
Bottom line, truthers aren’t wasting time attacking people helping to expose the truth! I don’t like Monty!ontagraph because I think he’s controlled opposition, but nobody should be wasting hours of time making attack videos because we have bigger and more obvious shit that we should be exposing! From the shooting hoaxes, to the fake Isis attacks, to the fake California Turpin family and this stupid Amtrak hoax! Truthers should not be coming down to the level of trolls when it comes to anyone that has had some good videos exposing the fraud! We have bigger frauds to expose! It keeps us distracted and we need to stay focused on the bullshit they are feeding the masses and crimes these sick satanic bitches are getting away with!

The girl has not clue who her mom is talking about, that’s why the little girl isn’t upset. That girl is old enough to understand what’s going on if her dad died! That girl doesn’t act like she has a dad that just died! It’s suchbullshit! My husband had a stroke and thankfully was very mild and he will have a full recovery, but I had more tears with just the thought of what I’d do if I lost my kids dadD,

The girl has not clue who her mom is talking about, that’s why the little girl isn’t upset. That girl is old enough to understand what’s going on if her dad died! That girl doesn’t act like she has a dad that just died! It’s suchbullshit! My husband had a stroke and thankfully was very mild and he will have a full recovery, but I had more tears with just the thought of what I’d do if I lost my kids dadD,

The girl has not clue who her mom is talking about, that’s why the little girl isn’t upset. That girl is old enough to understand what’s going on if her dad died! That girl doesn’t act like she has a dad that just died! It’s suchbullshit! My husband had a stroke and thankfully was very mild and he will have a full recovery, but I had more tears with just the thought of what I’d do if I lost my kids dadD,

Great video Donna! Thanks.

To Side Thorn! Is the title: Alex Jones Secret Studio Found (8 min 48 sec) – I have the video. If you want I can get it up on 153 on YOUR channel. Just tell me.

Class !

Thank you Henry for uploading this. I have listen the first 15 minutes, I listen to the rest when I going to work, it take me 50 minutes to walk, so this video be perfect for this.rn

I don’t know the shape of the earth, but I at least know that it’s not a spinning ball.

I don’t agree with you, this is the biggest LIE!

Yes, Sutherland Springs TX Massacre Fund was created the SAME DAY. That’s the first thing you do when 26 people get killed?? Unbelievable. + 8 people in the same family died, and the girl that survive doing a video on Facebook talking about her boobs. And guess what, it was 7 GoFundMe accounts left, but the song ended so I don’t even have all accounts in the video. No place for the last 7 accounts, but I think people get my point anyway.

We just need to keep the heat on, and get this website blasted all over the internet and posted on Truck stop bulletin boards! I got fed up with losing all the good Truthers on YT, and so I decided that I’m going to help in the battle for truth too! If they want to silence, then I’m going to join those that our speaking out!

I know! Only one in the sky, and they just happen to angle the camera to get that in the view! More coincidences, heh! rnI love the debris that shows up at his phony car rollover stunt, that I vaguely remembered when it hit the national news. Just more damn proof this guy is part of these fuqing hoaxes!

Like Fetzer use to say: ’United States of Israel’

Yes, here you have THE REAL VICTIMS – the people that believe that this shooting is real and put in money to this scammers. This is fraud, they should all end up in prison! Funny, on the third GoFundMe page, it’s written: ’BEWARE OF FRAUD ASK QUESTIONS’. What a joke!

Absolutely correct, I guess that they borrow people from other cities. Same with Sandy Hook, many people who live there have never seen these parents that they watched on television (crisis actors). Yes, Suzi/suzy creamcheez has point out that: ’Not one witness to the shooting has a Texas accent. Not one. I GUESS EVERYONE IN SUTHERLAND SPRINGS MUST HAVE BEEN BRED AND BORN IN CHICAGO RIGHT????????’. + I also put this it in my other video I, 20 min 30 sec in:

These liars and traitors...string em up

Fat Chem-trial at 1:27.

Fat Chem-trial at 1:27.

These actors have handlers. Any trouble, they call them. The fed won’t let these actors go off script. Or else....... I have to think these actors are chipped and as well as given fed issued phones and bank accts. These actors probably receive monthly payments for however long. The last thing the fed wants is a rich actor on the lam.