
You’d have to be a teapot without a spout to swallow anything Mrs Yates gobs out. Waning immunity is 100% no thrills Gold standard BS

God damn kikes

This is so evil. Pray people and try to stay away from hospitals and pharmaceuticals. I also read a NASA war document about their plans for train derailments, poisoning the water and putting nano in vitamins, specially the ones that are made in labs in China. Stay safe out there.

It’s incredible how Google will feed you ads about something you were thinking about searching on.

A big problem that is easy to overlook is that the Calif Hwy Ptrl has been deployed against its actual duty -- patrolling highways. It is either an overreach to use these guys to capture thieves or these were the only people they could get to trick the public on this task. We have sheriffs who actually are selected by the voting process and given jurisdiction over their respective counties as the top law officials.

A MUST WATCH < LISTEN! Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery!- 1940 PT1-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 2- 4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 3-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 4-4

A MUST WATCH < LISTEN! Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery!- 1940 PT1-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 2- 4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 3-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 4-4

A MUST WATCH < LISTEN! Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery!- 1940 PT1-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 2- 4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 3-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 4-4

A MUST WATCH < LISTEN! Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery!- 1940 PT1-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 2- 4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 3-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 4-4

A MUST WATCH < LISTEN! Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery!- 1940 PT1-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 2- 4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 3-4 Fr. Coughlin Exposes the Federal Reserve- it -thrives on misery! 1940- PART 4-4

Their concern for the public is heartwarming. We’ll have to keep an eye open, so we don’t miss anything.

99% of the people got drugged for their “delusions” and it almost killed some of those people. There were only two of us that weren’t poisoned.

I could tell some stories, but they would all be true. I must be nuttier than a fruitcake.

The first time they sent me to the nuthouse I broke down every shooting I saw on TV. That’s why I was incompetent. The second time they sent me there. I made tiny house floor plans and didn’t talk to the TV and tell the truth. That’s the only reason I got out.

I like how you think and I wish it would’ve happened.

Sounds good to me!

Awesome! Fight on for truth! Thanks for sharing ! Yah Bless!

Sounds like it’s either an inside job/scam, or more likely a Media/Establishment Projection, making the introduction of more draconian practices and policies less unpalatable to the public.. There’s been a lot of media focus on "shop lifting" lately, usually a sign they have something nasty planned for "us" or they are covering for something else..

u can subscribe to a private carrier membership that is without the ticket boarding devices so far as ur complements make ur intent known to the captain by a superior Search protocol that voids that customer Safety screening devices: ur baggage or freight would be assessed by the crew directly, not the terminal, and u would be read into law concerning emergency matters that retain ur competency among crew in a hostile event: thankyou for ur concern, citizen, would you like to know more?

u all got it all wrong. these are proper deployments and employments protecting all past, present, and future interests.. is that DOOM3 UNION AEROSPACE CORPORATION logo i see or is my imagination getting the best of me, but isn’t it just like what video games people were being raised upon if not the same dystopian dialect of Shakespear’s Francis Bacon bleating through those turnstyles? Diversity of citizenship makes this possible by the United States over those in treaty where America hasnt established itself; occupational awareness has made this a U.S. city until u Administratively express ur regulatory or judicial nominations: some ive known already play with their LLC and private mailbox this way, but u don’t always need to acquire the services of speculative safety measures if ur employment doesn’t aggregate the economy and risk in that vicinity: u could compete with a rideshare protocol. After-all, i don’t see those crew members of that safety task force searching eathother, but what happens when their customers all wear a contrary uniform and post security clearances to provide for their own measures?