
They even took away the display that shows who the latest poster was among your subscriptions.


Things always work out when the entire event is staged.


I actually gave up doubting a bit ago. Nicole will mention we aren’t gonna make it and because I have been proved wrong so many times before, I always tell her that 153news will figure it out. A lot of soldiers for our tiny little censored site. Much love C.G and to all

I’m glad you sat back to watch to see what we were made of. Much love to all that donated to the truth.

Yes but many have already given up the fight when they stood in line to get jabbed at the behest of government, they won’t be fighting back with all the graphene oxide and nano particles flowing through their veins, I wish I were wrong as these beings are now very controllable.

I think it was in Hitchikers Guide to the Universe where the Indian reservation was constantly being moved because oil was discovered...’how did my oil get under your feet?’!!! This is in reference to the gas discovery in Gaza

Not even good clones /doubles/ actwhores. Yet the dumbed down sheeple ,lap it up.

Don`t trust Peters as far as I could throw him .

Must be one of those coinkidinks that this guys discovered. I hope none of those NPCs came down with cognitive dissonance hearing that crazy hate speech

Black lies matter, I wonder what color that grand jury was... and why is a 17 year old carrying a loaded gun?

Yeah, He misunderstood the clip! Thanks for your clip!

Thanks Coop

A Call for an uprising he has an uncensored channel but several YouTube channels, the wake up channel, ect ect his subscribers just refer to him as A-Call.

Well it aint Joe Biden !

Gary, it was a good thing I was sitting down when Jim praised Babba sphincter for her good works.

Good coverage of Beryl. Anyone know who that guy is?

Sandy Hook Strong, Orlando Strong, Parkland Strong, Boston Strong, Las Vegas Strong, MSU Strong, Duh!

Boy oh boy the pigs just keep getting fatter and fatter, why open the door if they don’t have a warrant? it appears to have worked out ok this time, but many more don’t have positive endings.