
I think THAT, it is to piss us off and one of those occult tricks where if WE KNOW and don’t stop them then they have some cosmic permission to continue in their evil with no karmic debt to be paid. I ALSO believe 100 percent, that a hypnotist’s tool being confusing the subject of the hypnotism, that this is a cognitive dissonance-based weapon. It’s exactly like the space men floating in their tin can and twirling on invisible harnesses and other ridiculous things. The human mind captures the entire image and registers that, "OK, they’re SPINNING in Weightlessness but their lunch and that glass of water are sitting on the table there and THEY aren’t floating. The trick is, the human, I guess is in fear of TRUTH or in fear of losing it’s footing that based on a reality it has accepted. The mind says, "if I acknowledge that what I’m being presented with is a lie, then all the dominoes fall! The rug is pulled out from under me and when I go to catch my footing there’s no floor either and now I’m plummeting, frantically seeking something firm and real to grab onto to stop my freefall into the unknown. No, I’ll just believe what I’m presented with and ignore reality. And that’s when satan and the demons know they can make their home. An anime plot line had that the other day. They had to kill the demons but they had to get the demons to inhabit bodies in order to kill them. So they went and found humans that had lost all ability to reason, all 2 and 2 are 5 or 3 or whatever you want it to be. Pick a gender, you can be anyone you please. There are rules and laws for everyone except not the black-skinned ones the play awful music and grunt, "by any means necessary" TRUTH is relative. I had someone say to me, "there are places in the universe where two plus two DOES NOT equal 4." No joke. And they sprayed the skies above us EVERY DAY and blotted out the sun and he vehemently denied that chem trails were a thing . Anyways, I have nothing better to do that sit in the lazy boy and type. But, the anomolies are there to make the human stand up and say, "LOOK!" or, more frequently, for the human mind to repeat, "these aren’t the droids we’re looking for." "You can go about your business." "move along. move along" The human mind is frail and malleable and we need to be diligent every second of every day. Never listen to a mason or a voodoo or a homosexual or an abortion-whore or a catholic/jesuit or Yamika without putting on the armour of God and saying, "this creature is here to deceive and destroy TRUTH and to rape and vaccinate humanity out of existence. No more TRUTH. That’s the reward for the voodoo and Yamikas. When they win there’ll be no more TRUTH anywhere. Strange goal to have set one’s entire existence in pursuit of. I need to shut up now. I know opinions are like the anus, everyone has one but who wants to be exposed to one that’s not their own.

I’m preaching to the choir. Anyone on this 153news site knows. The enemy comes on here to, to check what humans are saying. So many white niggers and other humans have facilitated this take-over by the voodoos and the synagogue of satan. And when you see these masons you can see the smugness. That French black and white movie about the Avenal guy who joins freemasonry and realizes they’re a bunch of whores was good. The main lesson is that the head guy at the local coven calls around to the publishers and educators and politicians to give them their orders. He doesn’t know who gives him HIS orders and he doesn’t care. In fact, he says no one makes the decisions. The point is, HE doesn’t even consider ethics, morals, right-and-wrong, good or bad. The biggest joke is the Christians and especially pastors that pass themselves off as christians. Now your trannies like Joel O’Stein/Olsteen/Osteen, they KNOW they’re evil. Or the demon in her knows. The low-level morons may have completely lost their reason and not understand one can’t be with Christ and then take an oath to a homosexual witches coven. Follow Christ on Saturdays and Sundays and Lucifer’s light the rest of the week. Oh, the Pope has called on humanity to accept Lucifer and deny Christ (don’t seek a personal relationship with Jesus, the pope said) and Lucifer is coming, he’s the son of Jesus and he should be worshipped. Yep, the pope. God’s representative on earth. And I’ve heard from reliable sources that the Buntu voodoos of Africa are the most giving and caring species on earth. It’s lower-case, wink-wink true. As opposed to TRUE.

