC or a WAVE and she never returned from the war and the government would never tell the family what happened to her. The woman I know was obviously traumatized with this, that her older sister just disappeared and there’s no "closure" as they say. And the brother of this woman would just tell her to forget it, which makes it even stranger. Like, if the war was just a war why wouldn’t he be as interested in the what happened to the sister. She’s dead? She’s missing? She’s sent beyond Antarctica as a sex slave for another... I mean, WHAT the fuck. Why people sign-up for these wars is beyond me. I would say when Tecumseh stood his ground and got a few indians to stand against the Freemason/zionist/voodoo butchers, that’s a war I could stand behind. Insurmountable odds but he said, "I’m gonna die on my feet" not get starved to death on a reservation or killed by a small-pox infested blanket.

I would guess that since the synagogue of satan has completely pushed the inhabitants out of Palestine and successfully made it seem as if they are the victims. The same EXACT thing that the voodoos are doing in the rest of the world. And we KNOW that the voodoo and the synagogue of satan have been in collusion since the days before the "slave" trade which was just a means in infesting lands with voodoos where they otherwise wouldn’t be. And knowing that the voodoos and the synagogue of satan both hate humans and are void of TRUTH and COMPASSION and lack soul. And that they own freemasonry, zionisms, homosexual cults, abortion-whores and TV watchers and voters and everyone that wore a mask and/or got the death-jab. And seeing that most of the cops there are voodoos. I would say the whole thing is a show. It’s hard to tell from just this footage but both of these creatures are of a hive mind. They do satan’s will as do masons and the creatures with the guns and the money. This is probably like the Black Sox scandal of 1919/20, or Watergate, or Pete Rose gambling, or any big story where we are led to believe that the system works. The pretend to clean up sports so that they can rig every sporting event and muzzle-wearers will not question things because they’ll think, "no, the system polices itself, we saw it with Pete Rose and the Black Sox." Watergate the same shit. Nixon, the war on drugs-guy that preceded the cocaine pandemic and all subsequent drug infestations. Golly gee, our government is doing everything they can to stop the drugs but we just can’t win. No, not if you’re growing the plants, processing the plants, transporting it, allowing the border patrol to look the other way (HEY!, kind of like the hordes of voodoos and demon-possessed whores of babylon that are being shipped in now) These immigrants are like the Africans in Europe coming in huge military rafts and they all have life preservers. They are coming to rape you. The voodoo is NEVER a victim. It was created by the synagogue of satan and you can read about it in their story of the golem / gollum that they created to destroy the humans after the humans wouldn’t let them rape their children and destroy their lands. TOO LATE. I guess they made it in anyway through the Catholic Church and through the spineless maggot that is the FreeMason. White nigger’s niggers if you don’t mind me being perfectly frank about it. And they got you with that fucking voodoo music. I have countless books from the era of radio that make reference to the syncopation and the raucousness of the "jazz". It’s called the devil’s music and it’s why the force fed it and continue to feed it. The shit that passes for music now. The droning utterings of voodoo-sodomites repeating ridiculously inane babbles and the constant beating of the drum, usually a computer beat and the "clap" of the loop and the mind-killing tick-tick-tick of the symbol. It kills the human mind and apparently feeds the voodoo mind with bravado and desire to rape, murder and steal and burn shit down. But don’t worry, the police are there to save us....hey, wait, where are the police. Y’mean, the police are masons and masonry is a nigger-cult and has always been in collusion with the voodoo to destroy TRUTH on earth and the cremation of care and, what’s that, that fat ass whore that’s playing Donald Trump is an T

Or, is it even happening. Both the arrest-ers and the arrest-ees are of the same hive mind, no? Is it a show. The officers are voodoo and/or masons. I think they want us to believe that things are being handled. They did it in the Bolshevik revolution and they do it here all the time. They present the voodoos and the Jews as either heroes or villains or they give us fake presentations like this so we believe the system works and have faith.

Apart from the Ikeish New Age "evolving consciousness" clap trap. A damn good appraisal of the nightmare we are now well and truly in.

