
I noticed the 33 right away, we have infinite numbers but good ole 33, against all odds comes up over and over...

Good job covering this. Let’s not forget that Houston recently saw HAARP-generated storms with windows in high rise buildings getting broken out.

These drone videos never sat well with me since they first came out. When I learned of the military history of the guy who "filmed" it, which screams that he’s a fed, I knew my suspicions were not wrong. I went over the footage somewhat intensively, and while it’s been a while, what I can tell you is that, in my opinion, the footage is somewhat manipulated. Specifically, in some parts of the video, the shadows of various objects appear to have different light sources, which is impossible because there is one sun. Some of the footage may be real, and I’m sure it is, but not 100% of it.

While there may be some elements of truth in what is called the news, it’s all scripted for the viewers consumption to control and steer them much like the weaponized weather events.

Much love to all who help keep this sight alive. Blessings to you all. Ten thousand thankyous !!

CBS THIS MORNING, claims that the house on stilts shown here was not destroyed by the hurricane, but by a tornado spawned by the hurricane, it fits in perfectly with their climate change agenda, which you can expect to see more of as the old infrastructure is dismantled by fires and unnatural weather phenomenon,

Hey! That evil gun isn’t so terrifying when it’s broken down to its individual parts. It must be something else?

Which was his most dangerous and formidable enemy? Fireworks, stupidity, or the alcohol? (that’s a test)

It would have to be one gigantic unbelievable coincidence that they are by chance alone, getting precisely the weather they need to push climate change.

Masonic hat, Fraternal Order of Police Freemason tugging at the heartstrings, just like Eric Holder who said we literally have to brainwash people every day.

We do know they want to ban all forms of fireworks and gunpowder; it doesn’t take aa rocket scientist to figure out why.

I also did some dangerous acts with fireworks when I was younger, and used to spend hundreds of dollars on them for the 4th of July, I have been setting out on the celebrations for a good 10 years now

I was just reading about all the effects of seed oils today, people used to use these oils for lamps and lubrication of machinery, then they decided that there was much more money to be made by putting it in food which is one of the main culprits in the decline of people’s health, they love injecting us with their poisons.

Satanic Spirit Cooking Witch. 76 years old, the somewhat youthful appearance is likely from all those blood sacrifices and the drinking of it.

Nice little montage. As Jim Carey stated on Jimmy Kimmel, it’s their job to keep us distracted with spectacles and extravaganzas just like in ancient times, mentioning the mocking tongue of the ILLUMNUTTY.

God bless all those that donate.

If you blood is not clean, your heart will stop working correctly and this is why so many people have heart problems and blood clots. This is why they put so much chemicals inside food. This is a genocide by deception. This is a great book about health and it explains a lot about how your body works, and how to eat properly:

All new cars have tracking devices, your smartphone is a tracking device, and they all emit microwave radiation, (some Tesla models even have radar). This is what your doing to your body: The great reset is already here, many young people are dying not just from the deadly covid vaccines but from everything combined, food, radio-frequency, tattoos, chemicals, drugs

Everything you buy at the store could have nano particles, this includes ALL soda, energy drinks, alcohol etc. If you don’t have your own well and use public water your are also at risk. I only drink water from my own well, if I go somewhere I bring my own water.

The street looks clean to me.