I’ve not shot anyone but I’m also noticing that when he’s shooting the crisis-actors (read:demonic cowardly sell-outs) that they don’t bleed. Now, it could be demons don’t have blood in the same sense that voodoos, jesuits, zionists, trannies and freemasons don’t have souls BUT, I’m thinking that it’s also probably an indication that these back-stabbing faggots are whores and the whole things is a psyop. BUT, was it effective? Was Pearl Harbor effective? Was it effective to unleash millions of voodoos into human society? Was it effective to blow-up the world trade center? Did the Goddard Tunnel show us that devil very feces have been animated to life and are running the world. And when they win, if this ISN’T something that Jesus is going to handle but rather charged his followers with the wherewithal to discern and destroy evil, were we supposed to stop the voodoo genocide of humans and the cutting off of human penises? Anyway, good work. Like Port Arthur and Sandy Hook and any of a thousand of these events. Like Fort Sumter of John Brown and 9/11 and the Lusitania and the Maine and Pearl Harbor...and people follow Trump. TRUMP and Judas Goats LIKE Trump and George Washington and Hitler and Churchill and Wilson, Lincoln, working for the Hidden Hand while humans run to them for safety. January 6 is the perfect example of a Judas Goat. Come to Washington, said Trump, we’ll take the country back. They came, they got invited on a tour of the capitol, Trump read them a poem about "you knew I was a snake when you took me in" the voodoos played their crybaby/we’re victim’s and the shit from satan’s ass and the Yamikas cackled like psychotic hyenas and the people, upon seeing the terrible act of treachery of which Trump was THE major player, they stood up in unison and cried, "Trump 2024!" "Biden is ruining are country!" Biden! Biden has been a semen-soaked sock-puppet from the day it was hatched. Don’t the so-called niggers and the so-called Satan have the same mantra: By Any Means Necessary. The shape and nature of this so-called Earth we’re living in is integral to figuring this out. Also belief in Jesus Christ and understanding when the Bible says "you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free" and Jesus says, "I am the way, the TRUTH and the life." It means in the physical world as well as in the spiritual worlds.

What we all need to do, is turn in our semi auto firearms to make these communities safer.........................I see where they’re going with this.

Total emasculation.

The real meat of the matter is cowards. Why would a person fight tooth and nail if someone tried to enter their home yet when it comes to their neighborhood, their city, their state, their country it’s like well it it’s somebody else’s job or it doesn’t affect me. Why are there no ’patriots’ at the crossing shooting them mfkrs when they enter. Cause they are fkn cowards.

Now the tattooed steroid taking oath breaking human rights violating IDF trained extortionists gang members have more people to tase punch kick and kneel on while yelling "STOP RESISTING"!....................To later have a circle jerk and high five each other and brag about how tuff they are before going home to beat their wives.

The problem with any religion, especially Christianity is that they hate the laws of God. They don’t care about them, they claim they were abolished, and nothing from the front of the book matters. So yes we have laws that we should be killing off the evil folks, hanging the criminals, and dealing with all this garbage ourselves. So don’t look to any religion to come around and save anyone. All these 501c3s are bound to what they can say.

And if this was any type of honeypot, government psyop, ect then again the common sense thoughts should exist. A honeypot would be something well funded that would bait folks in. It would be something of financial strength so people would know it was gonna be around, and we certainly wouldnt be censored on every single platform. You can’t type in links anywhere. The powers that be hate this place and always will. We always be the an anomaly in the middle of an information war and that’s why the videos and the protection of these videos has always been my goal.

Finnius - 153news is worldwide. If you take 25,000 views a day a 365 days x 7 years that takes us to 179 million views. And these 179 million views don’t take in account all the people that download these videos immediately and repost them in other places. So should we really have 500 million views...probably. So this little duct tape and rubber bands site has done a half a billion views in 7 years. That is with the world against us. The videos do reach the world. The world has been given the last site alive that isn’t controlled by people out to make money. This is a place that the people can regain their strength if they are able to. It is up to the people to share these videos. The platform in of itself is only the keeper of extremely valuable info. It can be shared through emails and other ways that it can’t be censored. If you are implying that my role is simply the guy helping to crush civilization, that isn’t me. You can simply use a bit of common sense and see my actions and the actions of the site to know that we are the last true place for uncensored videos and commentary. It will be the grassroots people that are able to get the information out and available.

