
To take his job . Door to door $100,000 REWARD fliers with a personal testimony on the Lockhart Balloon Hoax will follow . They do their job or the Sheriff and DA better find another racket to fuck over the taxpayers . The paid sellouts will do their job whether they like it or not . I dare them to cross us wrong , just one time ...

You got him worried when you mentioned Quail Run ( not familiar with the name). If he does call off. Flores, I doubt he would let you know. His dad Mike is probably shitting bricks when he found out you were actually at sheriff’s office. I just hope the DA files charges for you. What is your option if the DA turns down your case?

Right on brother , head on a swivel !

You got it brother !

Sidethorn, are you talking about Riverside church down the way on hwy 539? I noticed that "pastor " was there from the beginning running his head . Probably got money to sell us out.

Ha-ha-ha! Love these clowns who think that they are clever sleuths uncovering you guys. Keep up the great work.

Right on TheTruthIsSweet and yes Bill we have yet to see any of the survivors but have found connections to the other Baptist church in town where they are attending and most likely came from originally . It is the other church involved in the other hoax road accident that we drove up on using a training mannequin . That whole area is corrupt to the bone ...

These people are insane Side Thorn. Be careful brotherman...insane people do insane things! If we were in a patriotic country, the trees would be completely full...of bodies

Thanks so much Bruce , you know we will !

True idiots .

That’s our boy !

Thanks Bill for all the info ! And you can bet as soon as possible we are there for any meetup they desire !

Thanks so much , sure getting exciting with all the anonymous calls that just happen to roll in at 3:30 am ! Sellout scumbags all ...

Anytime , you are sure welcome to join us and hell yes getting real justice is very fun !

Thanks so much for the info ! No doubt a shill !

Get these son of bitches..Great job keep us posted.. here is jordan’s nitwit loser son lying about the situation.

Yeh truthissweet. I remember on the lisa beamer lady. the woman that allegedly lost her hubbie. the let’s roll guy. she went and bought this big huge house , where was it on the jersey shore or something. its been a while since i read about that. ha ha ha

Ken O’Keefe supports Willie Rodriguez bullshit story on 9/11. A shill is O’Keefe. Beware.

I think most GoFundMe donations are actually made up names distributing payoff funds. Do they share funds? No, because they never actually set up the accounts. The money received in total from all the GoFundMe accounts are split out to those involved based on possibly the role played. Jordan probably gets more than someone who only gave one article quote. That type of deal. Most definitely these actors receive a monthly payment instead of a lump sum to prevent idiotic spending by loco crisis actors. That is how Lisa Beamer (9/11) got caught by very expensive houses beyond her normal income.