
Well it aint Joe Biden !

Gary, it was a good thing I was sitting down when Jim praised Babba sphincter for her good works.

Good coverage of Beryl. Anyone know who that guy is?

Sandy Hook Strong, Orlando Strong, Parkland Strong, Boston Strong, Las Vegas Strong, MSU Strong, Duh!

Boy oh boy the pigs just keep getting fatter and fatter, why open the door if they don’t have a warrant? it appears to have worked out ok this time, but many more don’t have positive endings.

Blood transfusions are dangerous, period...! Saline solution is just one of many alternatives

I mostly agree with you. I think Cynthia McKinney and Germar Rudolf are legit. E Michael Jones has many good things to say, but his position on guns and his denial there is such thing as white people raises questions about him.

I give Jim credit for many of his opinions, but on Trump he is a tough NUT to crack.Trump was a liberal for most of his life and crossed over and became a RINO, I don’t care what Trump has said about the 2nd Amendment, his actions are more telling."get the guns1st worry about due process later" Trump was pro abortion and has now flipped again to gain approval of the Christian right, while at the same saying no one has supported the LGBTQ rncommunity and their rights more than him (need I play you a montage?) He is supported by all the Zionist Jewish bankers who are committing genocide on all the non Jews in the world. Let’s forget about Aristotle, Plato said Dictatorships naturally arise out of Democracies and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty....... which Biden and Trump are both a part of, Trump was not deceived, he himself is a deceiver and is responsible for genocide and the deaths continue to rise and that is unforgivable especially since many of these deaths are innocent children.

anderson cooper couldnt even keep from laughing

some good ones in there I never saw before

I hope I am one of many baby boomers who can see right through their bullshit moon landing hoax.

Why is Netanyahu still alive ? He once claimed he would suck America dry until there is nothing left !

It couldn’t be any clearer, it’s Jew World Order, and a holocaust being perpetrated by Jews to purge the earth of all those who they call Goyim.

Body doubles are nothing new, Hitler was said to have numerous body doubles, I’m not sure how far back in history this goes?

I think they have several different actors playing Joe Biden with silicone masks. In that way they can make him "appear" at different locations much easier. But the whole White House is a CIA operation. And its all managed as a continuing public relations campaign. Nothing about it is real today. Everything is managed elsewhere, by professionals. And everything is going according to plan. Make the left wing seem like bumbling buffoons’, and create tensions, to justify increased totalitarian measures and paramilitary police forces

No matter how you slice it, the guy that’s playing Joe is an actor and an imposter playing a role for the destruction of America.

Give a listen to their individual speeches, it may change your viewpoint. They are individually linked in the description.

They seemed a bit worried, using the black militants for protection. There is no reasonable justice anymore, but the lawyer is right, the system did work for the criminal in this case. Is anything wrong these days?

The truth.