
Good point, Coop. I need to pay more attention to masonic stuff in the future.

I hate all these lying scumbags. It’s not enough to do a catchy anti-gun ad on a Monday and that’s it we literally need to brainwash poople every day. Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General. And it’s working so well. Mindless stupid ass bleating sheeple.

Bla bla bla, same crock of horse manure, now the subway, next your home. The Communists have taken over the country. A coup by stealth.

I thought that at first too, but after watching about 2 dozen hours of her work, I am not so optimistic anymore.

Slogans. Grand illusions. MAGA. Yes We Can! Hope and Change. Four more years. No new taxes. I did not have sex with that woman. (OK, not a slogan, but Clinton is such a scumbag.) We live in a Truman show. Once you integrate this deeply into your mind, you will hear and see that everything on the Tee Vee is a big and highly sophisticated psyop. Minute by are being brainwashed. Just turn the damn thing off and go make something, or grow something, or fix something, talk to your family, or go understand, right?

You are not the first person to speculate on that. There is more than one Hildebeast, more than one Joe, and I have determined there is more than one Don. And one of them is very different. Keep observing. It’s enlightening.

I would like to add, the girl in pink looks like another species or an alien or something worse.

They let all the lunatics out of the prisons. They let all the criminals from other countries in the cities. They de-funded and dismantled the local police. And now, only now, they feel threatened out in the community? Really? And the only answer is to employ federally controlled military "police"? Really? I feel so very alone in my tiny common sense world. No one else seems to notice, care, or see the obvious manipulation. Fools taking us all with them

All staged imo, duping delights by the reporter, cellphone images allegedly taken shows nothing, much emphasis in another video covering the same staged shooting was of a 32 year old (2x3 = 33) and a 36 year old 3x6 =18 or 666, and they made sure to repeat it 3 times.


Yet more scrawny feminazi media witches spewing their scripted lies. ALL designed to bring in their satanic 666 "global" tyranny.

Does anyone get as fed up and peed off by the scrawny filthy feminazi dominated media witches as I do ?

How is this even allowed to happen? Wild West is upon us.

She is refering to killing off whites. You know this because not only of Obama but of Biden saying if you dont vote for him you aint black and repeating it with you aint black enough. The jews have set it up as democrats black and republicans white. Te jews have set this election up too in order to ignite the race war they want. They tried before in the last several elections, The race card against the trump card. They realized the great american melting pot was not hot enough yet so the put biden in office to biden their time. Now its on again.

Yep them lying beatches want armed guards on every street corner and every city and state line. Fk them. Lying sack of shit skips all the detail.s covering for the illegals. Question is how did the ragheads get past the national guards doing bag checks with their 911 box cutters and same for big guy with the gun.

The cops and media twisted this all around covering for the illegals. The illegals started it talking racist crap about blacks. Big dude said it. Big dude then make comments in regards to the illegals beating up the cops taking up for his city. The illegal guy pulled a blade as he stood up, they danced around and the big dude beat his arse and took his knife from him. While whipping the illegals arse the female illegal stabs big guy in the back clear as day. You see her back off and put the knife away. Big guy strips the knife from the boy illegal before he lets him up yelling about her stabbing him. She yells twice i didnt do nothing. (they never do nuffin) He throws the knife on the bench by his jacket that he took from the illegal and breaks his piece out. He then trys to approach the girl to shoot or intimidate even trying to go around the illegal. I give him credit cause i would have just starting shooting both of them.Thats where he fked up if he really did get shot in the head. I support the big dude on this one. Fk the illegals. You can clearly hear the cops omitting critical parts to the story as well as the news. Apparently the cops and media are blinder than Ray Charles.

Awsome info F. In addition to the video, I believe, as attained while i was a federal nuclear elec/elex work leader employee, that the guy he mentioned who got his head blown off kennedy was that he was going to abolish the federal reserve. Note he was the last one to direct the printing of US Notes (1963) in his attempt to abolish the FR. 1963, last year of US Notes in mass circulation. Too many printed to hide this fact. There is proof that there was a $100 US Note printed in 1966 in limited quantities as part of the coverup. Nothing since.

You mean that ding dong Laura Ingram, who always has that same clueless look as Tucker Carlson? I don’t know, I don’t know. The lights aren’t on AND nobody’s home.

And so the masses fell for it hook line and sinker. So now they are all sterilized. Largest test ever conducted in human history. What else do these bio weapons do? Strokes heart attacks turbo cancer. Not to forget to mention now DNA has changed. Homo Borg geniuses. They are no longer human. Human2.0. Cyborgs with mac addresses and a computer attached to their brains. Oh Not so nice of them. About our health ? Ha I don’t think so.. The greatest crime in human history. I would not want to be in their shoes on Judgement day. Peace and love Stay Strong Keep the Faith and receive your Crown. To him who overcomes I will give him a White Stone and a NewName.Yahuah bless.Hope to see you on the other side..

Just the fact there is a full story line with video from start to finish is suspect.