
FUCK Israhell, all Israeli’s and all their shabbos goy helpers.

dance with the devil and find out what happens

Good idea, I’ll download it. Thanks Jason. It seems to be downloading alright.

Using Elon’s Starlink system I can get only 100k a second to Lately I have had to download the videos and watch them offline. If you are using Elon’s crap, it’s definitely rate limited. That might be the new game, crush the net speed. Even on ghetto jungle Internet it wasn’t nearly as bad as this.

I’ve been having problems watching 153 in Australia, the videos don’t stream properly, they start and stop. It’s been happening for about a week or so, even though the signal is strong. I don’t think they want us watching.

Anyone dumb enough to believe that these scumbags want you to live a long healthy, cancer-free life deserves the magic potion. If you want to live , do exactly the opposite of their bullshit.

He rejected them because they rejected knowledge. People who have rejected truth have been given over to believe the Lie. I know someone who was incarcerated during the lockdown. He refused the shot and was sent to the hole.

Hey brother, I think you should see your name at the top. Thanks brother!

Jason I sent $5 on cash app. Is their a way I can Verify I did it right so I can send more. I would like to make sure it went to you first. I am new at this!

Are you serious? that’s what the immune system was designed to do.

Filthy elite scum.

For some this is just a place to drop in occasionally to make a comment, for many others we’ve made it our home, please donate to 153News to keep the uncensored truth alive.

I have been going over a lot of died suddenly on and saw there were 6 prisoners in that list, and I don’t know for sure but in the past, I found that they were forced vaxxed in the jails and prisons, I do believe in the MAC addresses’ and uncategorized Bluetooth and that these people have become cyborgs because I have seen evidence of these on Wiggle Wi-Fi as I’m out and about, but I’m still skeptical as to whether this is the actual mark spoken of in Revelation as there have been many that have been forced vaccinated, and according to scripture as I understand it, it has to be freely (free will) in order to qualify. In Revelation it also mentions those that were beheaded for the word of God, and that those that refused the mark would be beheaded as well, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated on this Jason, and anyone else that would like to weigh in.

Jarrett K ) - standing up what like this -

Appreciate all what you have said

Thank you Jason. Much love buddy.

Great video, Austin is one of the best. The whole globe model is the biggest deception played on man. Science is a religion. You are 100% correct. They’re trying their hardest to hide our creator. And also there aren’t any flat earthers that took the vaccine. That alone should give them some sort of respect from the sheep. Love the channel


Ugly, man-faced women do exist though, come to my town, I’ll show you, they’re not a rarity in the UK.

I was thinking along the same lines. Why would anyone volunteer to be a guni pig experiment?