
I’m acquainted with TikTok because a close relative sends me funny videos on regular basis. I don’t care for the small video format, but I’m forced to use it at times in my own productions. I’m interested in this particular story only because it may have an impact on 153news down the road.

I’m from the Pittsburgh area and if this is true, this will get ugly. I don’t watch the news but my wife does pretty regularly and hasn’t heard this reported. They seem to want Pittsburgh to be the next Philadelphia. So there will be no 911 services between 3-7 am. What about medical emergencies?

Virtually every bit of information we see and hear has been controlled ever since Obama streamlined the Smith Mundt Act. Everything is propaganda from our own Government.

I Personally don’t watch the run of the mill tick-tock videos, I do however have the ability to discern what is important and what is trivial, and that is what this is all about, the freedom of choice, I have actually viewed some very reveling videos on the tick-tock platform many of which YouTube and other platforms would have banned immediately the government was never really worried about spy balloons that could send back information instantaneously to China, the US government is becoming the most suppressive government in the world, as Plato so aptly pointed out Dictatorships naturally arise out of Democracies

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Go and start a conversation with chatGPT 4. The answers it gives you wth freak you out just as much as the guy. Go Type, all in 1 go, the rest of this comment... assuming there was a second earth, much like this one, almost identical. The only difference is, that the second earth is run by an evil force, and this evil force has found that it can extract energy by causing the people to suffer. The more people suffer, the more this evil source gains energy. The people on this second earth do not know they are being ruled by evil. They believe they are governed the same way we are here, and the bad things are simply bad luck, or the occasional rogue dictator. Assuming all this were true, can you list 10 things such as evil regime would be likely to implement, in order to remain hidden and continue extracting energy by inducing increasing amounts of suffering on the people.

The so called heart man doctor is either a pro at lying, or is the biggest moron going. I suspect he’s the latter, he has that slowness about him. I’m guessing he’s shown nice looking graphs, and told how clever he is, as he realises the upward trend is great, and believes them without question, thus able to spout nonsense as though it were fact. If he’s actually knowingly lying, then he’s very good liar, one of the best I’ve seen on media. The blue top was a nice touch, because all doctors conducting research dress up as though they’re about to go on shift at the ER!

RFB! Now there’s a blast from the past. I used to watch this guy years ago. I think his heart is in the right place, but man his ability to figure stuff out is seriously flawed, and he literally pedals every single scary sounding unsubstantiated thing that anyone says, sure a broken clock is right twice a day. Before anyone watches this and gets all freaked out, I encourage you to find his older stuff, where he was telling people niburu was coming, while filming sun flares in his back yard. What about the time he was saying that the food was gonna run out, and started promoting these food survival packs in a sponsorship deal that lasted for months! Every episode was the Google news search on food factory fire. As soon as his deal ended, so did the imminent collapse of the food industry. Maybe he wised up since, but I suspect otherwise. It’s rare to have alpha males putting out truth content, which by itself means nothing, but just like having sexy women presenting videos, it usually helps with views.

Ever since video sharing became possible on a broadband connection, I saw social media companies use the interest in conspiracy topics to help grow their platforms, before deciding to censor them. This had a knock-on effect of driving conspiracy content creators and consumers elsewhere, helping newer video sharing sites to grow, especially services who perhaps didn’t always have this ability, like Facebook or then Twitter. This is a repeating pattern, and I can’t see ANY of the big alternatives being any different. Tiktok is obviously already under their control (ofc they claim otherwise). As are some other big alternatives. If you’re ever unsure, just look who the big investors are, how many users and videos it has, and imagine how much all those server farms would cost! The final giveaway is who gets promoted front and centre on these websites. This is why I respect 153news so much, and why it’s so heavily shadow banned

Hang on, what? I thought Trump was saving the day, arresting the deep state, locking Hillary up, saving children in DC tunnels, releasing info on 9/11 & JFK... I’ve been sat here for YEARS trusting the plan, and repeating like a parrot, signing off all my messages with WWG1WGA. I even watched all the Qanon stuff, I’m telling ya, white hats are literally moving in any day now. I know they been saying this for 6+ years, which is why I’m trusting the plan, enjoying the show. You had to go ruin it by posting this video. Time for cognitive dissonance I guess, so I can keep my fragile belief system intact "I bet your a Hillary bot lover"

The big clue on these shill types is always the same. They want to take rights away from the people, and create an ever expanding government to fill that gap.

Sorry, her opening statement is "both my parents were in the space force, 1969” while showing us a crystal. Did I hear right?

I tried to send money but it would not work. Got frustrated. May be it was my bad internet connection that day. I need to try again. Sorry that I get so easily detured from what I want and want to do!! I will try again.. If it doesn’t go threw again I will get suspicious that it is not me. I support Call for an uprising $3.00 per month it comes out of my account automatically every month. If everyone did this 153 would be funded. Thanks to all who have been keeping her alive.

Police have no duty to protect anyone from anything anyways. The only thing that every court agrees on is that there is no duty to protect. Just search the phrase ’no duty to protect’ and you will find thousands and thousands of cases where this is true. ’Dial 911 and Die’ is an old book dedicated to cases where judges all agree there is no duty for govt to protect anyone from anything. If they had a duty then they would be legally liable for any theft, or crime, or murder against somebody. That’s why you have to buy insurance if you want 3rd party protection.

So obvious what they’e doing. This is why I unsubbed from Truthstream media and others, that were too gutless to expose these fake events. They’ve allowed the psychopaths to create a fake narrative , based on fake events, without exposing them.

So pathetic. But we know, the average sheep will believe it because they saw it on TeeVee.

Nicely Done. Loved it!!

Good point, Coop. I need to pay more attention to masonic stuff in the future.

I hate all these lying scumbags. It’s not enough to do a catchy anti-gun ad on a Monday and that’s it we literally need to brainwash poople every day. Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General. And it’s working so well. Mindless stupid ass bleating sheeple.