
Part 3. I have tons of shit on this Amtrack Hoax and some on the 2015 Fake Amtrack crash too! People need to start calling these public servants and reporters and ask common sense questions! These fuqs don’t get anything but praise, and rewards for participating in those hoaxes, so they need to answer the awake public’s hard questions and provide some damn answers to these problems and holes! It’s bullshit! When they pulled Waco biker hoax, I called tx state trooper over media! He didn’t deny it was a drill, but he wouldn’t say it was real either! A nice call goes a long way

part 2: so after she ignore that part of my question and tells me her media people searches are way better, I found out he was tied to this sick Seattle play company and did rocky horror skit! I searched their Facebook, and found the ugly mug of the Satanist they used for the younger willhoite identity and fake death! I emailed the bitch back and told her that she shouldn’t have ignore the pic question cause it made me find the satanist who is in her photos!

This was the best Christmas gift EVER! I love these 2! They are doing what every one should be doing, and we’d nip this shit! I just questioned a reporter on the alleged death of willhote in the Amtrack Hoax! They created a much younger identity, so there were two identity on people searches with about a 40 yr age difference! The pic they showed of this dead 35 yr old from 2005,looked like a 45 yo man from over 12 yrs back? As soon as I questioned her photo and the age he was in that pic, and why there were 2 identities on this guy, she totally ignored the glaring problem that he wasn’t 22 in 2005

Eerie and foreshadowing.

Just thought of something . DPS always ride solo. I have never seen two in one car. So what is the deal. Are they riding two to a car in Wilson County now?

Did the sheriff not just implicate himself in charity fraud? Even if he claims ignorance of the go fraud me accounts. Gotta love where he says they can’t chase you unless their ’marked’ and the 666 plate on the troopers car. Kind of says it all.

Gone are the good ol days, when you would have been cuffed, eating dirt and thrown in a cell. You would think they would go after the person who called in a false complaint. Obviously that is ok these days. Much like falsifying evidence, destroying evidence, bearing false witness to death, charity fraud, insurance fraud, stock market fraud and psychological terrorism.,-111.214663,5 if you study the ’scenery’ in the detailed maps of the world you will find many amazing things. And if you know some of the myths you have been taught like Adam and eve, genesis, Isis myths and Egyptian or even Aboriginal is full of myths that describe the Landscape like a road map. And the Landscape is made of decomposed giants. Look around and look for myth.

There could be no way those clowns were not aware of such a large scale drill in the area. Just like the military these guys are held to secrecy laws. You can see the wheels spinning in their head reading your flyer.

Video links:rn1984 can be found on thetrendsvideo channel here: pot calls the kettle black can be found on K74TV channel here:

I thought this was an excellent vid and I was bummed when it ended it was making great connections between myth and the symbolism they embed in everything, while never telling you what it means, only showing it to you hidden to mock us. There is a deeper secret going on. And it has to do with how myth is the Landscape itself.,-119.220002,4 look at the face in Oregon area. That is the Bohemian Grove Owl.

These comments crack me up! Much needed after dealing with these devils!

People are more emotional over losing goldfish, than the woman who claims she lost her children and grandchildren. The only evil thing she witnessed was the horde of gov’t and media rats that rolled into town. The cop looks like he don’t know whether to go for his gun or his handcuffs ’this guy got a camera he might be dangerous ’. He even puts his hand on his weapon while talking. Hats off to a real hero in Suckerland Springs, best to y’all in the New Year.

Absolutely brilliant . I’m pissing myself laughing at that . That deserves a thumbs up from anyone.

You missed the 666 on the microphones . Fox =6, then News 6 , then number 9 (6 upside down) . And yes the rest is all bullshit too . Nice one.

Ignore him!!!!

That should have never been allowed on a license plate , blew my mind , it was like Satan himself was watching over that town and they were there immediately in a very remote town , coincidence my ass ...

Exactly and neither have we in our many hours of undercover footage , not one real emotion of sorrow .

Musicians are gone and now the services are being held in the new portable buildings donated by a generous Jewish donor . Seems like everyone in all the prerecorded sermons has vanished , haven’t seen any survivors return yet just Steve the "hero" but nobody that was supposedly there that day and lived . The big circus tent is gone but the chapel is open daily for the tourists where donations are very much expected . Photos by permission only , now that’s a laugh ...

Another one we need to put up against a wall .