I am pretty sure you gotta have telegram to view telegram links. I have never seen a telegram link outside of telegram myself. It’s a pretty clunky platform. For instance if you wanted to watch a 2 gig video, you have to download the full 2 gigs to watch it. So your phone fills up with space super fast. The point of 153news is that it’s like YouTube. You can watch at any point without having to deal with the files yourself. Most of the world doesn’t use telegram.

We cannot blame these people! Its our government that did this the aka elite! Soro plan! Bauer family aka red shield rothshield! Ashkenazi Satanist seed of cain! Jew Talmud followers! I blame them!! Not immigrants!! When I was hunger I stole b4! B4! This is a divide and conquer trick pit us against the invader! Fyi usa.Inc was stolen is stolen land originally by evil men who now are doing evil things! Only two types of people in this world godly! And ungodly! But we all have one thing in comments we all sin some more then others in Gods eyes sin is sin no one is righteous !we need to unite and destroy the wicked and the powers that be and take back whats was stolen and divide it equally there is more the enough love will win in the end cause its eternally and lives forever ! God is love and its forever! I will not hate cause they them evil seed of satan want me to be like them hateful ! ! I will love or try to as Christ did! Try I say! Try! ! its a spiritual battle we are in not a fleshly one ! I to sin iam not perfect I will never be love is the answer! What would Satan do to use it we all woke up and just loved each other as our selves? He would have lost all control over us cause hate is no more!! Love won! God wins as written heaven is peace n love no hate no war no help no pain no suffer only love!!! I o v e ! Love..yes its a dream! My dream! ! sadly this earth is hell cause of the hate!! Thats why a friend of the world is a enemy of god! !love not the world nor the things in it! Nature is not a thing! Plants are not things! Animals are not things! Love is not a thing! All are alive!! Love is life! God is life! christ is the way the truth and the life! He said love your enemys! Give them water feed them we will heap coals over their heads cause this!! ! Best way to kill your enemy is make him your friend! Cause friends dont hurt friend! !my flesh body says kill them mf! My soul says love them! I Am in a spiritual battle with my self ! I Am trying to be good Father please help me and others to do what is right and your will please guide us to do so! So be it your will Father show us the way!! Please cause Satan needs to stop and his seed also evil will not prevail over good ever!!never!! Ever!! Please help Father please help!!! In christ name !! yashua if correct

All. Bs!! Fear not what a country can do! But what you can do to a country!! Or is it ask not? Lol owell my copy write poor mans patent here!

Off course but I know why juws suck the babies penis after circumcision ! The babys hearts racing with adrenaline of course so the juw is drinking, sucksing for that reason! Beside being vampires and flesh eaters probly. I bet iam correct

Well, if us white-folk would stop going around mass-shooting everyone maybe they’d have time to cover the sudden deaths. There’s been like 33 mass shooting of 33 people each shooting by a 33-gauge long-rifle over on Avenue 33 and left 18 people wearing jersey’s that say 15, and then there’s the poor child at Joel O’stein’s Lake-of-Fire coven-church and he was shot and the poor child was only 5 and 7...two ages as most children have... It’s enough to make a guy wanna start drinking again.

I know Christians seem to think that we’re supposed to sit back and let God and Satan battle this out, but still, doesn’t anyone think that we should beat Bill Gates fucking skull in with a baseball bat!? Really. Whatever happened to "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" Thou shalt not judge? I’m not criticizing someone’s taste in clothes or saying they’re stupid because they like Rocky Road Ice Cream better than another flavor. I’m talking about a non-human FTM tranny whose every breath means another thousand people die. Someone once said Bill Gates makes so much money that it would cost him more to bend down and pick up a one-hundred dollar bill than the money is worth because that three seconds he makes ten thousand dollars. I say the same for the deaths caused by every second that asshole is left alive. I know, I’m a pussy keyboard warrior but jeez, louise. Do you see that psychotic grin on his face when he looks at Manlinda, the "ex-" and they practically orgasm while agreeing that the next pandemic will REALLY get their attention! Oh, yeah. And the voodoos and the synagogue of satan.