Has anyone noticed that this evolving tyrannical 666 New World DISorder ,is as bleak grey and DEAD as the filthy dingey chemtrailed geoengineered "skies" ,we now see on an almost 24/7 basis WHO THE HELL WANTS TO EXIST IN THIS DEMONIC SH_THOLE ??

the ones who do this do it for clicks and views on YT i call them frauditors a bunch of useless grifters

Make that 3rn

In the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968) 2 Astro-Nots think the computer HAL 9000 is sabotaging operations within the ship so they go to a pod that is sealed off and completely soundproof except for the pods small window as they discuss a course of action they don’t realize that HAL 9000 is reading their lips........go figure.

Are they serious, your every move is recorded and stored in every public building, there are camera’s at every traffic light, all new TV’s have an internal camera and microphone, all smart devices Bluetooth Siri and Alexis monitor all your movements, The New World Order has made it so you have no expectations of privacy.

Yes we do, several guns and lots of ammo, a call came in at 1:50 am that could be broken down to 6 or 2--3’s = 33 also 12,000 600 avenue or 12= 2--6’s = 66 and 6 = 666 Christine Lagard from the International Monetary Fund believes in Numerology and the compression of numbers all the psychopaths that rule the world do too.

In George Orwell’s "1984"...Winston and Julie find a "safe room" where they are "free"...only to find out later that the government had set up those rooms to monitor them. What is the best way to corral the dissident? Give him spaces or websites to feel he is communicating with "like-minded people" and monitor them. They will...of course...migrate to the places where they feel they are "represented". WHAT IF...this site...and others like it...are merely set-up to contain you all into a small area where your videos and opinions don’t reach a larger audience? Where you are simply circle-jerking each other off?

I’m all for recording the police, but what is the point of all these recording in public buildings videos?

Look it’s probably what they said about Biden.

was the wound through his clothing? I mean WTF??? here is some info... THE ENTRY WOUND WOULD HAVE GONE THROUGH HIS CLOTHING!!! DID IT GO UNDER HIS SHIRT??

how far away was the shooter from the kid? I mean this is all too strange. What/who was in between them.... I just did a Yandex search for this and this is so fake it is not funny

did Cuomo say just barely got shot? There is a hole in the kid? where is the entry and exit wound? This is just so hoaxy. All with Mr. Pfizer and the very strange Swift beard.

OMG this was 24 HOURS later. No bleeping way. No.

no. No evidence of anything. Go to Fetzer’s channel on bitchute and look for it.

that was not a wound! It did not look like one to me. Withing hours that thing is granulated and sealed up, no pink around the edges, that wound appeared to be about several weeks old not days old. No way. that is a life threatening situation.... and did Mexican mommy and son have medicaid or did they have insurance? This is so fake I cannot deal with it. As an ortho/trauma/OR rep I have seen my share of wounds, the kid is typical as he is fat. Healed up, probably has door dash deliver McDonalds every night. They are laughing and happy!! Cuomo is super strange dude, clearly acting.

Such bull. That is NOT his torso!!! And that "wound" looks quite well healed and scabbed over. I was in HC and nursing since the early 80s!!! I just had my torso run over by a dodge Ram.. (10 months ago) there is so much blood with a situation like that, one of the first things they did was give me blood thinners so that the risk of a clot was lowered - and blood thinners make wounds heal much slower. This kid get shot in the torso, that is grave bodily harm, he would not be sitting in a fake hospital room - (where is the equipment, etc?) That would be so painful he would be unable to walk and crying out for help. All of the "victims" = actors, are sitting at home, looking sloppier than hell, in front of a computer camera. The lungs and torso are not the same thing. the so called victim and his mom are laughing and smiling. I am sick and hurt like that I am NOT going to want to talk to anyone. I was in a dark quiet room because I was so badly injured, I remember that much. The wound looked to be weeks old, completely granulated and sealed up. Not even pink around the edges and no bruising or any evidence of trauma. No wound dressing !!!! A couple days later. They are smiling and happy because that paycheck is a comin’.