
Sounds like it’s either an inside job/scam, or more likely a Media/Establishment Projection, making the introduction of more draconian practices and policies less unpalatable to the public.. There’s been a lot of media focus on "shop lifting" lately, usually a sign they have something nasty planned for "us" or they are covering for something else..

u can subscribe to a private carrier membership that is without the ticket boarding devices so far as ur complements make ur intent known to the captain by a superior Search protocol that voids that customer Safety screening devices: ur baggage or freight would be assessed by the crew directly, not the terminal, and u would be read into law concerning emergency matters that retain ur competency among crew in a hostile event: thankyou for ur concern, citizen, would you like to know more?

u all got it all wrong. these are proper deployments and employments protecting all past, present, and future interests.. is that DOOM3 UNION AEROSPACE CORPORATION logo i see or is my imagination getting the best of me, but isn’t it just like what video games people were being raised upon if not the same dystopian dialect of Shakespear’s Francis Bacon bleating through those turnstyles? Diversity of citizenship makes this possible by the United States over those in treaty where America hasnt established itself; occupational awareness has made this a U.S. city until u Administratively express ur regulatory or judicial nominations: some ive known already play with their LLC and private mailbox this way, but u don’t always need to acquire the services of speculative safety measures if ur employment doesn’t aggregate the economy and risk in that vicinity: u could compete with a rideshare protocol. After-all, i don’t see those crew members of that safety task force searching eathother, but what happens when their customers all wear a contrary uniform and post security clearances to provide for their own measures?

I have said it all along for years. They will simply take down the internet. That is literally all they need to do to create complete chaos.

Love it, kudos my friend.

I don’t think anyone but the vaxxed are connected at this point. They have probably been working on and experimenting on this for decades. We also see the effects of the jabbed and they are dying off. We never saw the health decline until after the jab. Interesting stuff, especially the stuff about sensors.

What you are seeing is essentially the same thing you see when you click setup.exe. From the moment the people are injected they begin their transformation. As the setup.exe starts building people start dying as the construction bots hit vital nerves. These things were coded to preserve the humans but to build regardless of their location. It is simply staggering seeing humans now machines. The game has been lost.

Former Boeing quality control whistleblower John Barnett found dead.

Not only would I never get into a self-driving vehicle, I don’t want to be on the road, or sidewalk for that matter, with them around.

Very good speculation. Whatever the truth is, it’s not what we’ve been told so far. I also look forward to more facts on this very sketchy scenario. Thanks.

I like how they tell us ’Comirnaty may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.’ Well, no sheeet sherlock!

How dare you, Dissident7, how dare you. that man is the brother of a gay war hero. how dare you. im a baby boomer and i watched as you went after the demons and their transvestite hellspawn, and then you started going after these Democratic Republicans like Kennedy. how dare you. i dont care how many sticky greenbacks made their way into his pocket from a blood drinker. Im a baby-boomer and he he he has a sister with an adams apple bigger than my fist im shaking at you. how dare you.

So he is a crew member of an inland franchise civil workfarce as u say, under an appointed master other than Jesus?

So on this point here, i think of electromagnets. How do they work, simply by applying voltage.

I did a small bit this morning before i even saw this. Been researching why i’ve had severe headaches lately and during those times my head is extremely hot. I closed up the house and went outside to see the distance of how powerful the wifi really is. It’s a brick house too. I don’t lose the signal until about 250 ft down the road. I thought to myself that some powerful sheeeet penetrating brick and mortar and distance. I can’t imagine the damage it is doing biologically when i am in the house. Jesus Christ save us all.

Here is an interesting read for y’all........

Maybe the store owners were embezzling. They’d steal the money and document it as purchased stock. The psuedo stock had to go somewhere so created the scenario of shoplifting. Or maybe the purchasing agents diverted the stock to Mack. Maybe Mack brought in illegals/immigrants and conditioned and trained them and provided fake documents to get them into positions/jobs with access within the company to divert the stock. I see it around here on fakebook people selling bundles of common household items like cleaning supplies at discounts, where’d they get their stock. Big thing for me is why do they post the pictures insinuating arrest photos when it looks nothing like the people in handcuffs. Maybe the whole thing is fake in order to justify raising prices for more corporate greed. I did like the expression of the guys face in handcuffs like wtf is going on. Is he a good actor or a bad actor. Like to hear others ideas on this.

I can easily prove (so can you) that Google has it in for - simply load up a browser you’re not signed into, visit Google with it, then begin typing into the search bar and watch the suggestions autocomplete gives you. Typing it each letter, followed by each number, all the way to 153NEWS - it still doesn’t suggest the site! I suspect 153 is a real thorn in their side, cos they don’t control it. They need to be able to steer things on all social media sites, and control who gets promoted, who gets shown on the main page up front, and who gets shadow banned down the back.

That explains it! 1-2 years ago I bought a punnet of "Tesco finest blueberries" thinking I was doing my body a favour. I packed it into my camping bag and never got round to eating them, and upon return forgot all about them. A month later, and we’re getting ready to go camping again and I repack my bag and discovered the unopened pubet of blueberries. They were in perfect condition, as if I had picky just bought them, I couldn’t believe it and made a video on it because people need to be made aware, this guy solved the mystery.

thanks for watching