
Click on the link in the description and learn more about this woman. She has been exposing Israel’s follies for many years.

Please be more specific.

The jews are the bank & propaganda managers and ministers of the overarching death system that is in place. The very top of the pyramid is likely in Switzerland. Ya know.. the so-called "neutral" nation (which is a great cover narrative btw).rnWhen the time comes, the jews will get the bullet, along with all the other high ranking generals. This is how it always happens throughout history. D Trump will be no exception. rn

maybe you are batman? jason is commissar gordon?

its a love train

Your friend’s insticts to maintain their own bloodlines have kicked in. They see the truth, they know whats coming, and their response is to hurry up and build the most powerful and valuable structure known to man.... the family unit. The holy trinity in man, Father, Mother, Son/Daughter.rnSo you’re asking wtf he’s doing, he’s doing what anyone would do when backed into a corner. Trying to rebuild. He may not know it, but that’s what it is. It’s from a place of divine impulse that we feel the need to mate and bring life into this world. To be the kings of our own kingdom of moral godliness and love and security.rn

your commentary is art. you have a high intellect. this should be on pbs.

You could look at it like this... those prisoners had the free will when they commited the crimes, right? Which landed them in jail... where they were forced to vax. So in a sense they got the jab through free will actions.

Death cult leaders and KoolAid pushers. Those that fell for the fear fraud found the safest place in the world - a casket six feet underground. Nothing can touch you there...100% effective.

They want to pass laws prohibiting us from criticizing anything about them. What does this mean? It means they can do whatever they want without any disagreement with their actions. I guess this will not sink into the cement minds of the fat, dumb, and happy until they come and take them away - and nobody else is permitted to say a thing about it.


Thumb up.. To your comment!

That’s what I have been saying for a long time too. Raw milk is bad so it’s no not so I drink it! Eggs are bad so I eat them. Salt is bad so I eat a ton of salt on everything. Himalayan pink salt or redmens salt. Nicotine is bad don’t smoke so I smoke a pipe.. You are right! Do the opposite of what they say you probably will not miss it by much! Heard their nicotine receptors in the brain. Some say we need nicotine. Also heard don’t know if true.logic tells me it probably is. The nanno Aluminum million tons they spray on us. Us much like smoke and can be absorbed by those same nicotine receptors in the brain causing dementa,memory loss. Supposedly nicotine helps prevent that. They want us dead yes we bettèr follow all their loving advice. NOT Yahuah bless

Bang on the money. The masonic muppet haha

i know alot of people are more awake hear than on other sites, so i aint refiring to you, just sharing asi have also uploaded it to bitchute. so i aint insulting any of you.

Lets keep 153 up for a couple more months at least. I’ve made a few donations this year and I barely visit here and barely have any money. I’ve been putting off getting a real job because I’ve been betting on everything crashing pretty soon so why bother working. rnrnMost of my friends are like me and know whats going on but they are lazy and in denial and do no prepping or think we still have years left. I’m positive my one buddy is afraid to prep or say anything around his wife. I heckle him about it but he’ll then ignore me for weeks or months. I have other friends that say stuff like ’everything you’ve ever predicted is coming true’ but they do nothing. My one friend tells everyone how all my predictions come true but he’s obsessed with finding a new girlfriend because his wife left him last year. Dude has 3 mustangs and just bought another one. I tell him he’s retarded but he’s obsessed with not being alone. rnrnMy one friend has been staying with me on and off for the past 6 months. He sees my whole life is dedicated to prepping and Bible study but he is obsessed with not being alone also. He’s told me at least 4 times God just hooked him up with the girl of his dreams and within days/weeks they quit talking to him or just use him. He was going to fly to Dubai to meet a some girl and bought a ticket and then she quit talking to him. I tell them theyre clowns, and fools, and betas and it doesn’t even phase them. Its like these guys have some kind of retard gene even when they see and know the truth. I’m sure its demons but they definitely can’t handle the demon discussion. rnrnThats my rant for the day, hopefully it makes you laugh. God Bless

I read somewhere that tens unit could deactivate. Here it is, ’HOW TO NEUTRALIZE THE NANO STRUCTURES: Use a TENs Unit . 2 sessions for 6 Min EACH on high power/ and mid level frequency . 1 pad on your scalp and 1 on each toe( meaning Session 1: scalp+ left toe, then Session 2: scalp and right toe. I heard it works! The structures have no shielding!’

This kind of information would never get posted on ScrewTube 153News is a beacon of light to the rest of the World, please help her to keep that light shining.

FUCK Israhell, all Israeli’s and all their shabbos goy helpers.

dance with the devil and find out what happens