
Our "beloved "police FORCE !!. Not only does the whole staged event NOT pass the smell test. He comes out with this insulting ( to all those who suffered under their tyrannical bastard Stasi ) narrative. Truly amazing and speedy "miraculous" recovery . All he has to do to silence we sceptics is take the damn tea cosy off.

Yeah Josey ,same here in Scotland. ALL our forests are either dead or in the process of going belly up. And lets not forget our Sun blocking filthy grey/brown skies.. Wouldn`t it be nice to meet up with some of these flying turds in a quiet out of the way place .To "voice" our concerns .

MAN !!! How I thank God I grew up in a FAR simpler and better world. Talk about wading through treacle .

Ukrainians are fucking animals

Vaccines are the cause of much sickness and disease. Do some research into that. There is much on this sight 153. The bible calls them plages or pestelencs. A large portion of mankind is to die from these plages. And what do we see? A large number will Die in the soon conning WW3. I would expect. I think most of us know right from wrong. We all have heard of the Golden rule. Treat others the way we would like to be treated. Is that too much for us too do? Might be. The desire to sin is in US but we must overcome. So to give a direct answer to what is a vaccine. Kill Shot BioWeapon. Think you already know.. Best regards to you. May Yahuah continue to lead you and I hope we can both make it..

Big food and big Pharma working together to make us sick and then to be treated with drugs.

I tell idiots all the time that Jews at the CDC who believe that it is OK for a Jew to kill a non Jew are the ones developing vaccines for their Goy children.

Disgusting, isn’t it? Rotten Bastards, one and all.

Very Nice!!

The same thing can be said about the earth being a round space ship traviling around the sun at 66,000 mph. And all the organised religions that Lie to their congregations.. Christianity claiming to follow. The Bible but don’t. The follow Babalonian Sun Worship. Church comes from Churchie the goddesses of witchcraft got most the world under its God spell. The creator is not called God that is the mighty one of fortunern Certain old dictionaries will tell you this. That’s not the creators name. His name is Yahuah. His sons name is Yahusha not Jesus. Most of the world is following the Man of sin the lawless one. And what do you think the Churches teach? Lawlessness. And don’t get tricked into believing any different. They all say Jesus forfilled the law so we don’t have to. What a load of rubbish. Study these concepts out for yourself. Let no man deceive you or steel your Crown. Yahuah Bless with eyes to see and ears to hear. Much love to you all. Truthers love truth? Smiles

Hey, wait a damn minute here, I have questions too! Do I get a higher credit score if I don’t own a TIKI Torch? ?

Having trouble advancing above the 3rd grade? We can help you! BAM! you’ve passed! Can’t read that Racist and heavily biased job application? BAM! we’ve put it in pictures on a tablet, for your convenience, in an all-out effort to combat (white) supremacy and racism.

8 months or so later. Still no Justice. How can they get away with murder? Any rational person with half a brain can see this was DEW.. Houses and Cars and boats out in the ocean gone with trees untuched!! Unbelievable what they can get away with. Not to forget to mention having our sky and air we breath. Poisoned practically 24 seven. Wow how blind the sleeping sheep are..

I want to travel but they don’t want us driving, will it help me to buy a car ?

The entire food system is corrupted just like everything else, unless you live on a farm that doesn’t use pesticides or herbicides like glyphosate in your fields, the only other thing you need to be concerned about Is is the toxins and nano particles falling from the sky due to chemtrail spraying.

Misunderstanding. The Zionist element have always supported the Muslim domestic terrorists because they want all the Jews to go to Israel to fulfill the endtimes prophesies. So the Dem leadership have to pretend they do not want anti semitism. When the Jews are driven to Israel, the Dems will turn the Muslims and rainbow coalition against the remainder of the whites in America in a civil war. A mirror of the Lebanon civil war which was the left and Muslims against the Christians. It has all been gamed out, and they are just running through the storyboard. Obviously the Republicans including Trump are also owned by the Zionists, so they just pretend to oppose all this whilst in reality doing nothing effective about it. People like Pence and the religious right actually also want the end times. It is like watching lemmings heading over a cliff.

THEY PUT THE SHAH IN POWER < HE BECAME TOO REBELLIOUS < TOO POWERFUL < TOO JEW WISE AND WAS OUSTED !! Shah of Iran on the power of the ’Jewish Lobby’ (60 Minutes interview by Mike Wallace) MIKE WALLACE WAS A JEW< Wallace, whose family’s surname was originally Wallik, was born on May 9, 1918, in Brookline, Massachusetts, to Russian Jewish immigrant parents.[5][6] He identified as Jewish and claimed it was his ethnicity (instead of religion) throughout his life. THREE YEAR LATER AFTER THE "REVOLUTION" (COUP < PUPPET CHANGE ) HE WAS INTERVIEWING THEIR NEW AGENT < KHOMEINI

What about we the people has the option to use currency of the nations that have the lowest debts? Not the US, not Canada.

America Mystery Babylon, run by Jews. Beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils, and will scourge you in their Synagogues..... Mathew 10:17