
This family must be vaxed to the max.

Purdy Country! Leave the City Behind !

Gary, I forget her name, but the one dressed in white appears to be suffering from Parkinson’s disease. In fact, they all appear to have a cognitive disorder of some type. The really sad part of modern election cycles is that they maintain very close polling in the range of 51-49, completely incompatible with reality. so, the outcome can be more easily manipulated. throw in a third candidate. and the scam becomes even more interesting. Either way, we’re screwed.

what a bunch of lunatics

Thanks RBD3, I find this flat out bizarre! It’s one thing to dis RFK Jr. but to praise Joe Biden who can barely stand up is very unnerving. The entire family is so far removed from JFK and RFK it’s embarrassing. Talk about the apple falling miles away from the tree!

It’s odd that Jr’s sister seems to have a similar speech impediment, but the family’s overall cognitive disorder appears to be a much bigger problem. They all seem to lack common sense, as if taking a political stance is one of life’s absolute requirements. What an absolutely absurd speech. Her conclusion requires some really deep and longstanding delusion.

Well that’s 1/2 of it.rnrnThread starter is the one who uploaded my video, I pointed it to him which was ignored rnrnAll he has to do is say my bad but too much to ask I guess.

Link added. Thanks.

Thank you my friend!

Joe Biden is just playing a part as bumbling as he may seem, he knows exactly what he is doing, the destruction of America is happening before your very eyes, and he and his handlers are right on schedule.

That’s what you get for pumping and dumping shitcoins.

JB has to be the worst POTUS ever. Even worse than Jimmy Carter. I can’t say I like DJT either, but at least the guy can get date/place/time correctly unlike Mr. Dementia. This buffoon is an embarrassment after every word out of his mouth. And people adore him! Sometimes I wonder how other people’s minds work. I guess that if I could read minds, I would find a remote island and live as a hermit. How anyone can defend this idiot is beyond my ability to understand.

AAron Rodgers speaks way too much truth. They have to find a way to discredit him with hit pieces so the sheeple will think he’s nuts and won’t take him seriously.

Even if I didn’t pause the video to see there was NO KNIFE...................I would still conclude this was BS by all the coverage this story is getting and how they need more control of the masses = more lost rights.

Welcome to the party, now check out "The Spanish Flu," same thing, only Fauci (the sickle/symbol of death) wasn’t around then, but his family was, no doubt........

YE felt a bit like that myself, as i’m still raw, just buried my x missuses dog, well one of, now she has 4, all good having but losing is rips you up, thanks for your honesty, many dont like to swallow pride, you know what i mean, a man thing.

Yes, I did notice that the attacker was using an invisible knife.

It goes way back to The Beatles in Yellow Submarine and before where they hold up the 666 and Devil’s Hand and even the Masonic Hidden Hand, and of course Aleister Crowley on Sgt Pepper’s Album. The good Professor likes to discount all the evidence, I did too, it’s hard to let go of your idols.

hearing about Lucy made me cry.

I suspect that some think they should give an emotional vote on the content of the video, opposed to the video’s relevance to. revealing truth. Hey, what do I know, maybe they don’t like you, CJ,…?