
They said the voodoos in Africa didn’t have to take the vaccine because the humans in europe, america, asia and australia took them all. Something tells me the voodoos didn’t come to america to pick cotton. Something tells me that the voodoos didn’t cry to integrate with humans into their schools so they could be more human. Something tells me Martin Lucifer drag-Queen was a freemason back-stabbing whore. Something tells me that humans were right to want the synagogue of satan and the voodoos to stay the fuck away from them and their families. Mean, humans. Voodoos and synagogue of satan or always victimized by mean humans. Voodoos and synagogue of satan just want to pimp out your daughters and rape your wives and cut your son’s penis off. And they can’t compete AGAINST the German soccer team so they’ll replace the german soccer team. All the soccer teams are voodoos,...except for the one that won. Hmm. Well, they CAN win at tennis when it’s a steroid-ed male voodoo and brother playing in the women’s league. Can’t put that only on the voodoos. All the species are infested with trannyism. Voodoos and synagogue of satan have the good fortune of being in a hive mind. Humans are independent and so each has his own mind which will be their downfall because apparently the human doesn’t have the wherewithal to identify the enemy unless a kabal of whores and faggots called government waves a flag in their face and barks orders at them as if they’re dogs saying, "Attack them!" And off the humans go to kill their brothers and sisters instead of the synagogue of satan or the voodoos. Patton might’ve been a freemason whore, I don’t know, but before they killed him he is reported to have said, "I’ve been fighting the wrong enemy!" rnIf we ever get out of this voodoo/synagogue shit-hole and we have to recreate society on Christ’s terms: no voodoo music, no casinos, no lotteries, no homosexuals, no witches, no abortion-whores, no masonry or catholics or any church that worships lucifer or supports faggotry. Enough of this shit we’ve allowed to thrive. Kill the secret societies and the money system. And Bitcoin isn’t the fucking solution. Why is everyone going for bitcoin! That’s not freedom. It’s imaginary. Who determines it’s wealth. Let someone paint the neighbors fence for a bag of potatoes or a bicycle. Let someone fix a car for some canvas and paintbrushes. Bartering might be impractical but money is evil. That’s the one thing in which I must correct the Bible. MONEY and not the "love" of money, is the root of all evil. Someone will control the money system and that person will always fuck you up the ass hard.

I understand. But, as a fall back position, which I hope never happens, but, as you say, seems inevitable at some point, Can you post telegram links that can be viewed in Facebook or other video platforms? I’m not real familiar with telegram.

There are a bunch of migrants coming to Franklin, Tennessee to be housed. People were calling their congressmen and women to question it. I don’t think it will go anywhere.

Checked your profile. You don’t really have one. Busted......"How did he know"? After 28 years doing this, I can smell you, junior.

I understand where you’re coming from. I think we’d have to be sheep, not to realize the internet is under 100% "Bad Guy" surveillance anyway. They already know who we are. For me, for over 25 years. There is no other video platform, that is uncensored (unless someone is an obvious troll) without ads, and completely self funded. And, this "one of a kind" video platform, would not exist, If not for the incredible resourcefulness of the one and only Jason Bossman. As for your 2nd, nasty remark, these videos are seen by many people on Facebook, as well as other video platforms. So, we’re reaching and educating "newbies", not "Jerking Off". And furthermore, 153 has been attacked by multiple countries, shutting down IP hosts, all over the world, if they host 153. Again, this "one of a kind" video platform, would not exist, If not for the incredible resourcefulness of the one and only Jason Bossman. He doesn’t "talk the talk", He WALKS THE WALK".

Ha ha ha....yup

I get that Jews use freemasonic symbols on false flags, fake shootings etc. But is there a reason why Jews like symbolizing and using numbers?

As a friend, I suggest you email Jeff at rnbefore your April visit, to discuss that visit.

Yup. You can bet the same old story is repeating itself. We’re not getting the cream of the crop by any means, and it’s starting to show. I’m quite sure my hypothesis of a silent non-sanctuary, smaller town media is correct. I’ve received reports of caravans of white busses, in places they should not be.

Reminiscent of the Mariel Boatlift under Jimmy Carter when Castro emptied his prisons of undesirables that Cuba needed to get rid of spawning a crime wave in Miami and other cities in Florida and the nation, but even that pales in comparison to what is going on now and what we have yet to see, and Biden needs to be handcuffed to a boat with these criminal aliens and set a drift in the middle of the ocean and see what the illegals choose to have for dinner.

I posted this on 153 Telegram, take away their free phones, their taxpayer paid for credit cards, and send them swiftly back to the Communist Dictatorships from whence they came, NO APOLOGIES.

The more, the merrier it will be. Coming to your town, sooner than you think folks. There is only one solution for people who believe they are owed something they didn’t earn.

99cases in 19 counties , no way it couldn’t be 666 inverted could it?

I haven’t seen anything occuring recently,when did this occur? We know one took place in Hawaii in 2018.

Yeah I thought the evolving conscious bit was a bit artsy fartsy...I suppose that kind of flowery language is used just to create the story...might be a bit morbid without

Keep in mind that this is the cult/coven that pushed "Defund the police" remember that. So, that, surprise, surprise, was a hoax apparently. They really want to INCREASE the police and garner sympathy for them. I hope no one is questioning the incident at 12600 33rd avenue. And 7 children. If there are voodoos and masons and yamikas and whores and trannies anywhere around the story. IT IS A LIE.

Generally speaking, people won’t give any credence to nanotechnology just as they have not accepted scientific fact that subliminal stimuli has been occurring since like forever. It’s embedded in all our media, even the monitor they look at daily. I was made aware if it in 1993 when i was unknowingly subjected to it while they experimented under the disguise of medical treatment. During the analog transmission days one had the ability to obtain test equipment to view frame by frame. Now in the digital age, practically impossible.

Melinda is a total tranny.

Manlinda is so beautiful, right. A beautiful "woman". And her "manly" "man" "husband." Manlinda. Linda in spanish means cute, right. Cute man. I guess we’d never hear about it if it happened because it would show a kink in their armor, but if someone nearby would kill Bill and Manlinda. That would be so sweet. I know there are a million more demons and voodoos and homosexuals and masons and jesuits and zionists and synagogue of satan and trannies and abortion whores that would gladly take their place but it would give such pleasure to the body of Christ is someone would take Exodus 22:18 literally and kill these two witches. We Christians have every right to kill the voodoos and masons and jesuits and zionists and synagogue of satan and trannies because of the verse Thou Shalt Not (NOT!!!!!!) suffer a witch to live. Thou Shalt NOT suffer a witch to live.

Fools, and Tools.