
Side Thorn. Do you know if those same musicians are up at the front now in their services or are they gone now?

I keep forgetting that when you post return it automatically post. But what I was going to say on that video I posted. Ladies and gentlemen. This is what real emotional pain looks like when you lose a loved one. I have not seen this one time in Sutherland Springs. Not once.

Mark of the beast on DPS vehicles. How far have they have fallen and don’t even know it . I suspect that is the new license plate for dps cars. I will look at that the next time I see one. I mean good grief. Don’t these people see that?

I tried to click on thumbs up, but NO response.....

Dr. William Mount was right, it was NOT a concrete obstruction that derailed the train, but a bomb, which caused the SPLITTING of the train into two sections. Check his site. Another false-flag.....

We hate the BBC . Well those who woke up . Thumbs up from the UK .

Absolutely first class !!

Lower taxes for the rich and pardon a filthy Jewish mobster ,and all in time for the holidays.

LOL! I’m starting to think it was a deliberate act or something like that.

Thanks Russ to another warrior fighting these filthy Reszneki trolls every single day , stay strong !!

Thanks brother for all you do , they should never pull this shit in our front yards , what do they expect ?!

No more color from a box for this fashionista !

Thanks so much , just one of these needs to fall and they should have never pulled this garbage in our "neighborhood" , they should have expected this result . Have a great weekend !

No doubt , they should seek a better way to making a living than lying to their neighbors , family and friends !

Thanks and yes they sure showed that to us also , he knew the truth and the Sheriff Deputy surely knew . Thanks so much for your support !

No doubt and you can see how many locals are "on call" also , very truth unfriendly environment .

Thanks so much and yes it was so strange to see so many people "run" from the thought of $50,000 cash ! Liars all .

Thanks and yes , where the hell is Alex ?! He did send one of his reporters to the vigil the first night promoting the official story and she did nothing but give us dirty looks the entire time ! Looosers for sure . Have a great weekend