
Clowns do wear wigs so it makes a lot of sense. She’s just part of the circus/clown show.

Liberty means nothing if we can’t tell people what they need to hear.


Thanks. I’ll be looking forward to it.

Starmer is going to be bad, but I despise Sunak as well...most Politicians can be bought ..except maybe Bridgen


Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. So hard to escape all this evil. May Yahuah help us.Yahusha must return before we are all dead. Serve him and Death is Graduation. Heaven Awaits. Smiles

What about all the Blue Roofs that did not burn. Why did they trap traffic not let them out? 4 to 5 thousand degrees vaporized no trace, not not even any DNA left? Some obviously survived. Boats on the water burned. Hum

Yes :) I have some really cool upcoming videos, where - literally I would have 5 minute conversations with CEO’s - that would literally affect 1000’s of lives the next day. (And I will be describing exactly what I did, so you + anyone else can emulate/duplicate the results to get the same effect).rnrnIndividuals are incredibly powerful. Even small, daily consistent actions yield big results. It is simply a matter of doing it. I appreciate the dialogue!

To continue my previous comment also, so much content I see online from so called "awake" people also seems to overly focus on past events that can’t really be changed and never talk about taking action or solutions so we can apply it to the future so many stay stuck in the loop of just watching videos and never actually doing anything with the information that they get. Why understanding what in the past events is still important to understand how deep the control goes if you only focus on that you will never get anywhere if you can’t actually apply it or use that information to correct the future.

Thanks man. Your comment was exactly what I needed. I would suffice to say that the reason why a lot of people never seem to "wake up" is not because they don’t believe what we are saying but because they feel emotionally that they personally cannot effect any change on the world or do anything about the types of things we talk about. But once you present these things to people it might just break through to them that they can do something about it. I had a friend who thought like that in the past and didn’t really care about a lot of the stuff I told not because he didn’t believe it, he actually did but he just felt like he couldn’t do anything about and was just another pawn in the system that could not change anything. Of course the government wants you to think like that and puts out propaganda to make you think that way so it’s inevitable that nothing changes since you have already been mentally defeated by the psychopaths before you could even take the first step.

Thanks! I appreciate that, and I am very happy you are finding them quite useful!rnrnYes, for about 3-4 years I literally got very focused on what was going on (used my savings so didn’t officially ’work’), and figuring out very specific precise solutions. I’ve been meaning to put together these types of videos for quite some time - because there is a lot that I am very grateful I did do, and I know very specific things that work.rnrnJust lol - had to ’earn’ some $$$ first, and now I have a little bit of free time to start putting these together.rnrnA few main takeaways though:rnrna) Everyone is INCREDIBLY powerful - and need to realize that. Many people have been pigeon-holed into believing that say if they are a clerk in a store - that they are ’just’ a clerk - and that is quite false. Every single individual is extremely powerful, needs to realize that, then exercise that power.rnb) Take initiative - no one ’needs’ permission - you already ’have’ permission to do what is right. So do it right, right now.rnc) Everyone has a unique set of skills special to them - and should focus on developing a specific solution to their set of skills. Once they figure out that specific, effective solution - figure out how to do three things. (i) Effectively and quickly convey the specific circumstances in which that solution works. (ii) Convey specific step by step instructions to make that solution work (iii) Then figure out how to get that solution out to as many people as possible.rnrnAnyways, thank-you again! I do plan on having a lot more very effective, useful & actionable videos. I am very grateful I got to do a lot the last several years. It was quite an eye awakening experience too.rnrnCheers!

I’ve been following your content in the last three videos you’ve uploaded and you’re doing a real good job. These videos are a lot more useful for us to help resist the agendas of the government successfully then anything else I have seen. So many people waste there time making hours long documentary that contain lots of good infomation but that no one except a few people who really care like us will watch, but these types of videos help catch the attention of people who usually wouldn’t watch this type of content to actually listen.

A real class act.

Good show Jeff. I’m curious, as to what it took for Vegas government to put the concrete and steel pipe barriers along the strip’s curbside. People being as they are, it usually takes something very horrendous to activate such ideas.

Mad Maxine, dumber than a bag of rocks.

Didn’t she realize the cameras were on her? Probably not! This is a good example of being as dumb as a rock.

I got flak just for making this video. One told me, this isn’t the original video, this video is antisemitic! There’s little hope, for the hopelessly brainwashed.

Same thing in Sweden

Whoever opposes the NWO gets crushed, jailed, or killed. There is no place left like this