
I recently called Kroger about their Simple Truth Organic apples which they claim are non GMO and Organic, the woman I spoke to said they no longer use food grade shellac (from the female Lac Bug) or Apeel coating because of customer push back and now use citric acid as a coating to preserve from decomposition. That sounds terrific and organic RIGHT? The citric acid is a bioengineered ingredient made from mold in GMO bioengineered corn, Aspergillus Niger, so they take a organic apples and coat it with a GMO Bioengineered Poison to deceive the public for profit, the majority of food is poisoned regardless of what they tell you. Classified as GRAS by the FDA Generally Recognized As Safe by the FDA, although the microbe is capable of producing toxins that effect human health. Don’t you just love the FDA?

AK 47 a design in simplicity, so even a child or chimpanzees can master them.

Dont we come from monkeys!?! So the retards said..I bet that chimp has higher I q then most sheeple I see! Bet he is not vaxxedd

Wasnt bhm last month? Or the month before? Or the month before that? Or the last month month month month month......and so on..Obama is not black he is Indonesian!!! Just like kamala h. is not black she is a Indian..hindu! M.Obama is a men..whole world is a joke lie!!

Everything is poison come on!! I bet plain tap water is the same or worse!! Nothing is poison free! Yea grow your own food filtered water but the soil is toxic to look at the forest preserve all the trees that fell dead! Zombie dear syndrome, its chemtrails killing everything the woods used to be nice not no more a lot of dead plants trees etc chemtrails need to stop ! ! Good bye blue skys good bye!!

Should have called her Eboni Paunchy, would have made more sense.

Who or what would call for this atrocity and why now? Is there an ELE coming? Are we being invaded? Why did the Deagle report only show WESTERN nations with large dropoffs? They used to call this ’the great culling’, now it is ’the great reset’. What purpose does it serve? Are our invisible keepers all psychopaths? It all just seems so unnecessary. Why?

The camera feed was edited for some reason.

Thanks for uploading this. This is serious crisis actor academy award nomination material. "I realized there was something come through the...the apartment." Bullets are flying into the place and she calmly ponders the situation and concludes something is coming into the apartment.

Their uniforms are impeccable, not a single sign of dust on them . I presume the reporter didn’t even left US for this interview, saving CBS a lot of time and expenses.

Probebly a masked Jew

I am gonna rebuild my EMP gun with a few changes from his design. One thing is he says the coil is only the antenna....I don’t know if that is right. Version 2 will be something like his ideas.

How I yearn for the days where one was able to carry and use an "equaliser"

Yeah , I remember this evil turd from way back, in times where we were all SO naive and trusting. Because ,by and large we lived in a FAR more moral society. As for this rat`s "make" ,again ,back in the day ,most were unaware that these THINGS even existed NOW they seem to be crawling and spawning from the woodwork . ESPECIALLY the lying queer ,tranny/ feminazi dominated media

The usual Jewish hengelian dialectical/reverse psychology social engineering of the dumbest television goyim zzzzzzombies entertainment, fake as you get

Part of the Help the Poor , Sick, and Hungry Con Job !

Amen brother go try to find research on the jab MAC address. It’s all removed and blocked information. You’re the only platform speaking on it.

i never believe the fake go fraud me amounts...

i’m impressed with their laundry facilities...they are always spotless in a place that has almost no waterrnrnand of course now the pretext to wipe out the west bank

OK, now it’s time to put the concrete/steel barriers in front of the door. On second thought, nobody got killed, so let’s wait on that.