
The street looks clean to me.

Excellent video.

Holy Shit! Thanks for the video.

I know what the creepy is.

I think you underestimate the amount of desperate men out there with no game and no ability to get with any chick. Many men will tell you stories of women they had to put bags over their heads kind of embarrassing. Never underestimate a filthy male.

Nobody’s jumping on that anyways.

Of course, only the lives of jews matter. In reality, The jews of today aren’t semites at all, As proven by multiple genetic studies. It’s just another lie, Buy the biggest liars of all time.

There is some mystique regarding crystals. one person mentioned phalic symbolism regarding the wall and the jews at the “wailing wall” aren’t bowing in reverence.

I wonder if the crystals capture part of your soul. If there is an afterlife, I doubt the souls of those who died in the conflict would want you to stand in front of a coal wall and cry into a crystal. I would think they would want you to move on with your life and be happy.

I had no idea that Joe was a time traveler. No wonder he keeps looking, sounding, and acting different every day. It is the multiverse that does this. One day he pops in as Joe with brown eyes, then later blue eyes, attached ears, then non-attached ears, rubber skin and vibrating lizard neck, really old Joe, and so on. If we just follow the science; everything makes sense.

First Lady, First Tran, with ex-POTUS First Man - what a string of accomplishments. If this is the reason why most people pick a POTUS then they deserve the policies they will receive. What we need is someone with business sense to run the bankruptcy of the US corporation once the debt hits about $40T (2025). With BRICS ready to go, we could easily see 50M die in an unmanaged and unfettered Greatest Depression of All Time. Or we could all cross dress for fun to the bitter end.

Let’s hope that this fellow and all the people involved in this degrading show burn in hell for eternity.

Love your candid conversation Matt.

Much love to you brother. You are a true hero.

True, Ann Wilson’s voice is very powerful, but it’s her sister Nancy singing this particular tune.

The ones talked about here, aren’t Jews, but they call themselves Jews.

Thanks boss

So I noticed bithchute recently just totally wrecked their platform, seems pretty obvious that they bitchshot themselves in the foot. 2 ads b4 every video, and after probably 30 mins I just gave up, it was that terrible. Rumble also seems to have followed suit with the double ads b4 each video, and I don’t even want to get started about Facebook andYouTube. Anyone else have a feeling something big might happen in the next couple of weeks in the US? Anyone else wonder if the US will even be able to stay a float long enough to hoax the 2024 Election?

What is a "jew"?rnA holocaust survivor tis and that. A "jew" this and that.rnBut what is a "jew"?

It’s not what you say, it’s how many are listening to you.