Ever since they TSA started raping the passengers as they prepared to board I thought, NO THANKS. My nephew died and my mom bought me a ticket to travel. I didn’t want to but I didn’t want to leave my brother hanging. It was 2014, if I had to wear the muzzle, no way. The muzzle was my line in the sand. Only three times did I have sell-out bitches try and get me to muzzle. One time, I said to the lady the pandemic is a lie and a dude came to her side and said he lost two family members to covid and I looked him in the eye and said, "Bullshit!" And I meant it. So many people were making up bullshit. I don’t know if you watch Brian Staveley but he did a live feed from Huntington Beach and some doctor was arguing him. Staveley said to the doctor, "you didn’t lost anyone to covid." rn"Yes" the doctor says.rn"Who?" The doctor hesitates. Then, as if he just remembered the answer to a question on a game show, a light goes on and he triumphantly declares, "My wife!" I go off on tangents when I comment. We were talking about people dying on flights. What I am wondering and maybe this has been discussed already, is, does the altitude cause the poison in the vaxx to activate?

They said the voodoos in Africa didn’t have to take the vaccine because the humans in europe, america, asia and australia took them all. Something tells me the voodoos didn’t come to america to pick cotton. Something tells me that the voodoos didn’t cry to integrate with humans into their schools so they could be more human. Something tells me Martin Lucifer drag-Queen was a freemason back-stabbing whore. Something tells me that humans were right to want the synagogue of satan and the voodoos to stay the fuck away from them and their families. Mean, humans. Voodoos and synagogue of satan or always victimized by mean humans. Voodoos and synagogue of satan just want to pimp out your daughters and rape your wives and cut your son’s penis off. And they can’t compete AGAINST the German soccer team so they’ll replace the german soccer team. All the soccer teams are voodoos,...except for the one that won. Hmm. Well, they CAN win at tennis when it’s a steroid-ed male voodoo and brother playing in the women’s league. Can’t put that only on the voodoos. All the species are infested with trannyism. Voodoos and synagogue of satan have the good fortune of being in a hive mind. Humans are independent and so each has his own mind which will be their downfall because apparently the human doesn’t have the wherewithal to identify the enemy unless a kabal of whores and faggots called government waves a flag in their face and barks orders at them as if they’re dogs saying, "Attack them!" And off the humans go to kill their brothers and sisters instead of the synagogue of satan or the voodoos. Patton might’ve been a freemason whore, I don’t know, but before they killed him he is reported to have said, "I’ve been fighting the wrong enemy!" rnIf we ever get out of this voodoo/synagogue shit-hole and we have to recreate society on Christ’s terms: no voodoo music, no casinos, no lotteries, no homosexuals, no witches, no abortion-whores, no masonry or catholics or any church that worships lucifer or supports faggotry. Enough of this shit we’ve allowed to thrive. Kill the secret societies and the money system. And Bitcoin isn’t the fucking solution. Why is everyone going for bitcoin! That’s not freedom. It’s imaginary. Who determines it’s wealth. Let someone paint the neighbors fence for a bag of potatoes or a bicycle. Let someone fix a car for some canvas and paintbrushes. Bartering might be impractical but money is evil. That’s the one thing in which I must correct the Bible. MONEY and not the "love" of money, is the root of all evil. Someone will control the money system and that person will always fuck you up the ass hard.

I understand. But, as a fall back position, which I hope never happens, but, as you say, seems inevitable at some point, Can you post telegram links that can be viewed in Facebook or other video platforms? I’m not real familiar with telegram.

There are a bunch of migrants coming to Franklin, Tennessee to be housed. People were calling their congressmen and women to question it. I don’t think it will go anywhere.