
People still listen to Richie?!?!? Wow.

Your message couldn’t be delivered to Their inbox is full, or it’s getting too much mail right now.rnrnI am trying via Twitter but I would like to chat with him. Cheers

Word. Email sent. Thanks!

Conversely, do not fall for the virus vs. no-virus trick. This is an engineered bioweapon manufactured in a lab. It can’t be isolated as a virus because it is only a strand of messenger RNA proteins. The psyop was put in place when they initially called it a ’virus’ (which actually was just the yearly flu) leading everyone down that rabbit hole. We need to concentrate on what they tricked us into taking. Some are reporting there is NO RNA in them...which would refute the entire anti-body immunity story but is this true. Whatever severely sickened all those people by transmission is anybody’s guess. They got 2/3rds to take something without even knowing what it was. That is what the whole thing was about.

Email: -

A very good observation. This whole story stinks of corruption. A little common sense goes a long way against everyone involved. Thanks for your insightful comment.

Does anyone have a contact email for Ricardo?

Call me a paranoid conspiracy nut . But ,was there something strange about that IDF soldier`s eyes ? . Or maybe I`m just suffering a severe bout of David Ickeitus.

Big thing is which side wants peace and which side does not want peace. In Jan 2000 they fked with me and sent me on a trip to Portsmouth NH. They got me started talking about geo-politics. I boldly stated the key to world peace was Love and Understanding. The response was unbearable as I was made out to be the bad guy. That lead to a bunch of other mess. One side wants peace the other does not.

There was also an incident in Japan way back late 90s whereas they sent over 150 kids into convulsions and stuff in a computer lab.

I’m not so sure about own brother still thinks terrorists attacked us on 911, people lost limbs in Boston, 20 children were killed at Shady Hook, is fully jabbed, and fell for, supported, and drove 300 miles to see this asshole Trump.

You know why? Try and purchase test equipment that lets you view frame by frame of any recorded visual media. You can’t. Generally speaking the human eye can see images between about 50 and 100 Hz. Don’t get this confused with Frames Per Second, yet. Therefore the subliminal images are actually light processed/transmitted at much higher frequencies so we don’t see them. These higher frequencies hit us in the temporal lobe. Back to FPS. Legacy analog transmission (NTSC encoding system) was like, don’t quote me, sub 50 FPS and the digital FPS is well over a hundred. When they converted from analog to digital transmission of media signals after 911 they made sure to remove access to such frame by frame test equipment from the public. Same thing with audio analysis equipment and signal generators below 30 Hz. In fact, they took HALDOL off the market because it slows down your mental processing to where you could see a lot of the subliminal manipulation. You can experiment on yourself by getting yourself to a null meditative state and then look at a recorded media or even a still photograph for that matter and look within yourself for your biological response. Here is something else you can do. Scan your printed photos into your computer and then run OCR (Optimal Character Recognition) software (if you can still find it) and see what you find. Ever heard the story of the brown note? They hit upon a specific audio frequency in a movie theatre that made most of the audience crap their pants. I have it written down somewhere in case i ever find a sub 30 Hz generator or take the initiative to build one, which i highly doubt. It’s a whole lot more involved so that’s the basics in this nutshell. ;) Hope they don’t kill me for this however they should not have tricked me and then turned their backs on me. Fk em.

nice work, I’ve filed it for future refs

Never noou this kipper was a Mushtaffee? Never noou he woz a virologist either? For an Xpert ball player he sure gets about with his clueless nonsense.

I’m certain that selling mRNA’s is akin to selling bullets, some will kill

More Babylonian pagan culture, never ends does it?

way to tidy to be storm damage, next?

lol just think back in the 50’s buying a Ford, GM, Chryler or some other US brand was a zero choice matter, the rest of the world had been blown to bits. Now we have comp again Boeing could soon be a piece of history

""vaccines are Magic’’ instantly takes a massive swallow lol

way too much looney stuff in this world, just eat real food and manage the self abuse part of life. People pushing ideas who are clueless to the gut micro life forms are bad news to everyone.