
Alex Jones is not Bill Hicks.They were like 4 inches different in height.I lived in Austin or Austin since 1979.Before Jones was nationwide he was on cable access at same time Hicks was doing stand up both in Austin and Houston.

Humm. Talk of shedding! Self spreading vaccines. I have really wondered about this. It seems likely this true. I have talked to people who no of family where one spouse was jabbed and the other spouse got sick. Impossible to stay away from all jabed, unless one is a hermit living in a cave. lol. Sounds like we might need some help from our heavenly father..

Just when you think they are running out of deception and lies, surprise, surprise, surprise!

For thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by their sorceries (PHARMAKIA) were all nations deceived.

That same German bloodline was conscripted in WW1 and ran to America and produced the draft dodgers we have as puppet in charge. Scalia was black nobility who was killed because he didn’t do as he was told.

Much respect to you, too, brother.

Richie is certainly NO Alex Jones ( Bill Hicks ) and apart from his pushing the gold and silver nonsense ,I would consider him trustworthy and "batting" for the right side

Titled “Capture”, the video depicts a creepy masked man (presumably Poppy’s “handler” Titanic Sinclair) capturing Poppy using her own hair. Pure mind control symbolism.rn



YOU CAN READ IN THE ARTICLE The song’s lyrics convey the sense that Poppy is an artificial creation that is in total opposition to life, nature, and everything good. The several references to God also point to the satanic nature of this program.rnrnI am in your algorithm learning all your mannerismsrnI’m already level with GodrnA million words a second, and I know your imperfectionsrnBaby, I’m the only future you’ve gotrnSpeak in diatonics, motivation diabolicrnI’m religion better locked in a boxrnPicture-perfect image, more powerful every minuternBaby, I am everything that you’re notrn

TALKING ABOUT CREEPY Poppy Reads the Bible: Part 1

We don’t always agree on everything all the time, but I still love your sharp responses.

I can’t put Richie in AJ’s class. Jones is the definition of controlled opposition. I lived in the Boston area up until 3 1/2 years ago and have watched him for close to 10 years. I might not always agree with him, and he is kind of a prima donna in a strange kind of way. But I don’t consider Richie controlled opposition.

I’m already half deaf and half blind anyway so I’ll scrap the ear plugs, I don’t believe RFB anymore tha I do AJ, and it’s not that the controlled don’t tell us some truths, whatever happens it will be our own Government that has already sold us out, if you believe what Revelation says about the Beast System and the Whore, it doesn’t happen instantaneously, it happens incrementally, so as not to panic the sheep, much of it has already been set in motion by those that deceive and have been deceived, get your house in order, this nation is already doomed and is about to be judged, and don’t be looking for Trump or any other false Messiah’s to save you.

Who the fuck are you?

People still listen to Richie?!?!? Wow.

Your message couldn’t be delivered to Their inbox is full, or it’s getting too much mail right now.rnrnI am trying via Twitter but I would like to chat with him. Cheers

Word. Email sent. Thanks!