
Good luck man, I don’t even bother getting on jewtube anymore. It’s quite literally a bot farm of bullshit. There is nothing about that platform that isn’t 99% controlled.

I was thinking about this, and why I think religions were created originally, is for uses much like politics today. It’s a way to mix the truth with lies, in order to, just like Jboss said, Fleece the people & get them to do certain things. This, much like politics, is a very effective way to create a sort of culture , if your religion grows big enough, that’s a lot energy being harvested, money, labor, prayer, whatever it may be.rnNow days classical religion has sort of faded into the background and "scientism" has taken its place. this is the new religion "they" are trying to get everyone funneled in to. But it’s still the same old play.rnThese people use the exact same play book every time, and they have been doing so for what seems like thousands of years. Why? Because I’ll be damned if it doesn’t seem to work like a charm.rnI am not saying that all religions are bad, however, I think anytime a religion of genuine godly nature starts to rise up, it gets quickly co-opt’ed anyway.rn

Typical behavior for these obnoxious and overfed government leeches.

Also "Wigle", which is the one Jboss uses. Check his previous videos on how to set up the filters and such, to make it easier on yourself.

Do you suppose Kelly wongster may be a bit biased, in favor of the non-existent rights of border crossing lawbreakers?

INSANE ! This is wrong ! However many Cities can not get people to volunteer for Commissions and boards !

Unreal. It almost looks like she’s wearing some type of upside down cross. She’s definitely make some kind of hand signal. I’m going to try to see if I can find out what it means.

I’m afraid, that where we’re headed. The billions of Cyborgs, Jason Bossman has discovered, don’t need a chip in their heads, as we know. I wonder what they can be "made to do". Are they just passive receivers of advertising, etc, or can they be completely mind controlled and turned into Zombies.

That, or were just a couple old farts who have seen too many B&W scary movies.

Instead of a capacitor, an old school automotive sparkplug coil should work fine also.

Brilliant minds think alike!!!

What a coincidence. I just yesterday, watched and considered the Bride of Frankenstein for part of a video. It’s a small world.

I know. I just didn’t want to put it out there like that. Just in case.

Have to admit ,their fakery is getting pretty good these days

Do they not realise how ridiculous they look with those damned sh-tty face diapers

I just tried this on an old drone remote we had sitting around. Fried it. All it does is is flash lights. So this works like a champ.

Paypal is the way I’ve been donating for years. I’m still a free man. You might ask Jason if there is another way for you to donate. Might be able to send a check, but, I’m not sure

No honest cop in a real situation, would ever leave a gun accessible to others. There are many questionable features of this sad story, that I couldn’t cover. Altercations between gun toting fools happen daily across America in every major city, In fact, they represent the majority of the propagandized "mass shootings". This country has an epidemic of stupidity, not an epidemic of guns. To have only two idiots in one argument stir the pot in a crowd of nearly a million people, is very close to being, pleasantly miraculous. The GunGrab media will never admit to that.

I use the "BLE Scanner" on my Android device. It has range towards the signals, and a list function. I’ve received hundreds of mac addresses when I walk into a supermarket here in Denmark. We have a 91% vaccination coverage in the whole country, so Denmark is one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, in relation to this nanotechnology.

Exactly, I was going to do a video on Christine Legard of the International Monetary Fund who speaks openly to her audiences about Numerology and the compression of numbers, all of these psychopaths believe and practice it.