
The Herdsmen look at the goyim as cattle just dumb beasts to be herded around 13. Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts." 14. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." 15. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

These guys started out as herdsmen and they still are. I’ve always had some hope like on the baaaack burner that the sheep would wake up I think they are going to have to have some Shock Treatments to jolt them awake

A few Billion here a few more here and pretty soon POOF

But the point is Trump CLAIMED to be the Father of the vaccine and he pushed itrnTrump makes those claims right rnhere

ELSA EINSTEIN AND ALBERT EINSTEIN WERE COUSINS Their mothers were sisters, thus making them maternal first cousins. The couple were also paternal second cousins (i.e. their fathers were first cousins).


My video from a few days ago goes a long way in describing the reason for such an uproar from the college miseducated. They are usually quite in line with the establishment. This offers some clues.rn

Good message on seeing the hypocrisy. Except it’s going on on both sides. I had to turn off fox business recently because the pandering towards Israel and the hatred for the people who support Palestine, especially the ones on college campuses, was sickening.

Einstein was an imbecile according to his school teachers. He worked at a patent office later on stealing patents for the Elite, and because of his ties to the Elite, they used him as "the smartest person on the planet", as a form of mockery against the public. He was basically an inside joke, with all his pseudo-science produced by professionals behind the scenes.

No one is cheerleading, you are not correct.

This is the guy GShock uses to attempt to prove his ball earth. My mother told me Einstein was so smart he didn’t know how to tie his shoes. I grew up thinking that brilliance was such that the smartest people in the world couldn’t do the basics. All of these guys are freemason brothers lying lying lying.

It’s good to see there is some major resistance this time around. It’s also pleasing to watch the overreaching fools displaying their antisemitism banners. It’s not working this time. Of course, the media doesn’t ask, nor far too many of the brainwashed, how being against genocide of anyone, can be interpreted as antisemitism.

Killing (MURDERING) is totally exceptable and just, it just depends on who is doing the the killing and who it’s being done to, and my thoughts about this is racist according to the status quo

Seems the nukba has never ended till their entire race is destroyed!

So many people don’t understand what our government is doing to it’s citizens, Thanks for trying to help them understand.

Wow, he wasn’t a genius after all, ha ha ha.

Our "beloved "police FORCE !!. Not only does the whole staged event NOT pass the smell test. He comes out with this insulting ( to all those who suffered under their tyrannical bastard Stasi ) narrative. Truly amazing and speedy "miraculous" recovery . All he has to do to silence we sceptics is take the damn tea cosy off.

Yeah Josey ,same here in Scotland. ALL our forests are either dead or in the process of going belly up. And lets not forget our Sun blocking filthy grey/brown skies.. Wouldn`t it be nice to meet up with some of these flying turds in a quiet out of the way place .To "voice" our concerns .

MAN !!! How I thank God I grew up in a FAR simpler and better world. Talk about wading through treacle .